Hi, i am new to this site. I was into LD-ing before, not with much succes but i was so entertained by dreams, just having them was fun (it still is) but at one time i got so tired of dreaming, i just wanted to get from night to day (i do not know exactly why) so i stopped writing in my DJ, my dream memory fading in time. Anyway i got interested again, even if probably it won't take long before i switch my interests, i still want to gain some information, because information helps brain, and i was also always interested in the abstract (the human brain, thus even the dreams are not fully understood by the humans just yet)
Now that i got over the small introduction that i probably shouldn't have written here let's get to the main problem:
Now that i have recently opened a new dream diary i realised that one of the main reasons many people can't renember dreams it's mainly because they can't/don't have time to always write down their dreams. I am currently thinking of a thing. What if we resume the dream to the main part but with some let's call them "checkpoints" so that we can renember the dream without fully writing it. I mean not everybody has time to note 2-3 pages of an dream (i had this problem) so what if we can resume this to a few quick points, only there to register some "shortcuts" in the memory to renember the dream. I do not know if i express myself right but still... presuming you got my ideea so far i will go on.
Firstly i got into this ideea by reading about it here (can't post links, not old enough apparently). Now to sum it up it mainly speaks about noting only the principal, well as he names it the "3 dream seeds". "Who you were with" "Where you were" "What you were doing"
Okay, so far i kinda only talked about the article. Let's talk about it and let's see where we will get. I personally do not agree with only 3 seeds, because there will be no room for details that practically differentiate the dream world from the real world. I mainly think that the "seeds" should be placed this way:
  • Where are you (main question)
  • When are you (day, night, winter, summer)
  • What are you (you might be a dog, dragon, Justin Bieber)
  • With whom are you(for easier exprimation later on, you can attribute them acronyms if you like)
  • Actions (list actions short and concise)
  • Details (smell, feelings, anything that you think is worth mentioning and will help you late on)

For everybody that is interested in this, if you think anything should be added or extracted just comment so, we will discuss it. Good, not let's see about the next step i am considering. Since you want to save up time, i will automatically presume you have to do something in the morning (work/school). Once you've got all the above noted you can go do your work. After you come back and you can get to the DJ (either virtual or paper, you have time now) you will start to note an detailed version of the dream (just as it's presumed you have to do in a normal DJ).
With this method you can spare some time and keep things a little more organised ("with whom are you" rubric can help you get track of DC's , and the details and other things that you mentioned might even help you spot things that appear often in your dreams so you can recognise them and tap into the LD's). Also presuming these details help you renember your dream through the day you will even have the full version of the dream when you get home.
I am asking you guys what do you think of this ideea ? Can it work out ? What should i add/extract ? I thank you in advance and wish you luck in your quest for lucidity