Studies have proven that your mind is more active when you're asleep. Many great ideas are born overnight, while the person is lying in bed, thinking subconsciously. One of my hobbies is making movies, and I get some of my best ideas from dreams. Lucid or not, a dream can give you a great idea. Since the dream is pretty much playing out in your head, you feel like you personally experienced it. If you take notes about the dream when you wake up, those notes (along with some more creativity), can lead to a creative movie script (if you make movies) or a story (if you're an author).

Have any of you gotten a great idea for a story or a movie or something else from a dream? Believe it or not, but a good number of stories are built off of a dream that the author had.

I'd like to hear comments from everyone on whether or not they have gotten a good idea from a dream.

Post away. =)