Hi Dreamer,
Thanx for replying.
The most helpful part you offered is to try to change the perception to transform the heavy electrical current into something that feels more pleasant.
I've tried many things in the past to no avail because the electric current is so uncomfortable and overwhelming. It's so strong that it feels like it's my physical nervous system delivering the shock, though I doubt it really is.
I probably shouldn't have mentioned paralysis because it's more like a very strong tension than paralysis. I can actually move, open my eyes, and stand up at any time. Sorry for the confusion *blush*.
I read about SP and it's not that.
Since it's very unlikely that it's physical and it's just etheric or astral, then your advice should work. I'll try it
I'm open to any other ideas. Can anyone else add anything? How might I redirect the flow so that it assists in a WILD or AP? I'm not sure how or what to aim it at.
Would it help if I yelped, whined, or made pleading puppy eyes?
Pleading Eyes.jpg