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    Thread: Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain

    1. #17926
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      rant: i am completely exhausted my daughter was sobbing for about 2 hours then up in the night, its like when she was 5 again. Sleep deprivation isnt the favourite method of torture for no reason,

      Putting you into a category is how this current society functions (or doesnt depending on your viewpoint) people are categorised as generic male, female, uncle, cousin, doctor, scientist, clever, not clever, etc etc its about fitting rounded people into square holes. Adopt the role(s) and fit in. Blend in with the machinery and disappear. oops did i rant.

    2. #17927
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      So yeah I just failed my driving test . Everything went so well, including the parking but then you have to like put out the lights, put the emergency brake on and just step out of the car. And I made a huge mistake by not pressing the whole button in for the emergency brake. And that was basically the main reason why I failed. I feel so stupid now but it was really because of the nerves. 'Cause I know damn well how to put it on.
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      I can see you sleep through your bedroom window. You're killing yourself with lucid dreaming.

    3. #17928
      Please, call me Louai <span class='glow_008000'>LouaiB</span>'s Avatar
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      @Crashyy wtf man. well at least now you know that next test will be a sure pass.

      @Meoh Dang your daughter seems very sad. Is it anything serious to worry about??
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      I fill my heart with fire, with passion, passion for what makes me nostalgic. A unique perspective fuels my fire, makes me discover new passions, more nostalgia. I love it.

      "People tell dreamers to reality check and realize this is the real world and not one of fantasies, but little do they know that for us Lucid Dreamers, it all starts when the RC fails"
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    4. #17929
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      Lost count. :(
      MeohMyoh. Feel better soon.
      Crashyy. At least you had an experience about it already. The next time, I'm sure you gonna passed. I want a driving license as well if I could. You're step closer to have it.

      Rant: Final Fantasy XV is going to be released next year. I wish I own a PS4 and have my own money to purchase it. I am so broke right now. Sigh. It looks like I have to wait about 4-5 years before I could even be able to play it. This is why I want to get employed as quick as possible.
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    5. #17930
      Please, call me Louai <span class='glow_008000'>LouaiB</span>'s Avatar
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      I am scared of driving
      My family nags me about taking driving lessons and getting my drivers license already, but i don't want to. I'm fine with public transport, and also my brother is generous enough to drive me around in my area when I need to.
      It's just that I had an accident a couple years ago while taking driving lessons. I almost ran over a little girl who was crossing the road without looking. Good thing I wasn't that close or i would have killed her. Damn. I just hate driving now cuz of that incident.

      Rave: College exams start after 2 weeks. Good. I have 2 weeks to relax before going to the exams. Thank goodness, I thought I missed some exams though, but I didn't. I just wish I can tell my parents I'm not doing well this year and that i don't even want this major. My family forces me into a lot of stuff. Now they want me to teach a full class. Help them with their tests and homework. Damn I haven't even tutored yet ever and i suck at teaching. I swear my family has a skewed vision of how someone should operate and live. No wonder everyone in my family hates their lives and are filled with regrets
      Lol my family is like some drama show.
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      I fill my heart with fire, with passion, passion for what makes me nostalgic. A unique perspective fuels my fire, makes me discover new passions, more nostalgia. I love it.

      "People tell dreamers to reality check and realize this is the real world and not one of fantasies, but little do they know that for us Lucid Dreamers, it all starts when the RC fails"
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    6. #17931
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      Quote Originally Posted by LouaiB View Post
      I am scared of driving
      My family nags me about taking driving lessons and getting my drivers license already, but i don't want to. I'm fine with public transport, and also my brother is generous enough to drive me around in my area when I need to.
      It's just that I had an accident a couple years ago while taking driving lessons. I almost ran over a little girl who was crossing the road without looking. Good thing I wasn't that close or i would have killed her. Damn. I just hate driving now cuz of that incident.

      Rave: College exams start after 2 weeks. Good. I have 2 weeks to relax before going to the exams. Thank goodness, I thought I missed some exams though, but I didn't. I just wish I can tell my parents I'm not doing well this year and that i don't even want this major. My family forces me into a lot of stuff. Now they want me to teach a full class. Help them with their tests and homework. Damn I haven't even tutored yet ever and i suck at teaching. I swear my family has a skewed vision of how someone should operate and live. No wonder everyone in my family hates their lives and are filled with regrets
      Lol my family is like some drama show.
      I know how you feel. - w -" My family is like that too in a way.Is it really too late for you to change your major though?
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    7. #17932
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      I've been lurking about too Anju. Nice to see you here again (You too Link )
      to everyone. You'll pass next time, Crashyy. I failed the written part of my test 3 or 4 times before I got it. Just keep trying
      I would be gun shy, too, Louai, if I almost hit a kid. After someone threw a brick off an overpass and busted the RV's windshield while I was driving, I was a bit paranoid for a while. Just gotta get back on that "horse".

      For everyone questioning their path or their talent: Do what you're passionate about and don't compare yourself to others. Easier said than done, I know, but make it a mantra
      My kids get annoyed with me because I always nitpick my creations. For making things for myself, I love my work. But I need to get better if I want to start selling. It's not a put down, just a fact. But I compare myself to myself. How can *I* improve what I make? What materials can I try? What patterns can I look up and attempt?

      Hubby's been laughing at me because I'm bringing my crocheting and needlepoint stuff with me. I gotta do something when he's in class
      We leave at 2:30AM- about 10 hours from now. I finally started to feel excited a couple days ago. All I have left to do is to pack my carry-on and my second suitcase with crafting supplies I laundered all my clothes yesterday, packed them and ozonated the car.
      I remembered something else about stress. It kills my back When I broke my wrist, the pain was about a 7 (until the doctor started messing with it lol). Before a trip, my backache is around a 7-9. How the heck does stress cause physical pain. It makes me think it's all in my head and not *real*. It sure as heck FEELS real though. I broke down and bought a back "brace" (Muller with lumbar support). It is so friggin amazing. My back hurts so low, though, that it the brace hurts my hip bones and makes my legs go numb TSA is going to have to hold their wennies because I WILL be wearing it through the check point. There's nothing metal in it, so it should be fine.

      I went to the Vape shop on MOnday and bought some experimental flavors. I got 2 10ml bottles of Kringles Curse (vERY pepperminty) and one that's a nutty tobacco blend. When I got home, I decided to put the Kringles into a bigger bottle and OOPS, I mixed the nutty one with it It actually turned out very nice It mellowed the peppermint a great deal which was a major improvement.

      Gotta get back to packing. Have a great week everyone.

    8. #17933
      Please, call me Louai <span class='glow_008000'>LouaiB</span>'s Avatar
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      @DreamCafe Yeah too late. This year is gone to waste. I'm not bothered one bit though. i was willing to spent 5 years studying engineering. Starting a new 3 year major next year isn't really much of a time waste. i have the time I guess. The only reason I didn't enter engineering is bcz I couldn't make it into that faculty. Honestly idk what i was thinking. I can't aford a private college and the public one's engineering faculty is so small and it's impossible to get into due to mass bribery problems. This country is so corrupt. I'm kind of depressed too bcz idk what major to go with. Honestly i have no interest in most stuff. I don't wanna pick a career that'll ruin my happiness. Most ppl think about money, but i couldn't care less about that. I'm perfectly fine with just having enough money for basics and a few leasures. It's funny cuz most ppl don't even really need the extra money bcz they don't plan on spending it on anything truly special. They just think that IT ITSELF provides happiness. You know, the old "I'd be happier if I had a luxury car and big home and go to expensive restaurants". Uh no, you won't. Those aren't valid life goals If someone says those things, I always urge them to get hobbies and truly find what they really love to do. Ppl who say those things are pretty much just filling up an empty space with nonsense. Almost all of my family is like that, and there was a time when we where somewhat rich. I used to go to expensive private schools, get a lot of allowance and stuff. We would go to nice expensive restaurants. We had this big nice land with a nice house and a huge garden. It was our second property, a summer house. My father owned much much more land too.. So on so on. It all ended a few years ago when we went broke and had to sell everything too, but to be honest I couldn't care less. Really i only became happy after I discovered my true passions in life and became mindful. All that doesn't cost a penny
      DreamCafe11 and Zhaylin like this.
      I fill my heart with fire, with passion, passion for what makes me nostalgic. A unique perspective fuels my fire, makes me discover new passions, more nostalgia. I love it.

      "People tell dreamers to reality check and realize this is the real world and not one of fantasies, but little do they know that for us Lucid Dreamers, it all starts when the RC fails"
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    9. #17934
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      Quote Originally Posted by LouaiB View Post
      @DreamCafe Yeah too late. This year is gone to waste. I'm not bothered one bit though. i was willing to spent 5 years studying engineering. Starting a new 3 year major next year isn't really much of a time waste. i have the time I guess. The only reason I didn't enter engineering is bcz I couldn't make it into that faculty. Honestly idk what i was thinking. I can't aford a private college and the public one's engineering faculty is so small and it's impossible to get into due to mass bribery problems. This country is so corrupt. I'm kind of depressed too bcz idk what major to go with. Honestly i have no interest in most stuff. I don't wanna pick a career that'll ruin my happiness. Most ppl think about money, but i couldn't care less about that. I'm perfectly fine with just having enough money for basics and a few leasures. It's funny cuz most ppl don't even really need the extra money bcz they don't plan on spending it on anything truly special. They just think that IT ITSELF provides happiness. You know, the old "I'd be happier if I had a luxury car and big home and go to expensive restaurants". Uh no, you won't. Those aren't valid life goals If someone says those things, I always urge them to get hobbies and truly find what they really love to do. Ppl who say those things are pretty much just filling up an empty space with nonsense. Almost all of my family is like that, and there was a time when we where somewhat rich. I used to go to expensive private schools, get a lot of allowance and stuff. We would go to nice expensive restaurants. We had this big nice land with a nice house and a huge garden. It was our second property, a summer house. My father owned much much more land too.. So on so on. It all ended a few years ago when we went broke and had to sell everything too, but to be honest I couldn't care less. Really i only became happy after I discovered my true passions in life and became mindful. All that doesn't cost a penny
      Well,if you have the time than you should go for it. I agree that choosing the right job is important. It sucks when you get into something that ends up being not a right fit. On the other hand life isn't always fair so we can't expect the perfect job in our futures. But we can still get close to it I guess. Also, its great that you saw what true happiness was even when you had all that money. :3 Sadly there are lots of greedy people in this world who only care about money.
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    10. #17935
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      Being addicted to cigarettes sucks. Especially when I don't have any and don't have the money. Thankfully I found a place where I can buy a pretty big bag of tobacco for under ten bucks! And I know how to roll cigs with a machine. But I gotta wait until next Monday to buy it...

      Wanting to buy a vapor ecig eventually...
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    11. #17936
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      Weird Day:

      cold plague from hell
      horrible dog fight
      alien infestation

      Turning in early.
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    12. #17937
      Please, call me Louai <span class='glow_008000'>LouaiB</span>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by DreamCafe11 View Post
      Well,if you have the time than you should go for it. I agree that choosing the right job is important. It sucks when you get into something that ends up being not a right fit. On the other hand life isn't always fair so we can't expect the perfect job in our futures. But we can still get close to it I guess. Also, its great that you saw what true happiness was even when you had all that money. :3 Sadly there are lots of greedy people in this world who only care about money.
      Yeah I definitely agree. There are lots of jobs out there. I'm gonna try to study them to see what I would prefer most.

      Quote Originally Posted by oneiroer View Post
      Being addicted to cigarettes sucks. Especially when I don't have any and don't have the money. Thankfully I found a place where I can buy a pretty big bag of tobacco for under ten bucks! And I know how to roll cigs with a machine. But I gotta wait until next Monday to buy it...

      Wanting to buy a vapor ecig eventually...
      My mom uses an ecig. It almost helped her out of cigarette addiction until it broke and she lost the will. I fear for her. 2 days ago she went to the hospital bcz she blacked out due to blood pressure. I can't believe that even after that she doesn't want to stop. Well she wants to but it's hard. I was just hoping this incident would give her a strong will to stop. That's what happened to my dad. He had severe chest pain and went to the doctor. Next day, he stopped smoking completely, just like that, cold turkey. It was amazing. I'm so proud of him for this. This was like a year and a half ago. Or two years. I forgot exactly. So yeah I hope you can manage to stop smoking. My dad is grateful every day since he stopped bcz he feels much much better and more alive now.

      Quote Originally Posted by OpheliaBlue View Post
      alien infestation
      Wut da fudge O.o

      Rave: I'm off today! They're doing a strike in college. Now I get to just watch yuri anime all day long! Lol I'll make a melody too. Today I feel in the music mood. Man I really want to start doing dubstep but it's the hardest genre ever created by man!! T^T

      Rant: My mother and sis are still trying to force me on teaching that class. They want to take me today to see the class and decide. I'm already decided though. I want to tutor a kid, not a whole class. I never taught before. I suck at teaching too. IDK why they even want me to tutor. I can find another quick job to do in the afternoon.
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      I fill my heart with fire, with passion, passion for what makes me nostalgic. A unique perspective fuels my fire, makes me discover new passions, more nostalgia. I love it.

      "People tell dreamers to reality check and realize this is the real world and not one of fantasies, but little do they know that for us Lucid Dreamers, it all starts when the RC fails"
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    13. #17938
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      Quote Originally Posted by oneiroer View Post
      Being addicted to cigarettes sucks. Especially when I don't have any and don't have the money. Thankfully I found a place where I can buy a pretty big bag of tobacco for under ten bucks! And I know how to roll cigs with a machine. But I gotta wait until next Monday to buy it...

      Wanting to buy a vapor ecig eventually...
      you should just buy some rolling papers. you can look up how to roll cigarettes online if you have to. it's pretty easy too, give it a try! papers are so cheap that it might just be worth trying out so you don't have to wait.

      as far as ranting and raving for me. well, i just got hired at a job which is nice, but even with my sleeping pills i can't sleep tonight for whatever reason. the Army (even though I'm out now) is pretty much the entire reason i can't sleep, modern combat (we "own the night"), the training required, and regular military stuff just completely wrecked my ability to stay asleep or even sleep at all, i've had virtually no improvement even a year and a half now after I've gotten out, even maintaining a strict sleep schedule, nightly routine, wake up time, cutting out caffeine entirely from my diet (god i fucking hate living without caffeine, this is probably the worse offense of them all), taking a sleeping pill, and using all kinds of other sleep "hygiene" rules and stuff. oh yeah, happy veterans day, right? lol
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    14. #17939
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      Quote Originally Posted by MeohMyoh View Post
      Putting you into a category is how this current society functions (or doesnt depending on your viewpoint) people are categorised as generic male, female, uncle, cousin, doctor, scientist, clever, not clever, etc etc its about fitting rounded people into square holes. Adopt the role(s) and fit in. Blend in with the machinery and disappear. oops did i rant.
      Yes. Wearing masks have become an artform lately.
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    15. #17940
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      @Ophelia you are such a madcap lady...you always make me smile like crazy thank you

      Rave: near the end of week and things seem to be mellowing out

    16. #17941
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      Realizing I need better software to make music than magix music maker. I'm thinking about buying fl studio but it's going to cost between a hundred and two hundred dollars I think. Magix is giving me direct sound errors a lot and driving me a little insane...
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    17. #17942
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      Quote Originally Posted by oneiroer View Post
      Realizing I need better software to make music than magix music maker. I'm thinking about buying fl studio but it's going to cost between a hundred and two hundred dollars I think. Magix is giving me direct sound errors a lot and driving me a little insane...
      I use fl studio. Download it via torrent. I got mine from kickass by a user named Ching Liu. He's very trusted, don't worry. I'll PM you the link.
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      I fill my heart with fire, with passion, passion for what makes me nostalgic. A unique perspective fuels my fire, makes me discover new passions, more nostalgia. I love it.

      "People tell dreamers to reality check and realize this is the real world and not one of fantasies, but little do they know that for us Lucid Dreamers, it all starts when the RC fails"
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    18. #17943
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      Quote Originally Posted by MeohMyoh View Post
      @Ophelia you are such a madcap lady...you always make me smile like crazy thank you
      You are so incredibly welcome.

      LouaiB: It was actually tiny ants and these winged things. It really felt like an invasion though because they would crawl on the ceiling and then dive bomb me and my son. And I didn't have any bug spray, but I did have mosquito repellant. Turns out it's 40% DEET and ofc it worked but I can't freaking BELIEVE we are allowed to spray that shit on our skin. "Don't get in your eyes or mouth" it says. It's not repelling the bugs, it straight up kills them. On contact. And not just mosquitos.

      "Don't get in eyes..." pfff, don't get on skin either I say O_O
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    19. #17944
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      Um id do that quote thing but....idk how :/

      I found reports that 200 million people use DEET and nothing has happened...so far...hey lets not rock the boat here...200 million salespeople cant be wrong...world health association state that dying from malaria contracted from mosquitoes greatly out ways any risk...ok so its better than dying...praise indeed

      not totally reassuring...as only one study (maybe two) have ever been carried out...that of pregnant women and they found it did enter the placental blood stream...but hey nothing happened...
      Usage in gulf war:
      Analysis - Pesticides | Last Battle Of The Gulf War | FRONTLINE | PBS
      Last edited by MeohMyoh; 11-12-2015 at 10:53 PM.
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    20. #17945
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      Quote Originally Posted by MeohMyoh View Post
      Um id do that quote thing but....idk how :/
      you hit the "reply with quote" button at the bottom of a member's post, if you want to quote something they said. Then it immediately opens a reply box with the fancy quote code all set up for you, nice and pretty

      I found reports that 200 million people use DEET and nothing has happened...so far...hey lets not rock the boat here...200 million salespeople cant be wrong...

      not totally reassuring...as only one study (maybe two) have ever been carried out...that of pregnant women and they found it did enter the placental blood stream...but hey nothing happened...
      Usage in gulf war:
      Analysis - Pesticides | Last Battle Of The Gulf War | FRONTLINE | PBS
      haha yikes!
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    21. #17946
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      @Ophelia oh i get it now xD

      Also i love the new avatar! The expressions are priceless xD

      Rant: Another suicide bombings happened in beirut's suburbs like a few hours ago. 3 ones. One was stopped i think. We've been safe for almost a year now. ISIS did this. i sure hope we don't go to war again . Violence is never the answer.
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      "People tell dreamers to reality check and realize this is the real world and not one of fantasies, but little do they know that for us Lucid Dreamers, it all starts when the RC fails"
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    22. #17947
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      I forgot my rant: While violence may not be the answer, I declare war on the mixed bugs currently living in my respiratory tract.
      /me inhales some DEET
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    23. #17948
      Please, call me Louai <span class='glow_008000'>LouaiB</span>'s Avatar
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      Rant: So i got into an argument with my friend today. She is a lesbian and i was sharing with her a yuri kiss art (2 girls kissing) but then she told me that it's wrong for straight males to indulge in this stuff. She said it was objectification. I was like O.o . I mean, Idk why she thought i would objectify anyone just cause I look at sensual or sexual art. I think she doesn't know what objectification means. It mean not placing respect FIRST. Everyone should place respect BEFORE personal desires. Why would looking at yuri art make me not respect lesbians anymore?! Honestly i was very confused. What kind of psycho does she think I am?! Anyways we're good now though. We didn't really fight or get mad. It was just a short argument. But honestly, why would someone think that a picture would make me disrespect lesbians? Whether it be a regular or sexual pic, I still place respect above anything else. Most ppl do.

      Here's the pic if anyone's curious XD
      Spoiler for WARNING!! Too damn cute!! xD:
      Anju and Zhaylin like this.
      I fill my heart with fire, with passion, passion for what makes me nostalgic. A unique perspective fuels my fire, makes me discover new passions, more nostalgia. I love it.

      "People tell dreamers to reality check and realize this is the real world and not one of fantasies, but little do they know that for us Lucid Dreamers, it all starts when the RC fails"
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    24. #17949
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      Lol @Louai. I love looking at gay pics. I'm a big fan of Steve Walker (https://in.pinterest.com/raynebowking/steve-walker-art/). Gay love stories make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. In fact, I find gay couples more adorable than straight/lesbian couples.
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    25. #17950
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      I'm the same but with lesbian couples! I think they are adorable more than straight/gay couples.

      Actually i just finished talking again to this friend and seriously it was silly bcz I told her that i fully respect lesbians and don't harm them, but she told me that i do but in a way i don't realize. i told her to explain how so, but then she dropped it. Honestly I'm sick of ppl treating others like monsters or something just cuz they watch this kind of stuff, whether sensual or sexual. Pffft, as if if i say a lesbian couple porn video for example that i would go 'objectify' them then rape them. Nothing will ever make me objectify lesbians or women or races or whatever. If anything, yuri makes me love lesbians more and more -w-

      Also, Steve Walker's art is so good!! I have a friend who ADORES gay art. I'll ask her if she knows this guy's art.
      I fill my heart with fire, with passion, passion for what makes me nostalgic. A unique perspective fuels my fire, makes me discover new passions, more nostalgia. I love it.

      "People tell dreamers to reality check and realize this is the real world and not one of fantasies, but little do they know that for us Lucid Dreamers, it all starts when the RC fails"
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