I went to hogwarts once. I have awesome wizard powers. |
What place have you visited in a lucid? Your old school, A movie theater, Hogwarts, Narnia, Hyrule, etc? What place have you visited in a lucid and what did you do there? Have you visited and explore the areas before in another dream you had? What were your experiences you saw? What did it felt like, etc? |
I went to hogwarts once. I have awesome wizard powers. |
"...and we want punks in the palace, 'cos punks got the loveliest dreams..." - A Silver Mt. Zion
It was the best of times. It was the end of times.
My lucid dreams so far have taken place in: my childhood house, my current house, an unspecified town somewhere, a flooded dream landscape, and a dream version of my old university. |
Short-term lucid goals: [X] Move an object with my mind [ ] Create a portal and use it to get to a dream scene of my choice [ ] Meet one of my book characters
Long-term lucid goals: [ ] Visit the Dream World Academy [ ] Make a building appear at will [ ] Change my appearance to disguise myself as someone else [ ] Find the end of a rainbow
Between my old house and my old high school and my home, that's where my Lucid Dreams goes |
When I become lucid, I always start at my house, though next time, I'll try going somewhere else. |
Glaedr, the golden dragon from the Inheritance series.
-A truly creative person rids him or herself of all self-imposed limitations. (Got this from a fortune cookie)
Tons of places, especially from movies. Here's some I can recall. |
We all live in a kind of continuous dream. When we wake, it is because something,
some event, some pinprick even, disturbs the edges of what we have taken as reality.
SAT (Sporadic Awareness Technique) Guide
Have questions about lucid dreaming? DM me.
Exploring dream landscapes is probably my favorite thing to do. I just open doors and expect certain types of landscapes to be behind them, and the dream fills in the rest. |
Last edited by Tranquil Toad; 10-19-2010 at 09:18 AM.
I always mean to try this when I lucid... and I never think to do it. |
I wouldn't mind going to the movies in a dream. |
I have my own huge world I visit when I'm dreaming, whether it's lucid or not. Some of the places are a secret valley with a huge waterfall, a secret alleyway which leads to my old school, an old abanoed house... I drew a map once and I know my way around. There's even a factory where they make trousers you can eat, which taste like chicken sandwiches. Even my mind confuses me... |
I went to the site of the meteor strike that ended the dinosaurs, watched it hit. I'm still proud of having done that. |
DV Dictionary. / Verious: a definition. /
I'm not on DV much these days, but I'll try to toss a cool dream or two into my DJ.
Last night I went to Chicago, and a few nights before that I went to Germany!. I've been all over the world in my dreams; my dream self is quite the traveler. Which makes sense because I want to travel all over the world, but just can't afford to. |
"Keep on dreaming boy, 'cause when you stop dreaming it's time to die"
So far, I've been at my house, in an outdoor mall, and in some neighborhood full of trees that had this big green house at the end of the street with a huge window. During that lucid I tried to fly to egypt, but when I finally got into the air, a guy followed behind me and it scared me so much that I woke up. |
Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.
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My DG walked me threw a psychedelic painting on the wall. I was amazed to find myself in outer space. |
I am accustomed to sleep and in my dreams to imagine the same things that lunatics imagine when awake.
~Rene Descartes
Just so many places, so many different planets. From movies, I think hogwarts or however you spell it, and from anime, black-cat, naruto, bleach, elfen lied, claymore and some other worlds. |
In my one lucid dream I soared over the gardern of Eden one of the most awesome experiences in my life so glad I put the effort into lucid dreaming |