I have had a ton of dreams in the last two days, including two DV Member dreams.
Dreams from two nights ago:
Dream 1:
There was a threat of nuclear bombs that were going to be dropped in certain areas on a certain date. i don't remember the month the but day was a 22nd. I took the threat seriously and tried to prepare a place in my basement that I could be safe during the ubsafe period of the fallout. I gathered food and other things to the basement area.
I was really surprised that no one else seemed ot take the threat seriously at all, and they all went about their lives as if nothing cold ever happen to them.
I finally went down alone to my basement. I knew that I could expect the nuclear bombs at any moment. I suddenly realized that in all my preparation, I had forgotten to store any water. I paniced for a moment, then saw that I did have one case of 24 16 oz bottle of water. i hoped that would alst me for a while.
Dream 2:
I was touring someone's house where they had decorated it so beautiful. One room was decorated for Christmas. It was as pretty as any picture I had seen in any magazine. The lady that own the house told me that Raklet had done the mural part of it. And that if I was interested that I could get ahold of him and he would paint one for me too.
So I did get ahold of him. I was amazed at how little he charged for his work. But then I got a little worried aobut what the shipping costs of the painted drywall would be.
Dream 3:
I was in a lake. Other people were on kayaks and were racing. I was sad that I didn't have my kayak. But one of the girls said that I could help her race by swimming along side her kayak and push it along. I found that I was a very strong swimmer and had a lot of stregnth to push it forward.
Dream 4:
It was Halloween and I was at my house in LA where I grew up. I had put out a lot of cool decorations. My good freinds, the Johnsons came by. They told me that they would vote for my house. Apparently the Newspaper was having a contest and giving out an award for the best decorated house. I thanked them. Then I realized that I had forgotten to put on the spooky music. I ran to go find it.
Dream 5:
I was with my friend Christine. She was painting her house. One her walls she was painting native american figures like kokopeli. The wall was an orange color and she was using red paint to paint the figures on.
Dream 6:
I had been talking with some Navajo ladies in an apartment. I then went outside to dump some water out of a big pot that I had. As I started to pour it out I realized that there was more water in the pot than I had thought. It poured out all over my shoes and ran on the sidewalk. I then noticed that all the grass was soaking anyway. I saw a hill behind the apartments that had become very muddy. I saw a group of kids sliding down the mud. I knew that there had once been grass on the hill. I was pretty sure that after the kids were done sliding that only dirt and mud would be left.
Dream 7:
I was with a group of ladies around a campfire. Lena was there. The Leah came to me and asked if she could borrow my camera to take some pictures. I gave it to her, then realized that the battery was almost dead. I apologised that she might only be able to take a few pictures before it died completely.
Dream 8:
I was at some kind of meeting. A panel had been put together to answer question. I looked at he panel. It was made up of all young men. They were holding books that I had read. I was interested to see what the discussion would be about. Two of the ment stood out to me. One was a nice looking blond guy with very pretty blue eyes. The other was a black guy with light brown skin and nice lips.
Dream 9:
I was in a classroom setting. The teacher was a black man who looked a little like Obama. There was some kind of contest to see who could keep moving and active the longest (like jogging in place etc). The winner would get $20. I todl the teacher that I hoped he was prepared to stay for a long time.
Dream 10:
I was taking pictures of these cats that supposedly belonged to me. They were on the front porch sitting on the lawn chairs. I noticed that one of the cats gleamed red in the sunlight. I was surprised thet I had never noticed that his fur had red in it before.
Last Night's Dreams:
Dream 1:
I was in this old shopping mall place that was on teh reservation. I went onto a few shops and saw some Navajo ladies selling jewelry and western gear.
Then later the shopping mall transformed into a school. I was back in high school. It was my first day at the new school. I tried to find my way though the difference halls to my classes. My first period class was Math. My second class, to my horror, was chess. I saw that it was taught by the principal. I wondered how I ever got myself signed up for a class like this. I was terrible at strategy games. I didn't even remember how to play chess. I was sure that the class would be full of brainy kids who had played chess every day since they were 5 year old. That class would be a nightmare for me. I wondered if I would be able to get it changed.
But first I would have to find my math class. I knew it was in Valliance Hall. But I couldn't find it. I saw another girl walking down the hallway. I asked if she would help me find my class. We looked at my schedule. I found it hard to read. Nothing would come into focus. Finally we found the room number and she pointed the way out to me.
I sat down in my math class. The teacher had been passing out easter cookies to the students. I didn't take any becasue I haven't been eating sugar. The teacher was a blond lady and looked very nice. She then passed out a page of math for us to do. The first problem looked something like this:
- 1,44Y Solve for Y
And I remember thinking, "Oh, Crap, it's been too long since I have done math like this. Why do teachers do this? Why can't she just teach us how to do it first, and then we can do a worksheet?"
I finally woke up and felt the hugest relief I have felt in a long time that this was just a dream.
Dream 2:
I was with a really big group of people made up of friends and extended family. We were in a hotel (that later morphed into a large house). Someone had a dog with them. It had pooped oin the carpet. Cousin Justin cleaned it up, then said hi to me.
Later I was trying to find a bathroom because I had to go to the bathroom. I found one. It was they type that had two doors. I locked the one on the hallway, but the door that went to a bedroom was difficult to lock. I tried several times then gave up. I walked out into the hallway again. I saw Angela and hugged her. Then I saw Maddy and told her that I needed to shower and I couldn't lock the door. She didn't seem to be able to help me. I finally decided that I was just going to change into my bathing suit without the door locked. My bathing suit was a one piece and I slipped it partway up over my hips. Then as I looked at my body and saw how fit I was I decided it didn't matter if the door was locked. In fact I looked so good that I was just going to forget pulling it up the rest of the way.
Later (and I think I was back to being fully dressed by now) I was walking through all these rooms that were filled with people. I was ready to find a place to be alone. I couldn't find anywhere to go. I then saw Ninja at a computer. I went to see what he was doing. He was listening to The Moody Blues. I sat down a listen to a few songs with him.