Hey guys
My names matt and ive had probobly 10-20 lucid dreams in my life.
I used to have alot of nightmares about that big wolf from neverending story(probobly from ages 7-12) and whenever i saw him in my dream, i kinda knew i was sleeping so i would wake up by simply opening my eyes sooo much in my dream that it would somehow open my eyes in real life..

I dont count that as a lucid dream though, as it only initiated once i actually saw the wolf, and the only thing i wanted to do was get out of there.

Anyhoo im 18 now, and im reading up more into lucid dreaming, i have definetally had them before, very fun

I'm gonna be reading alot more of this forum now and hopefully contributing a bit.


p.s one night my nightmares stopped when i was in my bed at night(sleeping) and i "woke up"(but still sleeping) and then the wolf walked into my room, said "shh" (???) and then jumped on my bed and said "hey matt lets be friends"... I have never ever had a nightmare after that night.