First off, sorry for any spelling mistakes and grammer, hate typing on an ipad, i,ve been a Member of only a few weeks and I have to say I am learning so much, LD is such a wonderful experience. I,m finding that I only LD on Sunday or Monday, not sure why. Last night I had a night ful, of LD,s it was awesome, but the thing is, I cant seem to make them last long, I tried touching things etc but I wake up. The good thing about last night is that I was able to jump back into the dream, but then again maybe I was not really waking up after all? Ihad woke during the night so tried to WILD, I had a few weird hallucinations etc but then just though it hadnt worked, I went to the bathroom then allmof a sudden I hear this wooosh and I am waking up with a huge intake of breath, so I had at least one false awakening. In the LD I spoke with DC,s which again is strange the first time, I asked a cop what I was doing here, he said I had come for the milk I was able to move through unopened doors etc, amazing..anyhow, what are your best tips for making a LD last longer..peace