Dream 1: Tidal Wave
Kestrel's parents invite me up to their cabin, which is on a large body of water. This body of water is normally very calm and it's a beautiful sight to see. However today, when I arrive, I am taken aback by a massive tidal wave that is forming on the horizon. Even though their house sits about half a mile back from the water (on a hill, so you can see the water beautifully), the force of the tidal wave brings the water up to the edge of the cabin.
More tidal waves keep forming on the horizon. I am stunned by them, because they are so much slower than I thought they would ever be, and holy fuck they are massive.
Kestrel's parents say that I can only stay for several hours because they are having a large formal gathering. I forget to tell them I haven't made any arrangements for my way back home.
Dream 1a: False awakening #1
Apparently I had stayed the night in that house, as I false awakened from a stressful night's sleep trying to figure out where I was. I tried to turn on a light switch but nothing happened, so I did a reality check and found that I was dreaming.
Dream 1b: False awakening #2
I false awakened in the bedroom again. I woke up with the idea that Dom and his dad were going to meet me outside in the morning, so I checked my phone to see what time it was. My phone turned on with an error - saying that a virus was being downloaded. This was strange, so I did a reality check and found that I had 6 fingers.
99% of the time when I have false awakenings, it is dark and bleak and also mildly creepy. This was unfortunately also the case. I'm not a master at bringing light into dream scenes, so I decide to fly through the walls and to somewhere...less despairing.
I fly through several layers of dark house until I find myself flying outside in the night time air. It's really dark out here. There is a full moon above me.
I keep flying until I hear discordant music. It sounds like drumming. I look to my right and see a tiny festival happening below me. It looks as if it is a festival of walls or tiny rooms. There are just slabs of colorful walls, and then a large bonfire.
Intrigued, I fly over there and land where the bonfire is. I discover that this is actually not a festival of walls but rather a gathering of painters. They are painting to discordant drumming music. I dance.
Dream 1c: False awakening #3
I wake up again in the same bed, in the same bleak, dark room. I do a reality check to confirm that I'm still dreaming. In an effort to get out of there, I fly up through the ceiling but the room above me is still darkness. I fly up and up and up but nothing changes - darkness everywhere. I can feel every time I fly up through a new room because flying through the ceiling feels like passing through jello, and I am at least 5 or 6 floors up now.
I remember about the task of the month - to let yourself fall from an insane height and see what happens. I'm not sure the height I'm at would qualify as crazy high, but I am in some weird dark hellish void that won't let me escape and honestly I have nothing better to do so why tf not?
I stop flying upwards and let myself succumb to gravity. I don't feel myself falling through the individual floors, but I do fall for quite some time before falling back onto my bed (& still in total darkness..). The weird thing is that I definitely felt myself hit the bed the first time, but several seconds later I felt what can only be described as a warm G-force feeling all over sinking downwards into myself. I false awaken again.
Dream 1d: False awakening #4
Here I am again, in this dark void of a bedroom. I feel like I am desperate to illuminate my surroundings and my subconscious knows it.
I fly upwards again but still only darkness. I feel myself in some kind of ball pit, and I tell myself that for every ball I move, I will get just a little closer to the light.
It works. But only slowly. I was starting to wonder if it was just the claustrophobia of being in this ball pit, or if I was really suffocating in my bed sheets in real life. I finally move the last ball out of the way and find that the entire time I have been under a drain built into the side of a house.
I escape and lose lucidity at this point. In an effort to exert my freedom, I free a cage of mice and then go walk down to the beach.
Dream 2: something else
I'm standing in a field that slopes downward. I'm talking with some other people and walking around. We are examining old artifacts that were left behind probably from farmers from a hundred or so years ago. I suddenly remember a lucid dream that I had this night, that wasn't the one(s) above. It was supposedly a really good one. But upon awakening I tried and tried and couldn't remember wtf it was.