I had a nice long dream last night that turned lucid.
Lucid Dream:
It started off as a typical high school dream where I went to school. At first I couldn't find my locker. The inside of the school was very large and open like the center of an indoor mall. I realized that I had come through a different door than normal, so I tried to backtrack and find the regular door. I tried for a while, but could never figure out where I was. I realized that I was about to be late so I tried to find my class. I then seemed to be confused whether the day started with first period or second period. I asked several people, but no one was able to give me a clear answer. At one point the dream got weird and I was in a corner and laying on a sleeping bag next to a grill that had poison meat cooking on it that was supposed to be bait for the creatures that were unwanted in the school. I never figured out what the creatures were. Laying next to me was a guy L knew years ago from 7th grade Biology, Brad M.
I then remembered that I really needed to go to class. I kept trying to ask people. I saw Kierra and tried to get an answer from her about whether we were going to first period or second period. She gave me vague answers that answered nothing. I then noticed I had forgotten my backpack with my important notebook. I didn't even have paper and a pen. I finally went to the office and asked for some paper and pen. The lady gave me two sheets of paper and a pencil that broke immediately after she handed it to me, so all I had was a short stub. I wandered again in the large open area feeling frustrated that I didn't know where I was going.
Then suddenly I started thinking, "I usually only have this problem in dreams. Too bad this is way too real to be a dream." But, as often happens, right after I thought that, I started questioning whether this could possibly actually be a dream. I decided it was worth checking. So I jumped in the air. I knew if I lingered, that meant I was dreaming. So I jumped....and lingered. I immediately started flying and exploring, thrilled that I was lucid and could finally stop worrying about school stuff. I saw a huge glass dome atrium and flew into that. It was beautiful and had plants and a waterfall. I flew around that area for several minutes. Then I tried to remember what the Task of the Month was, since I had looked a couple of days ago when I got on Dreamviews after not being here for several years. I had always enjoyed doing the Tasks. But nothing came immediately to mind and I didn't want to waste time figuring it out. So I did something that I had been wanting to do for a while. I landed next to a desk. I set my papers on the desk and began to draw. I wanted to draw an animal and bring it to life. The fastest thing I could think to draw was an ant (and I had done this with an ant in previous dream). So I drew the ant and concentrated on it until it became 3D and started to crawl. I watched it until it crawled over the edge of the desk. Then I saw a pile of wool (for needle felting) next to me. I suddenly had an idea. I grabbed a handful and rolled it in my hands. I then looked at it. It looked like a shape I could make a bat out of. So I concentrated with my mind until I saw it start to move. At this point I let my subconscious take over and let it finish forming the bat. It had a white body with purple wings (not something my conscious self would have come up with.) the bat then took off and started fluttering around. Seeing that made me really happy.
I picked up more wool and started making more animals...an insect with long legs, another purple animal that I wasn't sure what it was. Then I made a hedgehog. After it took shape, it turned to me and smiled, then transformed itself into a turkey. I wasn't expecting that. I felt very satisfied and soon after that I could feel myself waking up.