Dream 1:
This was another "School" themed dream. Frustrating to the extreme.
I had three homework assignments due the next day. I started working on them in the evening at home. The first assignment I had to work on was for Social Studies. I had to write a paper about the Fifty States written in Benjamin Franklin style. I found the assignment very difficult.
The next was for Geometry. It had something to do with the radius of a circle...but it also had to do with drawing. I remembered the example that the teacher had given. I didn't like the style of face he had drawn. I wanted to do something much better. But for some reason, my face kept turning out exactly like the teachers.
The third assignment was also difficult, but I don't remember what it was exactly.
I got very tired so I decided to complete the assignments in the morning. I got up and realised that I wouldn't have time to finish them. I went to school and sat down against a wall of one of the buildings and tried to finish at least one of the assignments before the bell rang.
I never did finish any of the assignments before I woke up, even though I felt like I had been working on them forever. It was such a relief to wake up and realise that I didn't have to finish them.
Dream 2:
I was on a trip with a group of people . I think I was high school aged again.
We were riding together in a car--about 6 of us, with a lady as a chaperone.
We stopped in a grocery store. I saw some bread sticks that looked really good. They were each packages in a plastic tube which I thought was cool. There was a black guy standing next to me who worked there. I remember he was talking to me, but for some reason I couldn't understand a thing he said. I didn't want him to think I was rude. So I smiles a lot as he talked to me.
I went up to the front of the store to see the chaperone buying a box of Rice Crispies for us to share. I remember thinking, "She thinks that will be enough for the whole group??"
Dream 3:
I was house hunting with my mom. We went to this one house and started looking aound inside. It was nice, but fairly small. We went into the backyard. It had a small deck and a small strip a of back yard behind it. There were lots of trees shading it and it was actually very pretty, but I knew my mom wanted a bigger yard. I could see the yard of the house behind this one. It was very large and I could tell that the house was also huge. I told my mom that we should drive around and see if that house was for sale.
Things transistion and I am still in the same area, but I am now with different people--"unknown friends"--a guy and a girl. I look out over this fence and see this huge castle being built. It looks like an attraction that belonged in a theme park. I was amazed. I saw a sign for it that said something about it being a French Castle. I could see horses in stables.
I started saying how absolutley cool this was. The guy I was with didn't seem impressed and said how he had been to one much cooler in some other big city. I then said, "Well if I were in LA or Las Vegas, I wouldn't look twice at this...but here...this is really great!
Things transistion again and I see that the castle is next to a mall. I am now walking down a main street. I suddenly see in front of me three guys dressed as Darth Vaders. I took one look and remembered my dream and started laughing really loud.
One of the Darth Vaders was walking toward me, and I thought of something really funny to do-- I walked to him and took his hand and kissed it. Then he took my hand and kissed it, too.
It just seemd very significantly funny to me.
But it didn't trigger lucidity.