Originally Posted by tropicalbreeze
^^All that sounds fun and a great exercise of the imagination. Have you ever thought of inviting these people here?
For anyone really. Why not invite a friend or two here?
I've actually mentioned it to my friends. Most of them aren't into lucid dreaming. One made an account, but I don't think he's actually posted anything. I would love for my friends to get into it... maybe someday? 
 Originally Posted by Ant101
My 1 yr old woke me with his crying after his mother fed him, and put him back to bed, I woke and decided to WILD i fell asleep at some point but became aware again as a the dream formed,
I had some goals I wanted to carry out so I spun to change the dream scene within The next dream scene I could hear my son crying I tried to hold on to the dream and not let the crying interrupt me but it went , so I stayed with the HI and along came another dream Again I was hoping not to be woken up by my son but before the dream had to chance to fully illuminate my sons crying woke me up for good.
Aww man that is such a bummer. But grats on getting lucid. Hopefully next time it will be better luck. I hope your son is feeling better. 
Man! What a day I had today. So, to start, I got to work to find out it's open house tonight. Totally forgot about that, whoops! No big deal.
Then I have an IEP meeting that I have to run at 8:45 am. The teachers got an invite to the meeting with the link 2 weeks in advance. Also, at 8:36 am, I sent out another reminder email with the google meet link. I never complain when teachers are late or don't show up. I just roll with it, as long as I have the minimum required to be legal.
The parents don't answer so the meeting only takes 15 minutes. All the other teachers had given data on paper already. So, we leave the meeting at 8:59 am.
Later that morning, I get pulled aside by my ESE boss AND the event coordinator. They say that this one teacher is complaining about me - to the principal. She was apparently "irate" that we weren't in the meeting with her, and that the one person in there (a teacher who accidentally left the meet up after we left) didn't respond to her (she had her sound off). According to the event coordinator, this teacher was complaining to the principal and the assistant principal. She said I really should address it in email to CYA.
The teacher complaining was 16 effing minutes LATE to the meeting and arrived AFTER we all left, yet she's making a complaint about me for not being at the meeting with her.
I sent a kind email, thanking her for her efforts at joining the meeting and letting her know there was no worries on my end, but also explaining what actually happened and attaching the google meet document showing the attendance times of all members. Including her join time of 9:01.... I also attached the email that shows she received the invite information on August 24th. CC @ my ese boss, principal, and assistant principal.
Yeah. Don't effing mess with me - you won't win. I document everything. Suffice to say, she is PISSED as hell at me for attaching the principal and assistant principal on the email, and sent a scathing email about me to one of my teacher friends. But I'm sorry, if you try put the blame on me for your own actions, and try to get me in trouble, I am going to CYA.
Effing people.
Oh, and I forgot to tell my mom that it's open house this evening. So, when I didn't come home from work hours later, my mom actually drove down to the school looking for me. LOL. I felt so bad. She figured it out when she saw the line of cars.
My memory sucks!!