When I was a young I constantly had dreams of running all over the place. I wasn't able to drive so it was my only way to get around. Sometimes I woke up feeling like I really ran all night. Then one day it occurred to me that since I loved it so much in my dreams I would actually try it out. It was much easier in my dreams but eventually it was my go to when I was stressed or upset in RL. The running dreams stopped. I ran to the beach which was about 4 miles away. It made me feel so free. In PE I got a little plaque for most miles run 3 years in a row. Then I stopped in about 11th grade. Life took over, I eventually married had children and the dreams began again...running all over the place. Running is so relaxing to me yet I hadn't done it in years. When I was about 40, I decided to start running again :-) the dreams stopped immediately. I have been running ever since and will continue to live out my dream in real life instead of in my sleep. I don't think if I hadn't of dreamt it, I would have ever tried it. Dreams often have messages that we should listen to, and if it feels good why not?