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    Thread: Twoshadows' Dream Journal

    1. #1
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      Twoshadows' Dream Journal

      Time to start...

      My first LD:

      April 19, 2006 4:50am

      I just had my first Lucid Dream a few minutes ago.

      In the dream I was lying in bed. Suddenly something felt funny in my mouth. I felt my teeth with my tongue and, sure enough, my upper left bicuspid was cracked and loose. I pulled a piece of the tooth out of my mouth, thinking, "I can't believe this is happening!" Then I thought, "That's it! I don't believe this is happening. This must be a dream. This always happens in my dreams." [NOTE: This was the dream sign I kept telling myself I needed to recognize because it happens so often in my dreams. And I have now started using this as a reality check during the day...to feel if my tooth is loose].

      Nothing else strange happened, but at that point I knew I was in a dream, and I realized I was lucid.

      As one might expect, I got very excited. I then thought about this website and how it says that when people first start having these experiences, they get so excited that they wake up. Well, as soon as I thought that, I felt myself wake up.

      Next thing I knew I was lying in bed saying, "Darn." But then I reached up and felt that same tooth. It was still loose. I had had a false awakening. I was still in the dream. I finished pulling out the tooth, and took a moment to sit and think about what was happening. Some of my thoughts were: So this is what it feels like to be in a dream and know it is a dream. It feels amazingly like real-life...yet there is a difference that I can't quite pin-point. Okay, what I really need to do is to try to float".

      I concentrated on the feeling I have had in dreams where I have floated. Next thing I knew I was floating (horizontal...because I had been laying down). At this point I really wanted to get outside. Too many of my recent flying dreams had taken place indoors (what a waste). I wanted to fly high.

      I floated out of the bedroom. Suddenly there was a little neighbor girl there pulling on me and asking for her ball. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a little pink bouncy ball and gave it to her. She took it and went away. [Note: Since this makes no sense to me, it shows that my subconscious mind was still doing its thing. If I were more lucid I'm sure I would have noticed that this was strange-- or that it wouldn't have happened at all.]

      I floated to the back door. As I reached for the door handle, I thought, "I don't want it to be cold outside...I can control that too, can't I?" I pulled the door open and floated out and took off flying. The weather was perfect. It was early morning...cool, but not cold.

      All around me the music from Peter Pan started playing, "You can fly...you can fly...you can fly...". I was feeling so happy that I started singing along. [Note: I remember thinking "I hope I am not singing in real life in bed and waking everyone up". I think that shows how lucid I really was...not forgetting that my real body was still laying in bed somewhere else.]

      I flew up over some trees, and grabbed some leaves off the top of a really tall one and told myself to fly higher. I did for moment, then the next thing I knew I was back near the ground. I told myself I had the power to go higher. And I was then able to go quite high. I looked down and could see the roads. I remember thinking, "I'm glad I have done Google Earth so much so I know what this is all supposed to look like from above".

      I decided I wanted to travel. I started following the highway, but realized that I was going to have to learn to fly faster or I wouldn't have time to get anywhere before I woke up.

      And sure enough, at that point I did wake up.

      But I didn't really mind. I was truly excited. I now knew that lucid dreaming was possible for me. And that this was just the beginning.
      Last edited by Twoshadows; 11-01-2010 at 03:38 AM.
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      Instead of trying to go back and filling inthe missing places. I'll just go from here.

      Last night I went to bed visualizing myself floating. The feeling of floating was so familiar, for a moment I almost thought I was in my dream already and expecting myself to float. I was hoping that floating would be the dream sign that triggered lucidity.

      But instead of dreaming about floating, I had a dream completely different than any I have had before. I dreamed I was having someone else's dream. It was supposedly of a guy who was a great Lucid Dreamer, and I had somehow gotten into his dreams. Since this was the first dream of the night, I don't have very good detail on it. Just images of a street. And this peculiar feeling.

      The only other dream I remember was that I was traveling with my mom and sister. We then got these apartments. I wasn't in the same one as my mom or sister. I was two doors down. But I was wishing I was next door so we could just open the adjoining door and see each other without going outside. Not a very exciting dream.

      I know I had more dreams but my recall wasn't very good last night.

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      Okay I decided to go back and fill in a couple of dreams from the past week or so. These are the ones that stood out.

      In real life we had bought the movie King Kong. We didn't have time to watch it that night, but that didn't stop me from having a dream about it.

      In the dream I was in a big house (supposedly mine) and I looked out the window and there was a small version of King Kong (maybe 10 feet) climbing on our neighbor's house. I tried not to freak out, and was trying to decide what to do when KK came over to my house and started to try to break in. I knew it was only a matter of time, so I waited for him to go around to the back side of the house, and when he did I ran out to the car.

      Surprisingly, not only did I make it to the car, I had the keys, the keys opened the lock, the car started, and I was able to drive away.

      That was one example of several "nightmares" that "turned out fine". I was wondering if this had something to do with myself becoming more aware in my dreams.

      The second of that type happened the night after I watched the movie King Kong.

      In the dream I was the girl KK liked so he was carrying me around. I didn't seem to mind. Then he set me down to go off to do something. The T-Rex rushed in and grabbed me (with its "hand"). KK sees this and rushes back to rescue me and a big fight breaks out where I am stuck in the middle. Finally the T-Rex sets me down so it can fight better.

      At that point I decide I need to take off. I didn't want to stick around in case KK didn't win. So I start running up the street (this was taking place in the backyard of the house I grew up in. Somehow it was big enough for all this). I'm trying to run, but I am going super slow (this should have triggered lucidity as it is one of my dream signs...but it didn't). I finally figure out that I can run a whole lot faster if I run backwards! I run to the end of the block and decide to hide in this strip of land between the backyards that belongs to the city. I climb the fence and jump down. It is almost like a freeway underpass. I suddenly realize that it is full of homeless guys. They start looking at me with lust in their eyes and start to surround me. At this point I started screaming at the top of my lungs.

      The next thing I know I see something big moving through the trees toward me. It was KK, and he was there to rescue me. I call to him and the homeless guys look at KK in terror and rush off. And that was the end. Another nightmare with a happy ending.

      The third dream was one where I was in the desert with my mom. We were out in the middle of nowhere. We suddenly watch as this storm forms and a tornado forms right in front of us. We look around for a place to hide and see a house that is under construction. We rush in and find some exposed plumbing pipes and brace ourselves around them. The tornado rips the house up from over us. But we are miraculously untouched. I don't even remember feeling scared in that dream. Was like I knew it would turn out okay.

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      I don't remember a single dream in its entirety. Just funny little clips and images.

      From early dreams I remember I had two friends in the dream-- Kim B and Neisha J. But I don't remember what we were doing. Maybe something with music.

      Then there was something about a church activity.

      Then my childhood best friend and I were talking to some tourists about what they could do in this area.

      Then she and I were watching a bigfoot/sasquatch clip on the internet.

      I know there was much more, but I didn't write it down during the night or upon awakening. So this is all that's left.

      I'll edit this if anything else comes back.

      Okay, I did remember something. It is super gross, so I won't go into detail. The key word, though, is "parasites"....Eeeeewwwwwww.

    5. #5
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      Another night of fragmented dreams. I can't remember a single whole dream, just bits and pieces from many dreams. So here are the images that I remember.

      One of the later in the night dreams....I was watching the sky and I suddenly saw these military jets. They started to fly in a spiral, like they were putting on a show. Then more came and they all started to spiral. It was pretty cool looking.

      That dream progressed and I was a fighter jet in a computer game--which is strange since I really don't play many computer games. But as the jet I was blowing up things....strange things like skeletons and unicorns. And that was pretty much it for that dream.

      Another dream earlier in the night..... I was out on a boat in the ocean with some teachers. And I remember there was some excitement over a mechanical shark being spotted in the water. Odd...

      Then there was a long dream...but again, I can only remember little bits. There was this big T-Rex, and it was fighting a Stegosaurous. But it wasn't real. It was part of a show or something. I was sitting in a seat, but then got up. Someone took my place, and I was feeling a little mad that they took my seat. I had to sit a few chairs down. Then we were all singing....

    6. #6
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      I had several dreams last night, but one stood out. It was influenced by the fact that I watched an episode of Smallville last night.

      In the dream I had done something that really pissed Lionel Luthor off. He had somehow gotten ahold of me, and I was in his car with him being held against my will. He talked to me in that way he does. And he gave me two choices. One was he could kill me right then and there. The other involved betraying my friends and possible getting them killed. Betraying my friends wasn't an option, but I didn't want to be killed either. I felt horribly trapped. I wanted out. I couldn't come up with any way to get myself out of this. I tried to talk to Lionel and change his mind, to try to get him to feel sympathy towards me. But it didn't work. I finally said the only thing I could. "I guess you are going to have to kill me."

      As soon as I said that, this feeling of terror came over me. I started shaking and tears filled my eyes. I couldn't believe that in just a moment my life would be over. I wondered if it would hurt to die. And there were so many things I still wanted to do in life. And many people I didn't want to leave yet. I wasn't ready for this.

      Lionel then takes out a gun. Everything is like in slow motion. I see the gun come up to my head. I am praying..."Please let this be fast....please let this not hurt". I feel the cold tip of the gun against my temple. I feel my tears running down my cheeks.

      And then he laughs.....

      He puts the gun down and says that it wouldn't be any fun to end it so quickly. I feel the overwhelming emotions of both relief and anger at the same time.

      He takes me to this public place. He has a stack of important papers that supposedly gives him permission to publicly execute me. He lets me sit at this picnic-type table while he gets things ready. I am still feeling shaky and ready to burst out in tears any second.

      I suddenly look over and I see G and L D at the next table. I go sit by them and tearfully tell them what is about to happen to me. They are very concerned and say they will pray with me. It is a very nice prayer and at the end G says it is not my time to go yet. He then suddenly snatches up Lionel's important papers and slaps some money down on the table. This doesn't make sense outside of the dream...but in the dream this was pure genius. In doing this he was somehow able to buy my freedom and there was nothing Lionel could do at this point legally , especially now that he had made this public.

      I had this feeling of relief like you couldn't believe, and I was feeling very thankful to God who I know had saved me.

      I woke up after that and contemplated this dream for a long time. I had experienced many very intense feelings. This was a dream I felt I needed to remember.

    7. #7
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      Very interesting dreams and Great recall.

      You should be on your way to lucidity before you know it.
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    8. #8
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      Thanks Oneironaut,

      I was just thinking how this dream reminded me of another dream I had several years ago. In fact, I can remember the exact day....Sept 11, 2001 (just minutes before I was awakend with a call telling me about the attacks).

      In this dream I was also taken hostage by a guy. I was taken in his car, and he told me he was going to kill me. I remember thinking, "But I'm a girl, I'm pretty...I'm a very nice person. He wouldn't want to kill me if he had a chance to get to know me."

      How could someone kill someone they didn't know...in cold blood...?

      Like the other dream I tried to talk my way out of this. I looked at him...my eyes pleading. And I remember him laughing and pulling the trigger.

      And everything went dark.

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      While I'm at it I will share the other dream that I had Sept 11, 2001. You know how everyone remembers where they were when they heard about the attacks...well, I also vividly remember the dreams I had that morning right before I heard about it.

      This was before the dream I just shared where I was killed.

      In this dream I knew that there was a nuclear bomb about to go off. I was the only one that knew it was coming. I was by this cave, and I knew that the only way to be saved when the bomb exploded was to be in the cave. I remember screaming to everyone to get in the cave. I wanted to save as many people as I could, but no one listened to me. It was terrifying and frustrating.

      I finally ran into the cave by myself and went deep inside. At one point I knew that it had come...and I was afraid that I was the only person left alive.

      These were interesting and eerie dreams to have right before finding about about the attacks. The feelings I had just had about "impending disaster", "knowing many people had just died", and "killing in cold blood" came right back to me....and stayed with me while I watched the news.

    10. #10
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      I had several dreams again last night. A couple had to do with traveling. In one of the early dreams I was traveling with my friend E (I know why I dreamed this. He works for the airlines and is always traveling. Recently he showed me pics from his trip to Egypt and I said, "Next time take me with you!" And he said "Okay, sure." But I have a feeling that's just wishful thinking. But in the dream I got to go.) I think we went to Sri Lanka. I don't remember much.

      Second dream: I think this dream was unrelated to the first. I was in an airport and suddenly there was a big explosion. I was close enough to see several people get caught in it and die. It was pretty awful. We then were evacuated to go to a big building across the street where we had to stay until the airport was secured and things would be up and running again.

      I had to put my bags in a shopping cart. We had walk on a pedestrian bridge over a busy street. It was steep, and the ground was icy, and my cart kept slipping, and I had trouble getting it up and over.

      We all crowded into a big building. There was a big open area that had a lot of folding chairs. I found an empty one and sat and waited. To pass the time, the people started singing.

    11. #11
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      First WILD attempt....a Success!

      May 1 2006 2:00am

      I just had an amazing experience. I wrote it down on paper when I first got up, but then decided to get it right on the computer. Here it is:

      I was awaken at about 12:15 and was having trouble falling back asleep, so I got up and did a few things and then laid back down in bed. Laying awake in bed at night has always frustrated me. I feel like I am wasting time, yet I know I need to try to sleep.

      But this time I thought I would make use of this time. I decided to try to WILD. It had been quite a while since I had read about WILDing, so I wasn't really sure what to do. I did remember something about counting down back from one hundred while laying real still. I figured it was worth a try since there was nothing to lose.

      So I got in a comfortable position on my back and slowly counted down from one hundred. But I kept having itches and found myself scratching them. I got down to one and started again.

      At about 50 I thought, "This isn't working. I must be forgetting to do something." So I stopped counting. I laid there for a few more minutes and then I suddenly felt very sleepy. I figured I'd try one more time.

      This time I didn't even count. I just laid there staring at the ceiling and focused on the feeling of myself becoming more and more "detatched" from my body. I heard a noise that was like a "hum", and I saw the ceiling "bouncing". Or maybe I was the one bouncing. Which ever it was, the ceiling would come closer then go back, then closer and then back, until finally I reached out my hand to see if I could "physically" feel it. Sure enough, I could feel it...even the texture of the plaster.

      When that happened I knew that I had successfully WILDed and I was in a Lucid Dream.

      I did the first thing that seems to come naturally for me in LDs. I flew out of bed and down toward the door. This time it was still dark outside. I remembered that in my last LD I was able to control the weather so it wasn't cold outside. I did the same in this dream. I opened the door and flew out in the not-so-cold night.

      I could see the house lights and street lights around me as I started to fly higher. Finally I looked over toward the city and saw all the city lights. I realized that this was not my city, but a much larger city. I decided it didn't matter. In this dream my house was on some sort of hill overlooking the downtown area. I had to fly across the hill before the ground dropped away, and I was over all the city lights. That was pretty cool.

      But then everything changed. I wasn't expecting this. My last LD seemed so perfectly real except for the fact that I was flying. But this one got a little strange. I was suddenly in a big dark room flying over these board games. Everything was huge, like I was the size of a fly in comparison. I didn't like it. I wanted to go back outside. I tried to change that, but was frustrated that I couldn't. I also wanted to see other people, since my LDs don't seem to have other people in them (except for that little girl that just passed through in the other one). But I couldn't make anyone show up.

      I decided to try one more thing. I remembered that the Lucid Dream task for April was to swallow a goldfish (It didn't dawn on me that I was now at least an hour into May). So I decided that I would fly into the next room, and that I would see a fish tank full of goldfish by the wall. And....yes.....this time I was able to do it.

      So there it was...this fish tank in an otherwise empty room. I landed on the floor beside it and looked at the fish. There were about 8 in the tank. They were a little more like Koi than the typical goldfish, but I figured that I had done pretty well considering this was only my second LD. They were all about 3 inches long and white in color with little spots of gold and black.

      When I had read about this task I had wondered if "dream goldfish" felt or tasted anything like real goldfish. I was actually very curious to find out. I stuck my hand in the water and grabbed one. To my dismay, it felt exactly like a real fish...cold, wet, and slightly slimy. Without looking at it closely, I popped it in my mouth.

      I stood there for a moment not knowing what to do next. I had hoped that once I got it into my mouth I could wish it into a cookie and chew it up and swallow it. But instead I had a very large, very real goldfish wiggling around in my mouth. It was too big to swallow whole. Yet the idea of chewing it was too gross to consider.

      I finally thought, "If I can make myself fly in a dream, I certainly can make myself swallow a goldfish!" and with that, I swallowed.

      The huge goldfish went about halfway down my throat before stopping. I started to gag. Unfortunately, the gagging made me wake up.

      But again, I wasn't upset. I suddenly realized the significance of what I had just accomplished....my first WILD....and how easy it had come.

      I had felt slightly frustrated that a week and a half had gone by since my first LD, and I had nothing else close to an LD since then.....until now.

      I am definitely going to try this again.
      Last edited by Twoshadows; 11-01-2010 at 03:42 AM.

    12. #12
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      May 1 continued...

      I want to write down everything leading up to this WILD because there may be something I need to remember.

      I had been out of state the last two nights attending a seminar. I actually had been hoping to have an LD while at the hotel. I thought that maybe since I was not in my own bed I would wake up more at night giving me a chance to not sleep so hard and let me be more aware of my dreams. But darn those Marriot hotels--they have beds that are too comfortable--I slept like a log all night and had minimal dream recall.

      I had to drive back all day yesterday. The drive was rather stressful. There was rain and strong gusts of wind. Three deer ran out in front of me that I almost hit. It was rather unnerving. I had passed at least a dozen freshly killed deer on the side of the road.

      I also ran over the the top of two chipmonks and a squirrel, but miraculously they were all between the wheels and weren't harmed.

      Anyway, at about 3:00 I took a Vivarin to keep me alert for the remainder of the drive.

      Surprisingly I was tired fairly early that night. But I guess it is not that surprising since I had had an exhausting last few days. I think I went to sleep at 10:00--then awakened at 12:15. It is earlier in the night than I've heard is ideal for a WILD. But I guess if it works, that's all that matters.

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      I went to bed with the window open again and the ceiling fan on medium. Those were the conditions for the previous night's WILD.

      I had a few dreams. Nothing stands out until the end of one. In the dream there was a knock at the door. I went to get it. Our front door has these side glass panels that you can see out of. I remember seeing a man's boots through it so I knew that it was a man at the door. But when I opened it, I was shocked. There, standing before me was my dog, now about seven feet tall standing upright on his back legs. That image was so startling that I instantly woke up.

      I looked at the clock....3:24. A good time for WILD, I thought. But I was tired. I didn't want to get out of bed to keep awake for a period of time. So for a little while I tried to just lay in bed and think, while trying to keep my eyes open.

      I wasn't extrememly motivated, though. Part of me didn't want to try to WILD. The previous night's WILD had left me with this incredible feeling.....the feeling that I now KNEW how to do it. That my life would be forever changed because of it, and my new ability. I wanted to revel a little while longer in that "high" before chancing a possible failure.

      So I finally let myself just drift back into a normal sleep with more normal dreams, none of which was even exciting enough to remember.

    14. #14
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      I had my third Lucid Dream last night. Last night marks the two week anniversary since my first LD. So three in two weeks...I'm happy with that.

      I am slightly frustrated because recall wasn't very good on this one. I didn't think that that would happen to me on a lucid dream, especially this early on.

      I had awakened at about 5:00, and had decided to WILD. Wednesdays are a sleep-in day for me, so I thought it might work. But it was hard to concentrate. I had the window open, and it was already getting light, and there were dogs barking, and the birds were all singing so loudly. I finally decided that I wouldn't WILD. But as usual, I was hoping that I would DILD.

      So I did fall back asleep and start some normal dreams. In one of the dreams I was flying. Not by myself, but in some sort of open topped flying car. And I was with several other people. Recall on that part of the dream is poor.

      It was doing this flying that triggered lucidity. I remember thinking, "This is a dream. I'm Lucid." And the next thing I knew I was out flying on my own.

      Yesterday, I had made it my goal that if I had an LD I would work on changing scenery...and if that didn't work I would patch a hole in a bucket (May's Lucid Task).

      And this is where I wish I could remember details; I do remember being sucessful to the point of changing things so that I was instantly really high in the sky. I have never been that high in any dream. Comparing it to Google Earth, I would say that I was about 15,000+ feet altitude...which is pretty amazing for me since my normal flying altitude in dreams is a couple of hundred feet tops.And that is basically all I remember of the lucid part of that dream. I somehow lost lucidity and went to other dreams that involved my grandma and having a toothache.

      But knowing I had a lucid dream at all makes me happy, and it makes me realize that this is starting to become more natural. And that it will only get better from here.
      Last edited by Twoshadows; 11-01-2010 at 03:48 AM.

    15. #15
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      I wanted to WILD again last night. I tried to make the conditons right. I woke up at 3:00, but then fell back asleep until 4:00. Tried to start but at that point was too awake. By the time it was close to 5:00, I knew that my alarm would be going off within the hour so I figured it would be a waste to start an LD only to have my alarm go off right as things got good. So I let myself drift off into normal sleep.

      I dreamed that I was going somewhere in a big building. I was in the elevator with my sister. Suddenly the elevator cable broke and the elevator started falling. I reached out and held my sisters hands because I figued there was a good chance we would die.

      But at the last minute I realized that there was this cable inside the elevator that in an emergency you could pull it and it would slow a falling elevator down. We we both pulled it and the elevator was suddenly going back up.

      Of course at the top it starts falling back down again and we go through this whole thing again. The next time we made it to the top the door opens and two more girls get in. For some reason I was distacted and didn't warn them about the problem this certain elevator was having...and it starts falling again.

      Finally it pauses long enough on the first floor that I tell everyone to get out quick. So we all did.

      For some reason we were the only people in the building, but now there is a huge group of reporters and other media waiting at the front door to get in and find out about our ordeal.

      It was at this point I realized that I don't have my jeans on...just underwear (so typical for my dreams that I don't even wonder how this happened.) I see that there is a pile of clothes, and I know that my jeans are in there somewhere. I pull out a pair that looks like mine only to find out when I try to put them on that they are child-sized. The next pair...the same. Finally I pull out a pair that is too big and white with this dorky micky mouse pattern all over it. But since the people are coming in the doors now, I decide to slip them on fast and hold them up around me, realizing that I was going to look really silly, but it was better than no jeans at all.

      And then my alarm went off.

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      I had an odd dream last night. A first for me (and I have dreamed a lot of dreams).

      I dreamed that I was a 14 year old boy. I was with these other teenage boys and talking and hanging out. At one point I remember looking in the mirror and noticing that I had "peach fuzz". It was kind of a big deal. I was wondering if it was enough for me to shave. What a funny thing for me to dream. [It's been a long time since I have been 14....and I have never been a boy].

    17. #17
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      I had a bunch of weird dreams last night that seemed to take hours. But I didn't think about them when I got up, now too much time has passed and I don't remember the details. But I'll write what I do remember.

      First was another dream that had Lionel Luther in it. Don't ask me why. I haven't even been watching Smallville lately. Maybe that other dream with him was so very intense it lead to me having this dream. For me, one dream often leads to another similar dream.

      I can't remember how this started. But it was like we were competing and fighting. Then I finally said to him. "Forget this...let me just work with you." He was still mean, but I said, "Dang it, if I'm going to be on your side you'd better be nice to me." And it seems he was after that. That is a very brief summary of a very long involved dream. Hate when I can't remember.

      The Second dream was even longer. But I don't remember much either....just little parts and images. I was watching a hot air ballon in the sky. Then stuff happened I don't remember. Then I looked in the sky and saw this huge vulture bird with what was left of the balloon in its beak. This was no ordinary 30 foot bird. I knew that it was intelligent and evil and cunning and it was looking for me (funny how in real life I am a nobody, but in dreams I am the one that the enemy is always looking for.....lol).

      The bird sees me, and I run into this protected building the bird can't come into. But I know that it is out there... looking for a way. I am suddenly not alone. There are other people hiding. One is MM. MM sees me and says, "We will be more disguised, and it will be less likely to recognize us if we pretend we are engaged" (What an odd plan for my mind to come up with). Then he takes me in his arms and starts kissing me. We are suddenly in a hotel and he takes me into a room... and it is obvious he is taking the "engaged" thing seriously. At one point he talks about getting married for real. I remember thinking that his family is rich and powerful, but not very nice. I agree to marry him, but wonder what I am getting myself into.

      Just a note: I hardly know MM and have never had any romantic feelings about him...so where in the world did this dream come from??


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      More forgotten dreams....

      I do remember my last one. It was more like watching a movie. It was about this guy who was having to hide for some reason. He was a good looking guy from Australia. He came here to the US and was having to change his accent from Australian to a British. I'm not sure why he didn't just change it to an American accent to blend in even more. Who knows why my mind does what it does in dreams.

      Anyway, some stuff happens that I don't remember. But I do know that I was now in the dream. But it was still like watching a movie. I knew that it was a romance. And I had this feeling of anticipation.

      We were at the beach and climbing up some sand dunes, and it got very steep--almost completely vertical. I noticed that there this other girl with us. The guy and the other girl made it to the top, and I just couldn't do it. I started trying to cut across sideways, but I kept slipping down the sand. It was then it suddenly dawned on me that I was not the main character in the love story. It was the other girl. I was devastated.

      And then I woke up.

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      I had my fourth last night. It wasn't as detailed as the first two, but more like the third. BUt like I have said before any LD means I am making progress.

      The lucid part comes near the end of a very involved, very forgotten dream. I do remember that King Kong (yes, here he is again in my dreams) was chasing me. I was at the shore of a lake, and I ran into the water in a cove and tried to hide under the water under a lip on the rocks.

      I realized that there was no way I could hold my breath long enough to make this a worthwhile hiding place. And then suddenly it hit me. Yes I could! I had read many people's LD where one of their dream signs was to breath under water. I took a little breath. It worked. I was in a dream.

      King Kong forgotten I flew up out of the water. But where was I? I was in a big dark room again (like LD #2). Instead of board games it was all lit up with black lights. It reminded me of the dark rides at Disneyland, where everything has a flourescent glow. I flew around for a little while inside the big room. I wanted to get outside, but I don't remember a lot of conscious thought like in my first two LD's.

      I did remember thinking about other people's LD where they said "Clarity" to sharpen it up. I tried it. But I didn't get much of a change with that.

      Then I remember thinking, "I'm going to wake up before anything good happens in this LD." And sure enough, I felt myself wake up. I watched as the room become light, and the flourescent lighting was gone, and I was in just a normal room. Of course, this was a False Awakening, but I didn't realize at the time.

      At that point I went on to other non-lucid dreams. Because I didn't wake up, my recall isn't as good on this dream. And that's a good point--my first two LDs seem so clear and vivid. It may be because I woke up immediately after each of those dreams and wrote them down. The third and fourth aren't as clear. Both of those went on to other dreams before I was able to wake up and review the LD in my mind. I'm sure that makes a difference.

      I need to try for more of the first kind.
      Last edited by Twoshadows; 11-01-2010 at 03:50 AM.

    20. #20
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      Fifth Lucid Dream

      This makes LDs two nights in a row. Pretty cool.

      I went to bed at around 11:00 and got up at 5:45. I wasn\'t planning on going back sleep, but at 7:45 or so I laid down again for a little power nap. And I had this dream.

      It started as a non-lucid dream. I was driving up a hill in my car. I was looking for a graveyard. (I have a friend in Rhode Island who I have been doing some research with involving graveyards in RI. And this had to do with that research.)

      As I was driving I suddenly thought, "Wait a minute--how is it that I am acutally in RI ????"

      At that point I realized that I was in a dream and that I was now lucid. I remember thinking "Hey, this is getting easier. It doesn't take much to get me lucid these days".
      I looked down at my arms and hands holding the steering wheel and noticed I was wearing my red long sleeved shirt.

      In all my past LDs, as soon as I find I am lucid I take off flying. But I was in a car this time driving down the road. I was actually curious about what I would do.

      I decided to focus on the windshield with the intent to change the scenery outside. The road in front of me become fuzzy and then changed to clouds and sky. I was proud of myself.

      I now needed to get out of the car (for some reason opening the door didn't come to mind). I wanted to make the car around me disappear. I focused again on the windshield and made the windshield disappear. That was good enough for me as I now flew straight out into the sky. I noticed it was strange that I couldn't feel the wind or the coolness of the air like in my first two LDs (That's something I have to work on. Flying isn't the same without the wind in your face).

      The thought now hits me that it is not the middle of the night for my sleeping self, but somewhere near 8:00. I was afraid someone would disturb me and I would wake up, and I wasn't ready to wake up.

      I knew I needed to hurry. I decided that since this dream was originally about finding a graveyard, I wanted to fly to a certain graveyard in RI (EX022). I knew from my first LD that I couldn't fly the traditional way or I would never make it in time. In fact I didn't even know where I was at the moment. I would have to instantly make myself appear there. So I concentrated once more on the sky ahead of me and tried to make it appear as Exeter, Rhode Island. It started to get fuzzy and change.Then I woke up.

      I am never ready for these dreams to end.

      This dreams gets me excited in several ways.

      First, it is the second lucid dream in two nights.

      Second, I didn't have to have one of my traditional dreams signs to get me lucid. It happened without a lot of thought.

      Third, I was able to remember my goal of trying to learn how to change scenery.

      Fourth, I was actually able to do some scenery change. I'm hoping that with practice I can master it. I am getting better, and more confident with this ability.
      Last edited by Twoshadows; 11-01-2010 at 03:52 AM.

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      I didn't get my three in a row like I had hoped.

      But I had other interesting dreams. The only one that stuck with me was I was with Walt Disney and we were building a 60 foot giraffe out of uncooked shaghetti noodles. It was pretty cool.

      I had a power nap this afternoon and had a brief dream of my grandma (who has passed away) singing to me. It was very nice and comforting.

    22. #22
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      I remember bits of two dreams.

      Dream 1

      We were travelling and moving to a new house. I remember having our furnature all over the front yard and being embarrassed about that.

      Dream 2

      I was with a university professor and a couple of other students, and he was giving a physics lesson. But instead of being in a classroom, we were in some sort of tunnel, and there was a hole in the wall of the tunnel with something moving on the other side. At first I thought it was a river...but them it seemed like it was a train. I'm not sure what the lesson was, but it seemed significant at the time.

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      I have been really busy and have missed a few days. I haven't had any LDs or any particularly memorable dreams, but I'll jot down the few things I remember.

      In one dream I was given a pet squirrel. I was at some sort of convention and was carrying my squirrel around. I noticed other people there had chipmonks with them. Some were real and others were made out of pompoms (funny). It reminded me of the Far Side joke which says something like "Suddenly Professor [Something-or-Other] realizes he has come to the seminar without his duck"--and it shows everyone else with a duck with them. At the end of that dream the man who gave me the squirrel decided he wanted it back. I felt really bad at first, but then realized that maybe it was for the better since I really wasn't sure how to care for a squirrel. I'm wondering if this dream was inspired by the squirrel and chipmonks I almost ran over a couple of weeks ago.

      In another dream I was taking care of a friend's baby. I was holding her and feeding her, and she was very cute.

      In another I was watching some guys practicing for a play/dance.

      I also had a dream where I where I got to ride on Air Force One--except it was just a little jet--but also kind of a rocket. We landed at this place, and I was about to carry my bags off. But the pilot came to me and told me that if I left my bags aboard that I would have a better chance being allowed back on. And that I would probably like to get back on because they were going to take a trip to the moon next. I was quite excited about a chance to visit the moon.

      Boy, I know I had more dreams. And I have these whispy little glimpses of some...but there really isn't anything substantial enough to write down.

    24. #24
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      I had a dream where we moved into a new house (seems to be a reoccuring theme for me). It was big, but had some funny things about it. One of those funny things was that the previous owners had left up some big Halloween decorations on the side of the house--big monsters made of glittery purple cardboard.

      Then the dream got complex and I don't remember how it all happened, but I was with friends discussing the possibility of being attacked by some bad guys, and they were talking about the description of the bad guys.

      Then I was alone doing something (I don't remember what), and I looked over to the side of me, and I saw a car and in the car were two guys that fit the description. They were wearing these creepy masks. I knew I shouldn't panic, so I told myself to pretend I didn't see them and continue with what I was doing, then casually walk across the street to a building where all my other freinds were.

      But I couldn't do it. I set down my stuff and rushed over across the street. The two guys followed. They were carrying glass bottles and smashed the ends off and tried to cut us with the broken ends. I remember being very agile in the dream and being able to avoid all their swings. Maybe that is more of what I noticed earlier recent dreams about having my nightmares "turning out fine".

      That's all I remember of the dream.

    25. #25
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      I was awakened at 1:00 last night. I went back to bed at around 2:00. I decided that it was a good time to try to WILD.

      I counted and relaxed and stared at the ceiling like before. I got to the point where I was seeing greenish lights and feeling slightly numb in the chest area. But I kept having itches, and I kept sctatching them, and I kept having to start over and over. I never got to the Sleep Paralysis stage as I was always able to keep stratching the itches.

      I finally decided that I needed to get some sleep, so I turned on my side where I was more comfortable. I hoped that I might still DILD. But I didn't.

      I did have a dream that I was talking on the phone with someone I had been wanting to talk to.

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