i have had a repeating dream (night mare really) for a long time but it only occurs occasionally i first had it when i was little after watching ghost busters no less and at the time i was busy playing Luigi's mansion (the voice that said "Nintendo" at the beginning really creeped me out as well as most of the rest of the game) well anyway the dream starts of with me and the ghost busters in the subway tunnels as i am walking i look forward and see the ghost train go strait through me and i can see everyone on it and hear them screaming as i recollect myself now in the dark i begin to see the floating heads of the ghost busters (not in a good way there is blood dripping from them) so i start running as i am running i see a nickle on the ground which i go to pick up but now its a penny and im looking at it and it starts to float and the Abraham lincon on the penny starts to look very angry and stares at me right when it gets at head level and the floating heads caught up with me ( which now have no eyes are spinning around me and are somewhat chanting or screaming) the penny in a very loud voice says the "Nintendo" from the game and i immediately wake up i was just wondering if the dreams that you remember the most are the ones that repeat more? thanks for your time