well I just replied to one question if anyone felt drunk in his/her dreams...and I came to this question:

"can you LD/dream after becoming drunk with tea and eventually you fall asleep?"

With those teas I have in mind for example Tie Kuan Yin, good quality Sencha, (good quality one..) Wu Long etc. If you don't get me just ignore this topic.

When I become drunk with this teas I feel nausea, I can't walk straight, my head is turning, my body is completely dead and spending a lot of energy for every movement but my head is much clearer than anytime else.

As I have loads of thein (tein?) in my blood which blocks the seratonin to let me sleep I usually just think during the night about whatever comes to my mind.

But after complete exhaution I blackout completely and I don't remember anything from the period while I was sleeping. My parents can tell me that I slept for 6 or 10 hours or I can check it myself but I don't remember it (note that I always know how the time passes). So I don't remember dreaming or anything.

Anyone who is experiencing the same? Or someone who is influenced by tea in some other way? (more lucid for example?)

You know in Europe people say that this tea helps you dream more or makes you more lucid and stuff like this but for me it was actually always the opposite (as it "kills" my abilitis completely)?

EDIT: I have found a research about this topic. So maybe I will find the answers there later. But anyway thanks for any comments you have on this topic.