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    Thread: Share your dream from last night in one sentence

    1. #9301
      Member Tihiti's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by FryingMan View Post
      Sleepus interruptus, most abrupt in the middle of a dream, how rude.
      lol, all hail Julius Caesar!
      Last edited by Tihiti; 04-13-2015 at 04:29 AM.
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      Awareness beyond lucidity is an epiphany.

    2. #9302
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      In a room with Liam Neeson and he's doing a magic trick where he tears up a piece of paper into tiny squares, throws them in the air, and then they travel across the room in a mist of sparkles, and then this mist of paper and sparkles reassemble on a table into a gothic looking Harry Potter type book, then somebody commented, "His (Liam's) imagination is very good!"
      Awareness beyond lucidity is an epiphany.

    3. #9303
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      Life stress intrudes in to what otherwise would could have been an awesome night of dreaming

      + our ball goes into the brush over the fence, view of an old, twisted gnarled tree with many stone paths leading up and around it, we should be able to find the ball here

      + at the vet's: small pet cat (hand-sized) gets sick and is covered with scabs because it can't stop scratching itself (very sad), small pet dog wrapped in bandages, filling out paper work at the counter on a clipboard

      +(f) people in a (trailer?) room, should close the window?

      +(f) the vegetation is cut away and the garden is now bathed in sunlight

      +(f) there are many buildings/cottages (3 at least) but only 1 is used: enter and look at the kitchen
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
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    4. #9304
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      1. I am with a group of people and we are infiltrating a base/fortress/station run by decietful robots and staffed by human collaborators, we accomplish our mission and try to leave before we are attacked, I have significant trouble getting into our get away vehicle as the seat is too close to the dashboard for my long legs ( this seemed almost like another person's dream, i never have sci-fi dreams)

      2. Fragment: We have built a strange concrete skateboard ramp in place of the step up to our front door, I think it is odd as it does not look particularly good for skateboarding and will block entrance to the front of our home.
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      My aspirations for dreaming:

      May I always use the dream state to develop positive, virtuous qualities that will bring benefit to all beings!

      May I always recognize the dream state and use it to develop wisdom, love, and compassion!

    5. #9305
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      Nearly had a zero-recall day (would be the first since January). Only dream I (barely) remember was from the first REM, and predominant thoughts during the first few hours of sleep seemed to be about the process of falling asleep/dreaming.

      - Experienced a simulated WILD-like transition, imagined myself being lifted off the ground and flying straight up very quickly, then had visuals of doing just that in a familiar-looking yard; seemed to attempt summoning a DC without success—not clear if I had any actual lucidity/self-awareness during this sequence
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    6. #9306
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      I was in a dark room and found the Master Sword from the video game series The Legend of Zelda, and when I grabbed it and raised it towards the ceiling it started glowing in crystal blue and lit up the entire room.

    7. #9307
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      - Watching my younger brother play a videogame with unfamiliar (to me) characters and laughing at my reactions; I said one (shaped as a tiny puffball) looked like a dot; then I saw a printed “O.” and called it a “dot with a dot”, somehow found that funny and woke up almost laughing*

      - Looking at and playing around with notebook computers in a store but felt uncharacteristically lost and couldn't remember how to evaluate their specs/performance

      - Really long dream loaded with day residue: looking in the chest freezer after a recent trip to the grocery store, puzzled to find a huge box of chips in there (maybe so they'd stay fresh longer since they'd take so long to eat, I figured); standing in the kitchen of the childhood house with some kind of game board with numbered squares that told me how many spaces to move in what directions, until I landed on a square that indicated a “prize” I could give myself; reading about a long LD someone on DV said they had, seeing it as if it were a movie someone filmed based on that person's account; back in my current bedroom looking at that “prize board” again; my cat had gone behind my computer desk for a long while and finally came out, then started meowing a lot, then I woke up (and she was near my room; I was probably hearing her meow in my sleep!)

      - Inside the entrance of a small store or shop that looked interesting; looked up and saw a grid of numerous small metal halide lights on the ceiling; seemingly started becoming semi-lucid just before I woke up

      - “Woke up” in the back seat of a car from a cartoon-like dream sequence and preparing to “record” it on a tape with a camcorder before going back to sleep; noticed I was now most of the way through sleep and slightly surprised we weren't home yet (the car trip seemed to be symbolic of my WL sleep period)

      - Fairly brief dream of reading an IRC conversation about collecting calculators based on one I had seen the previous day

      - In an unfamiliar, corrupted version of my WL bedroom, thinking about someone raking something across ridges built into their walls to make different “buzzy” musical notes; discovered some kind of metal grill in the wall covering an electrical outlet and wondered why someone would block that on a side of the room short on outlets—did it not work?; old, small nonfunctional fluorescent fixture on ceiling in opposite corner of the room

      * It felt like much more happened that I instantly forgot upon awakening, almost like several dreams' worth of material crammed into a single dream, even; this seems to be common lately with dreams from my first couple of REM periods.
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    8. #9308
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      Getting ready to go onstage with my wife to sing at the Music Awards, and I had no idea what I was going to sing, or anything about dance we were doing, and my wife kept saying, "I can't believe we're singing at the music awards!", and kept saying, "Don't worry, you're a good singer!", and then I thought about bringing out a cheat sheet for the lyrics, but then then I started petting a nice little dog, and forgot about the Music Awards.
      Awareness beyond lucidity is an epiphany.

    9. #9309
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      Zip nada zilch zero. To bed at 4am after critical emergency work tasks that OF COURSE nobody told me about ahead of time. I remember dreaming but not even a fragment survived. Bleh.
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
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    10. #9310
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      Instead of my college's normal convocation, we had to watch this weird play, involving three time-traveling college students trapped inside a Roman Colosseum.
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      "Going through life worrying about the little things is like cooking with motor oil instead of cooking oil. Sure, you can still probably pull it off, but it'll leave a bad taste in your mouth in retrospect." - Me, apparently

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    11. #9311
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      I don't remember completely, but I think I dreamed that I was awake in bed, and that I was slowly, slowly, almost imperceptibly, falling through it.
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    12. #9312
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      Driving down the highway, heading to Edmonton, and I suddenly start doing 360's down a perfectly dry and clear highway until I come to a full stop on the gravel shoulder, and I couldn't help notice the guy in the car behind me who had a black barrel moustache, then I drove to a highway mart, and a woman inside asked me, "Are you travelling alone? Where you going?", and I said to see my cousin in Calgary, because I wasn't sure why I was going to Edmonton.
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    13. #9313
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      Quote Originally Posted by FryingMan View Post
      Zip nada zilch zero. To bed at 4am after critical emergency work tasks that OF COURSE nobody told me about ahead of time. I remember dreaming but not even a fragment survived. Bleh.
      What's to like? Meh. Again last night, super late to bed, terrible sleep, no recall. It's getting too depressing to keep writing this so I'll just write again when I have something to report.
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      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    14. #9314
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      Well a bunch of fragments is way better than nothing!

      +(f) asking fellow scouts (via some funny multi-level corner corridor) if they have their sleeping bags that go to minus temperatures

      +(f) climbing the telephone pole outside childhood home to (avoid weird monsters? fly?) perhaps even semi-lucid

      +(f) avoiding the enemy on a river position, they notice us and a (knife fight?) ensues

      + I have to stand in for a colleague but that means I must take his shift which runs all of Sunday overnight to Monday morning (we work in a hospital?), he takes off on a road-trip in my car and I keep trying to stop him asking why he needs my car in particular (what if he wrecks it!?)

      +(f) driving on freeway from the right-side of the back-seat of the car, using a mini-driver's console attached to the roof of the car, I think not every control is available this way

      +(f) niece is telling parents about how she always thought in school at least you could test out of having to go there to avoid embarrassment, I feel like saying the point of school is emotional torture.
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      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    15. #9315
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      - Riding with my brother in a car; played with two small levers on dash in passenger's side, one to “focus” the headlights like one of those Maglite flashlights with rotating lens, the other shifted position of brand emblem on front; my cousin outside saw and was startled, someone told him this was actually a pretty common feature on cars these days

      - Reliving a false memory of a previous house living with my dad; scene of fictitious How It's Made episode with Brooks Moore humorously imitating someone having a Southern accent; conversation between my mom and aunt talking about making pecan pies, Mom saying something about the “bitter” outer sections of pecans normally being thrown away: “Throw it away?! …I thought they used those outer sections to make all those bitter medicines.” “Well, I sometimes had medicine made from that bitter part. It was good, too.” “Yuckk!”


      - Seemed to remember becoming lucid right as a dream faded, apparently fell back asleep and woke up again, now ~105 minutes into sleep and couldn't remember anything at all, extremely confused

      - Similar impression (probably false) of being lucid here and once later—my dreams are really trolling me today; in bed trying to measure how much electricity a set of bookshelf speakers used

      - FA fragment with my hair in my eyes, thought, “Didn't I just have a haircut not too long ago?”; think I woke up and confirmed that my hair was still short

      - Lying in bed, hearing living room TV in my sleep, dream created its own visuals and plot around the WL audio I was hearing; woke up in a confused state: thought I had paper notebook DJs (I have voice recorder for initial notes), thought I could jump on my DVR and review the “movie” I saw in my dream, took several moments for my mind to fully wake up

      - A guy had a fire, had to “make” or buy a bunch of tires for something he volunteered to do before the fire, was deep in debt somehow; someone trying to help him out but he wasn't in the mood for it

      - With my dad/stepmother again in unfamiliar large house that looked a bit like a past friend's

      - Sleeping in living room floor of some house under a coffee table for some reason; didn't remember much

      - Switching to a different IRC client from one I use IWL; mentioned in a channel how I'd have to transfer all my settings; joked about how I couldn't make up my mind which software to use like one person who used to get made fun of for switching Linux distros all the time

      - Some kind of NASA space camp for kids thing: I showed up, apparently very late, in a group of two others and had no idea what they were doing and felt like an distant outsider; watched them do an activity with “mission control”, then the two got in some kind of long, drawn-out argument (though there seemed to be no actual dialogue here) and I felt like I'd be here forever, began to consider asking them what the problem was and if I could help, then woke up

      - Seeing MythBusters scene of Jamie wrapping Adam up in a ton of tape or plastic tubing for some kind of experiment involving rotating human body on various axes of rotation, then I was there in person doing a similar experiment on myself (but not wrapped up) but unsure if I was doing it correctly
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    16. #9316
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      Bought a cottage lot inside a restaurant, and I was planning how the layout was going to be, and then a high school friend walks up to me and says she owns the restaurant (she's holding a tray of coffee's), so I told her maybe she can serve me coffee when my cottage is built, then I realized my cottage would ruin her restaurant, so I told her I'm not going to build here, and she said she didn't care, then my alarm went off.
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      Awareness beyond lucidity is an epiphany.

    17. #9317
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      I'm sitting in bed, and a female is offering me sex toys to play around with while she's wearing blue panties and bra; when I asked if I can have sex with her, she keeps showing me more toys while she gets an Asian female to help her out.

    18. #9318
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      ~1h:45m into sleep: woke up; no recall

      ?:??: Strange dream picturing myself being able to fly at incredible speeds in LD; imagined idea of some sort of entities trying to scare me in LDs (maybe based on some recent DV post I don't completely understand); apparently woke up thinking about it but, bizarrely, didn't check the time nor note the dream, reason unknown (almost forgot about the event entirely)

      3h:20m: Fun NLD in a shop with my dad and a talking parrot that said amusing things; parrot seemed to vanish and Dad said it had gone outside, which seemed strange because I was just talking to it; he tried to check on some hi-tech touch screens but couldn't figure out how to make it work, sort of reminded me of Inspector Gadget

      5h:50m: Had some kind of medicine cabinet with a “child safety” indicator light that would come on when it detected someone opening the door (that seemed useless; there should be a loud buzzer or something, I thought); grandmother concerned about “getting electrocuted”, and we were explaining that these were low-voltage electronic circuits

      7h:10m: Some kind of public place where a hobbyist had built his own Atari 2600, or designed a “2600 on a chip”; they were still getting it ready
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    19. #9319
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      Full DJ: http://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/fryi...-nights-65494/

      Finally back to some semi-epic dreaming!

      early (late morning epics overwrote a couple more early ones):

      + I turn myself in for something and get arrested, they send a construction guy to clear away the thing we were building, he leaves all the building materials neatly stacked

      + dipping a stick into the ground, picking it up and eating the dirt/sand, do this several times before I realize I'm eating dirt and stop

      + on a walk through a beautiful Ent-forrest along a wide path of mowed grass (do the Ents mow it? grazing animals?); wading along a clear stream under trees, legs tickled by friendly, flat, fish which are easy to pick up (one bites my finger?)

      + round table of <foreign language> teachers faces, several of them are my nationality (so how good are they if they're not native?), one is missing some teeth (and is named "Jacky?")

      + baseball play: two runners both reach 2nd, collide, they both run for 3rd, really digging up dirt as they run, the throw is to 3rd, the first guy at least dives for the base and is safe


      + (false?) WILD transition, feel a fast atonia buzz/vibrations, yelling for my dad to "pick me up!" (into the dream), feel partial separation of dream mouth and dream body

      + in house high in hills overlooking bay in the distance, see "dolphins" and a "whale", repeatedly point out the whale-thing to my wife (at least 10 times) who just can't see it even though it grows to be a massive dinosaur-sized beast; "sitting" in the ocean/lake water being pulled forwards at fairly high speed, groups of people, some stranded, some swimming with the fast stream, it's the entrance ride to an amusement park; enter park, it's a let-down, more of a baby-playground, my older boys will be bored I think, I'm wearing my wife's (bowling?) shoes and now they're soaked, she laughs; re-enter park, there's no way in through the deep pool, drop & break glasses (maybe they can just replace the lenses?), go sit next to wife on bench thinking about fixing glasses

      + in a building, someone's throwing something down a long hallway to us, we toss it back; I'm walking through a sports complex looking for a racquetball court: they're all bizarre, paneled with odd materials and strangely shaped (corners), and crowded with lines waiting outside, (is this one a challenge court? ah it's a doubles challenge court, and it's weird), one is tiny and is a handball court and I see the player make a smash with his hand, walk back and forth, get invited into a truly bizarre fighting court, ignore it, leave out the back there's nothing there, return and now I'm at high altitude up a steep hill jumping/floating back down aiming for the back door, grab on to something and land poorly and miss

      + semi-lucid girl-grabbing sex-fest, starting outside and moving into a public restroom, ending with (2?) FAs.
      Last edited by FryingMan; 04-17-2015 at 11:27 AM.
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    20. #9320
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      Lots of jumping around from scene to scene all night, all quite short moments:

      + walking up an aisle in a theater in tight dress slacks, adjusting my cell phone in the right front pocket, observing the faces of the (mostly girls) sitting in the audience

      + arriving at a rest stop, going somewhere, the woman there wants to do my laundry (jeans, some shirts), I'm concerned how long it will take, she says only 50 minutes? (oh, they have multiple machines, of course)

      + maneuvering car in parking lot, other cars in the way, through barrier, out of car and stand in line on corner at gas station, a few people cut in front, running a (white) card through card reader which beeps and displays error code ("SC001"?), re-swipe a few times, realize I forgot to lower the gas cut-off lever, lower it (which allows the transaction to complete successfully) and a big splash of gas spews out onto the ground and the legs of the guy next to me.

      + driving up a very difficult rocky bumpy hill in a car trying to choose a path

      + in a house, the sliding glass door is unlocked, I open/close/lock it, something on a table, guys (bikers?) in the house, "hummingbird-feeder" juice dispenser with group of people hanging from ceiling with 4-5 different colorful juices, I drink some juice; vendors selling trinkets from kiosks

      + buying soft serve for me and my son, I asked for a 'small' but it's tiny and I'm disappointed, it only costs 25 cents (sale?) I think I should order more, I flick the quarter to the guy but it falls short so I go to pick it up and hand it to him from among a pile of coins, my waist bag is so full I can barely open/close it

      + we're about to have lunch but my son and I sneak off to a lunch counter where I order a big mac and a whopper (they make imitation fast food burgers here and they do a good job), they put in two sets of fries which I think is too much but oh well

      + in childhood home, both the basement door and the front door are open, I'm not too concerned but want to make sure nobody is stealing anything, I go out to street and hear a child's plastic noisy wagon rolling on the bumpy street surface, go to investigate and find my son is pulling a short train of these wagons giving the neighbor family a ride, I'm trying to identify the neighbor girls but they're indeterminate age, I'm confused about how old they should be

      + sons's birthday, a young boy brings in a large dome cake covered with brown frosting and white/orange decorations (after unsuccessfully trying to call my son away so he won't see the cake being brought in), I repeatedly put a dried cherry on a pizza and take it off again, thinking that it looks just like the other sun-dried tomatoes on the pizza, I show this to my son
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    21. #9321
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      I walked into a large lobby area and I saw my bird Tihiti up on a ledge and he's chirping at me, so I hold my hand up and he flew from the ledge to a modern art sculpture, and then walked down it, and jumped onto my hand, then I said, "Hi Tihiti!", and I woke up shortly later because he was singing downstairs (early rise today - wanted to sleep in and have an LD).
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      Awareness beyond lucidity is an epiphany.

    22. #9322
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      Mostly just fragments and really short dreams again. Poor sleep, long insomnia in middle of night, Gotta stop eating two bowls of chili right before bed!

      + sizzling cilantro: sounds of cooking, see a large deep frying pan full of cilantro in the distance, I'm eating/sauteing something (mustard sauce?) from a frying pan, it's good

      + cousins: can't leave my older son with KaR, she might seduce him

      + gander/glasses/girls: sit at counter, tap girls on shoulder, wave "hi" to them when they look at me, girl on right orders chicken over the phone, I ask (in foreign language) "did you tell them to make it *with love*!?", she says it's best when the gander (she means men in general) is submissive, I disagree and say partners should be equal, then a big mattress that some movers are hauling around falls on us and messes up my goggles/glasses (emerging dream sign)

      +(f) looking up something on a strange (amber screen?) computer

      +(f) girl falls off her raft on purpose, I'm reaching my hand into the water to save her, (do I need to dive in?)

      + girl (SB?) in panties comes and lies of top of me in bed, I'm "at attention", I put my hands on her hips/butt

      + lots of people outside sitting at round tables, aggressive dog (get away from him they tell me, [they think I'm bothering him?]) lunges at me, I look for spot at table, sit, writing something [clearly see "(bark)"], look up and see standing son happy with his cute girlfriend (she's wearing a short elegant black dress blowing in the wind showing off her great legs)
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      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    23. #9323
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      4 hours of DEILD's last night, and this was a bit odd, cause I saw a humanoid type alien walking down a hallway in front of me, so I walked up to him and asked his name, and he replied, but I didn't understand what he said, then I asked what planet he was from, then he replied again with words I didn't understand, so I said, "I thought that's where you were from!", and then he started to look like he was becoming aware with what was going on, then my dear dream guide walked up to me shaking his head back in forth, but smiling, cause he found the situation a bit amusing.
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    24. #9324
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      Great middle dream, and late BTS victory leading to a semi-lucid fairly long DEILD-like medley of sexy time


      +(f) (mostly forgot, overwritten by later epic): I'm on transport taking a trip to connecting transport, it's taking too long, the route is too circuitous, I vow next time I'll just walk to the station

      + (epic, interestingly: replayed a 2nd time, and completed) 1st time: on transport (bus?) seat for 2, woman asks to sit (then guy plops down at her feet), arrive at airport in "Novosibirsk," leave in car, observe dark heavy cloudy stormy skies, it's very cold, driving, we get blocked by a wall of snow, look back, then back forwards and it's gone, through a gate our now cartoon-ish car is jumping up and down and licking something from the ground, inside the registration area there's strawberries and a chocolate fountain and more, trying to read the handwritten info slip in the car with all the instructions I needed, have trouble reading it); 2nd time: talking with son about woman on bus, he said she called me "Nose", lots of people walking towards gate to registration two girls race ahead to get in first and I swear at this, step through gate, it's 30 minutes per person, big line at registration, we'll be here all night, I'm in the middle of line [I cut?], I want to quickly ask about my card, served now at counter, he says the transaction company was bought, there was a disk I/O failure, removing perforated edge from form, guy in skeleton mask comes up and asks me "Hey Tom [not my name], can I get a ride?", I answer "uh, yeah…who are you?", I look out the window up the hill to the (hotel? conference center?) and ask about how to get there.

      + on the computer: I want to get the build to work, it's my first day, I always have this goal at a new job, search, links, remote mode blue boxes require constant re-synchronization, I'd rather do the search myself; see AshSri (from KC) who tells me my open source contribution is 2.5 times higher on the popularity list now

      Awake, review epic dream a long time, mind very active, check time, it's still fairly early, eventually BTS via meditation

      + gym: looking for bicep machine; nasty gigantic-boobed (hooker?) half-propositioning me, the senator is her frequent customer (check him for cleanliness?)

      + Lying down, a really cute girl with short black hair enters room, I do a "finger hook" "come here" gesture and she does, and thus begins a fairly epic medley of semi-lucid DEILD sexy-times (at least 6 recalled, probably more); at one point in childhood home trying to find private place, return to my old bedroom but mother is in the middle of a complete rearrangement/remodel, think briefly about the shower; (short black-haired, one standing/talking, by wall on knees that keeps inching away, one in building room, childhood home, 2 on sidewalk)
      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
      FryingMan's Dream Recall Tips -- Awesome Links
      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    25. #9325
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      Doing WBTB right now, but just before waking I played a very fun soccer game with organized teams and rules, including coaches that were calling us off and on, and the players were very skilled (I wasn't starting line), and I swear at one point a guy teleported and took my ball, then he made some comment after, "How'd I do that?", as he passed it to his team mate.
      FryingMan and KonchogTashi like this.
      Awareness beyond lucidity is an epiphany.

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