Disclaimer - Labels and Classifications may indicate polarities but do not define us. This is not a thread meant for self-diagnosis of any specific classification. This is just for fun.
Also, I use Magician here as an umbrella term. Feel free to declare yourself anything which you believe falls under the term, whether it be Wiccan, Druid or Lvl. 37 Troll Shaman
Here are some helpful possibilities, but do not feel the need to describe your practice based on the labels I have provided. They can be redundant and I made most of them up anyways. If you like, feel free to call yourself a Goodlesnout Factor or Malignent Harbinger, I don't care. Just explain what your self-label means.
White Magician - Your primary purpose is to use your magic to serve mankind, and all spells performed are in the interest of the greater good.
Gray Magician - Your primary purpose is to serve yourself or your sphere on interest, but you do not exploit or harm others in the process.
Black Magician - Your primary purpose is to serve yourself or sphere of influence and it doesn't matter what sort of damage you cause to others or the world in the process.
Chaos Magician - You believe the future is undecided, and that chance has a profound influence on the outcome, so you influence chance in order to ease the manifestation of a preferred outcome.
Ritual Magician - You believe that by tapping into archetypal or symbolic energies, you have the ability to effect reality on an invisible level.
Theatrical Magician - You believe everyone is performing magic all the time and the little details of expression have the most profound influence. The inflection of one's voice when they say the same phrase has a profoundly different effect, as well as the a amount of passion they put into it. Alternatively, this could also be utilized to describe magicians with a particular interest in Gnosis, or in becoming the single-minded nature of a desire.
Gnostic/Armchair Magician - You are most interested in understanding the philosophy of magic and comprehending the fabric of reality from the magical perspective (as opposed to the material or transcendental perspective). You may have some interest in manipulating your environment but are not interested in specific rituals so much as what is taking place when the rituals are performed.
Earth Mage - You utilize physical remedies, albeit hollistic or new-age in nature. Alternatively, you may call yourself an herbalist or alchemist.
Fire Mage - You focus on qi or energy in your practice, which may involve qi-gong, acupuncture or light
Air Mage - You focus on information and symbols in your practice, which may involve ritual, tarot or channeling
Water Mage - You focus on sound, vibration, dreams and emotion in your practice which may involve chanting or homeopathy.
Healer - You focus on helping restore health
Purifier - You focus on cleaning out residual energy and preparing spaces for comfort or creation
Manifestor - You focus on achieving specific desires.
Preserver - You focus on reinforcing the integrity of structures
Destroyer - You focus on breaking down old structures so something new may be born
Conjurer - You focus on creating energy forms for your bidding
Diviner - You focus on predicting the future
Invoker/Channeler - You focus on working with spiritual guides for assistance or information
Wiccan - You ascribe to Wiccan philosophy or take tutelage under Wiccans
Druid - You ascribe to Druidic philosophy or take tutelage under Druids
Shaman - You ascribe to Shamanic philosophy or take tutelage under Shamen