Looks like my mind decided to make up for the past few days with a few WTF dreams.
Lonely Swimmer
I'm swimming in a pool at a hotel. There's hardly anyone here but a few people. They are all older than me by decades. I get out of the pool to see if I can find anyone I know at the hotel.
I come across Brad, an old neighbor of mine. I ask him if he still swims reguarly, and he gives me a swift and firm no. The pool blows up in fire behind me for some reason, and I go off to do something else.
The Hybrids
I was sitting in the dinner eating dinner with my family. There are these bizarre animals knocking on the windows. One was half dog half bear, and stood over 10 feet tall.
At one point in the dream, I remember walking down a hall and to a coworker. I think we were detectives. We walked out onto the porch and congratulated each other on what a good job we had done.
Out of no where, we jumped 30 feet to the ground and starting randomly running around the yard at super speeds.
Later in the dream, we board a boat/plane hybrid, because the evil animal hybrids are attacking us. On the inside of the plane were actually places for each particular race to sit. No one must have payed attention to it cause I sat in the Asian section, 3rd row down, left side, which had 5 seats. We started going very, very fast.
The pilot/captain was assuring us that it was legal that we could go this fast because we were "Second Class", and had the right of way over "Third Class". Third class was a bunch of boaters and tubers. Apparently, it was legal to run them over.
We went extremely fast, through this canal thing. The whole ride was through a narrow canal, which had thousands of boaters. I hoped to meet my long lost daughter when I got to our destination. She had been taken away by Sephoroth, and then could age 10 years in a day. LOL.
At one point, we stopped for this guy sitting on a tube. He was being harassed by this immature man, who was giving him wedgies in his boxers. We played a prank on the immature man, then sped off.
We would occasionally all change seats. The second time I changed, I was still in the "Asian" section, but I moved up one row so there was only one row in front of me. In my row, there was only 3 seats. No one sat by me and I felt lonely.
We had made an IRL club for these other forums that I am at. There were people dancing and having a good time. I think there was a live DJ, who was raving and rapping at the same time. It sounded pretty good.
In the back of the room, this lady was working on a map of the world. When it came her time to rap, she would do a pretty good job.
I was in the back of the room, working on some project. I had to do an art poster for the forum, but I was no good at art. I ask the guy next to me if he'd like to trade (he was working on a spread sheet), and he accepts my offer.
While trading, we start getting a brown-out. Lights are flickering and dimming and suddenly the people dancing in the room have disappeared. After the brown out is gone, my friend tries to turn the TV back on, but its giving him this error message to wait a few minutes, which he is ignoring. I tell him to wait, then I try it and it works.
We get back to working on the projects. The spread sheet needs to be colored for some silly reason, so I sit on the floor and open up a crayon box. The inside of the crayon box says, "its a whol lot bettr if u smokez".
We had to collect cans for this school donation event, in which we would be camping out in my front yard for a week. I had only found 1 bag of cans, which made me feel bad.
During the day, we were allowed to go out to town and get cans. For some reason, I was "Zack" from Zack & Cody...
I went downstairs to my room to get some money I had saved up, and Cody followed. We needed to get dressed because we were only in our underwear. I remember thinking that I wasn't used to being a guy, so getting dressed like this would be new. I found a shirt and some pants, but then realized that the shirt was dirty so I went to the sink to handwash it real quick, then put it back on.
I came up the stairs and went up another flight of stairs. Upstairs were some girls, and a woman probably in her 30's. She was tall, blonde, and wore bright red lipstick. Although she was still youthful, you could see her age.
She told me that I had gotten her pregnant, and was still holding my baby. I didn't know what to do, so I just talked to the other girls in the room.
We had some kind of conference to go to. The room had black tiles with gray walls. It was spacious, and only had a single table in it where a few people sat.
After the meeting was over, I was called into a small office in the corner of the spacious room. The lady with red lipstick was there, and for some reason we started making out (WTF?!).
Raft Dreams
Another WTF dream...I was once again a guy. We were on these raft things and fishing. The rafts were yellow, and about 6 feet long and 3 feet wide. There was probably 5 people crammed onto just one.
I saw that the guide kept looking at me, and I began flirting with him (uh...I'm still a guy...). There is a girl in the middle of the raft with brown hair. She's getting jealous because she can't get the gay guy to like her.
We decide to go white water rafting. Everyone has their own raft now, except it's a little smaller and we are riding them on our bellies. I am near the edge, when I notice that this "river" is only a mere human constructed canal thing. I tap the edges and they sound plastic.
I notice that we are about to go over a very large waterfall, so I swim up to the guide and he tells us that this waterfall has over a one hundred foot drop, and we are likely to wake up in the process of trying to go through it. He says that at the bottom of the waterfall flows red water...
The guide and I hold hands, but I have a FA thing. Instead of completely waking up, I have a dream before it. In my dream, I am in the woods. It is really creepy and deserted, except for the girl down at the rafts. She is standing there, shivering. She sees me, and tells me to run away as fast as I can. I don't listen to her, but she keeps telling me to just leave and save myself.
A spirit like thing comes. It looks vampirish. As it passes through her, she suddenly drops dead to the ground. The spirit disappears into the brush and I FA.
I wake up in the hotel that we were staying at. Most people are already up and getting ready for another day on the river. I'm the only one left in the room, except my mom which I tell the dream to. I see the brunette trying to listen to our conversation from outside the room. She looks worried, and looks mildly beat up.
I can't go with them on the trip because I contracted some weird disease.
- We were going to some meeting for people who were lactose intolerant. It was to help us and discover which foods we were more prone to reacting to. One of the doctors there was one of my classmates from German class.
- Once again, I fail to comprehend my dream journal. Written early in the night, "Zand and coy go to amusement place. a giff I have kid trying to find her".