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    1. #1
      Bringer of Jollity Fattoxthegreat's Avatar
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      Lightbulb Insane Theory of Consciousness' Interdependence

      I can tell you right off the bat, that the notion I have, though more than likely not original, is of such bizarre magnitude, that surely it must have sprung from years of heavy drug abuse, but I assure you, it was generated by a sober mind.

      A while ago, I had a night full of dreams so wild and vivid, it really got me to think more deeply about the power of the human mind. In one, I clearly remember being in a lake I frequent in my life during the summer, and a shark I distinguished as being a Great White came out from the deep and into the shallows. I wrestled with the shark for a bit and then I grabbed a knife, or some kind of remotely sharp object, and carved something VERY cryptic, and VERY specific into this animal's head.

      This is what it read: "C;i . i"
      Only the dot between the i's was in the middle like a multiplication dot.

      Now, this is where it gets interesting. What IF, this string of ASCII gibberish wasn't just that? What if this ACTUALLY meant something to my dream self, something vastly important to both of us only he's figured it out first and is trying to tell me something?...I mean, if you get a letter in the mail, big deal, but if you get yourself a god damn SHARK that has been carved into, something like that must be important!

      Now, I consider myself a man of science, and I know that the subconscious mind is nothing more than the collage of memories and sensory input from an entire lifetime of living and observation. But what if these pieces of information were like pieces of a puzzle that could be put together in a different way, achieving a far different result? I don't think it sounds too far fetched given all kinds of other insane, organic things observed in this universe.

      What do you think? Am I just looking too deep? Desperate to make something out of nothing? OR could there perhaps be something to this theory?

    2. #2
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      I don't think it's crazy, I think there is a science behind all of it. As far as I am concerned nothing is meaningless; the smallest change at the present could render the future completely different in my opinion.

      As far as that specific dream goes that you had...I've had a whole bunch like that. Recently I was having a vivid dream where it felt as real as waking life, I was hanging out with some friends and something came over me. I had to pick up a piece of paper and draw a map of where I was at that moment. I got so excited that I was able to write down where I was that I woke up in real life - but desperately wanted to fall back asleep so I could finish drawing it. I was able to put myself right back in the situation, and in the dream I asked my friend who I was with to help me finish with the street names. He couldn't remember all of them, but when I woke up I was able to remember "Dundas Lakeview" (which was supposedly the street I was on).

      The freaky part is, I just moved to Toronto and when I woke up in the morning I immediately went to my computer and google maps to see if what I remembered was real or not. It turns out "Lakeview" is off of "Dundas" and is an area I haven't been to (or can remember if I had). It's easy to assume that I had seen the intersection in passing, but I'm planning on going there to see if any of the area looks familiar from my dream.

      Anyways, I dig your theory and stand behind it completely.

    3. #3
      Bringer of Jollity Fattoxthegreat's Avatar
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      Cool, thanks for the reply. I actually had a really neat idea for a movie that has probably already been made. A man (or woman, these days it doesn't matter) has dreams ever so often, or regularly, whatever, wherein there is some obscure lettering or picture or something. Then, without them knowing at first, it turns out to be a warning of some impending disaster or happening from his or her dream self, which turns out is just a representation of an extrapolation of all information they've ever input and is actually the real, unavoidable future. Then they start to take notice of these odd warnings and I guess the movie can just go from there depending on other factors. But that's the underlying premise.

    4. #4
      Member sheogorath's Avatar
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      Nice! once i had a dream where i had a dog tag in my pocket. The stuff on i was "me" but it wasn't really me. It had other stuff on it but i cant remember exactly what it was. I know they where numbers though. One, i think but i am not sure was a death-date and the other was the name of the plane i was flying ( i was in the air force in this dream, and i think maybe i had crashed the plane?) I didn't put this into my DJ because just a few days ago i remembered it when i was thinking heavily about the dream, but the rest of the dream is there if you want to look at it.

      i searched "C;i · i" and all that came up was codes, so that was not that helpful
      Last edited by sheogorath; 10-25-2009 at 07:32 PM.

    5. #5
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      Why if it's of such dire importance is it given to you in the form of an incomprehensible bit of letters and punctuation? Why create this elaborate and bizzare little scenario instead of just telling you? It follows that if your own mind had some information it wanted to give itself, it'd communicate it in a way that could be understood. Doesn't it make slightly more sense to say that sometimes people have weird dreams that really just make no sense? Why do you think it could be important?

    6. #6
      Pistol Pete CanceledCzech's Avatar
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      Move this to Extended Discussion, please.

      __̴ı̴̴̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡̡.__

    7. #7
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      “There is no reason to believe that the limits of science are the limits of knowledge”

    8. #8
      Pistol Pete CanceledCzech's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by fruitbootnfool View Post
      “There is no reason to believe that the limits of science are the limits of knowledge”
      I agree. Which is precisely detest any sort of large debate. Especially if it's over the internet. Face to face is not so bad, but where it's on the net like a free-for-all, then god damn it, just choke me out already.

      __̴ı̴̴̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡̡.__

    9. #9
      Bringer of Jollity Fattoxthegreat's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by sheogorath View Post

      i searched "C;i · i" and all that came up was codes, so that was not that helpful
      That's what I find interesting. My life, and eventually my career throughout my life is and will be very deeply rooted in Computer Science and Technology and, within my mindset...

      And, for one to "move" a thread, does that just mean starting a copy thread and closing this one, or is there some build in thread tool I am unaware of?
      You give me a point in the 7th dimension, and I'll show a Bigfoot with purple fur baking, with molten air, a cake of cocaine topped with perpetual, flaming icing in an ice kitchen that's part of a hovering ice condominium society that orbits a volcano made of pound cake that spews kittens made of rainbows, consisting of 87 distinct colors, and bananas...

    10. #10
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      Quote Originally Posted by Fattoxthegreat View Post
      And, for one to "move" a thread, does that just mean starting a copy thread and closing this one, or is there some build in thread tool I am unaware of?
      No, that's something only mods, dream guides and administrators can do. You'd have to ask one of them to get it for you.

    11. #11
      Member 13redfan's Avatar
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      It could be (and I think this far more likely, if it means anything at all) that the symbol/formula/code doesn't mean anything, and the whole dream is more an indication that you should be taking notice of something else.

      Like, perhaps you need to look for some kind of sign the next time you go to the lake or wrestle a shark.

      I'm of the belief that your subconscious will only send you a message that is related to something internal, or something you have seen / heard etc. rather than a message that points to the end of the world or something external, beyond the direct sphere of input of your senses (unless you've seen something indicating the world would end). So, with that in mind, it's probably more of an indication that something strange is afoot or has been afoot regarding your job, lakes and sharks.
      Read my writing at: [link to merchandise removed],[link to merchandise removed]

      When once you have tasted flight,
      You will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
      For there you have been,
      And there you will always long to return

    12. #12
      Member sheogorath's Avatar
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      just wondering, have you programmed anything with a shark recently? Or even with the name shark anywhere? Possibly you left out a string of code and it is trying to tell you that you need to revise it, even though the code on the shark may not be it (looks more like a hash code than C or something)

    13. #13
      Bringer of Jollity Fattoxthegreat's Avatar
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      Actually...not really. To tell you the truth, I am, as of now, not that experienced in the actual CS world but I do know or would like to think that my life would involve me doing so. It's far fetched to think that it means something, I realize. But then at the same time it's kind of neat...

      And I will PM a moderator promptly...
      You give me a point in the 7th dimension, and I'll show a Bigfoot with purple fur baking, with molten air, a cake of cocaine topped with perpetual, flaming icing in an ice kitchen that's part of a hovering ice condominium society that orbits a volcano made of pound cake that spews kittens made of rainbows, consisting of 87 distinct colors, and bananas...


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