Progress 5-20-12
Well, yesterday I tried focusing on ADA, and had a good feel for it. I'm trying to make it a habit to question reality, act as if it's a dream, and do RC's often.
Anyways,last night I set my alarm for 3:30, after 4 1/2 hours of sleep. I tested the alarm, and it seemed as if it was ready to go, nice and loud. Well, it didn't wake me up. Typically, I'm a light sleeper, so this is a shock to me. So,now I'm going to try it again tonight. In the next WBTB, I'm going to attempt a WILD.
My Dream from last night, (Non-Lucid)
I started out driving in a car by a cliff. I think my parents were house shopping, but I jumped out of the car while it was moving anyway. I went over to the cliff, jumped down, and landed on a rock safely. It was a dry, light-brownish looking depression.
I strangely met up with some people there, and joined in on what they were doing. We got assigned into groups of three, and I got assigned with two other teenagers. We started walking though a sort of canyon looking place. Then, we headed to the Bi-Lo near my area. (? Haha.) We were all massed together there, and then there was a speaker. He gave us an assignment, but I don't really remember what he even said.
Then we headed out somewhere. It looked like an Igloo doctor's office, the inside had sky-blue paint with white seats all pointing towards the center, where there was a table. The table was white, and had alumninum foil trays for food, there was bread, salami, ham, turkey, cheese, and lettuce. I saw them get plates and eat, then I woke up.
Well, my dream recall is improving! However I need to start attempting some Lucids, because right now, these dreams are kind of boring. I'll attempt my first WILD tonight!