[size=18]Another Lucid Dream!
I was in a store (like a gift shop) with some other people. One of them was Jeff and there were at least two other friends there. I was looking at something and suddenly noticed that a couple of my teeth were loose (bottom left canine and bicuspid). There were barely attached with partial roots--like you see on a kid who is about to pull a tooth out.
I tried to close my teeth, but the loose ones tipped sideways and threaten to snap the root. As usual, I thought, "Nooo....I can't believe this is happening!" I started to question my state (this is a commom dream sign), but I still ran over to the others and I said "I have to find Peter (a friend and dentist)--my teeth are loose!"
Jeff looked me then opened his mouth and said, "Like this?" He showed me that several of his teeth were loose and about to come out.
Well, that triggered it. It would have been too huge of a coincidence for both of us to have this problem. And I suddenly remembered that this is what always happens in my dreams.
So I said to Jeff, "Yes! This is a Lucid Dream -- and you are in it!"
I remembered that he told me that he has only flown in his dreams once that he ever remembered.
So I said, "Jeff, you've got to come with me. Let's fly."
I took his hand and we walked out of the shop to the bacony. We were on the second floor. Once out on the balcony, I took off with Jeff beside me. It was incredible. I felt the wind in my face and I was so happy.
But then I could feel the dream fading. I was losing it. Next thing I knew I was waking up in bed. But as I sat up, something felt wrong. I reached back up in my mouth and felt that the same teeth were still loose. I realized I was still in the dream.
I stood up on the bed and fell over into a float, and then proceeded to float towards the front door of the house (I was home).
I remembered that I had wanted to pay close attention to detail in my next LD's. So as I went to the door, I was noticing the switches on the walls by and above the door. There were many. I said to myself that I wanted to compare what I remembered in the dream to what is there in real life [In retrospect, I see that there was really no comparison as there are no switches on the wall above and by the door there. But in the dream I thought I was being really clever to do this experiment.]
I then went out the front door and started taking off flying. I remember noticing how green the bushes and grass were. I had remembered people saying that colors were more vivid in dreams and I had wanted to see if this was true. I hadn't noticed it in previous dreams. Maybe it was the power of suggestion, but the greens really stood out to me and being extra bright and there were so many different shades and hues.
Then as I looked down I noticed Tanya walking. I called down to her and she saw me. I shouted, "Hey, look-- I'm having an LD! Wanna fly with me?"
I don't remember if she said anything or not, but I knew she wanted to try, but was unsure if she could. I remember saying, "Just belive and you can do it." [Obviously I wasn't 100% aware in this LD or I would have realized that it was my believing, not hers, that would help her fly.]
So as I swooped down to grap her hand, I thought--one of two things will happen, either she will jerk me down, or she will come up with me.
I reached for her hand and she flew up beside me gliding effortlessly at my side. That made me feel really glad.
At this point I really was watching my flying style [I had remembered the recent thread about flying styles]. We were both flying superman style with our arms stretched out in front. Then I realized we were losing altitude and I had to start doing the "breast stroke" flying style for a minute to get higher in the sky.
I remembered that I had been wanting to fly over Lake Powell when I had my next LD. I thought it would be so cool to stand on the cliffs above and fly across over the water to the cliffs on the other side. I also really wanted to explore the Lake more. So I took off in that direction. We finished flying over town and --blam--there the lake suddenly was before us. My mind had wasted no time in getting us there.
At this point I was no longer aware of Tanya being beside me. I started flying over it like I had wanted to. I landed on a cliff and let myself "fall" over the edge until I caught myself and flew back across to the other side. It was incredibly exhilerating.
I flew up lake. But unlike the real lake, this wasn't nearly as big, and it narrowed down into a canyon. I continued to fly from side to side until I got to the end.
I turned around and started to fly down lake. This time I let my feet drag in the water, and I enjoyed the very real sensation of getting wet.
Then things got a little odd. I was suddenly with a bunch of family and friends. I started having trouble flying. And I was losing lucidity. I remember seeing my dog. He was running around without a leash and I was worried he would get lost or in trouble. Then there were these interesting stuffed animals on the ground in front of me. They were squirrels and chipmonks, and they were able to move and could jump in a very realistic way. I decided I was going to buy one. By this time I wasn't lucid. And I'm not even sure where I was. I met a guy I hadn't seen since high school, and we talked.
And that's all I remember. When I woke up a little while later, I remembered that I had had a Lucid Dream but for a moment I couldn't remember what it was. But then something triggered the memory and it all flooded back to me.
I remembered several goals in this LD.
1. I recognized the "loose tooth" dream sign.
2. I remembered to look for detail.
3. I remembered to notice the colors.
4. I remembered to pay attention to flying style.
5. I remembered I was supposed to go to Lake Powell in my next LD. And was able to get us there instantly without wasting precious time.
6. There were people in my LD. In my fist five LDs I was all alone. I had tried to make people appear, but couldn't. I'm not sure if the fact my last two LDs had people in it is a sign that I am getting better...or if it is by chance. But whatever it was, I feel it added a lot more to the dreams not to be alone.