I've never dated because i'm disabled and thus i'm not attractive to the healthy regular mature women(i'm in my 30s) . I have speech and cognitive problems. So yeah basically i will probably never have any chance of having love. But whatever, that's life.
So anyways but according to what i've seen regarding the past and when i look at my parents and the people of their era,,, they use to date and marry. And my parents were not Business career types where the woman was doing some High Tech or company job. Marrying is something they did since age 15 and stuff back in the day. So marriage was like something everybody did. they even had large families like 10 kids in afamily.
But today, i dont really know cause i'm not out there in the dating or love world, but from what i see in TV , forums, internet and just general knowledge, it seems many young people are just playing around and having open relationships or just sx, OR others just focus on their careers and jobs and many women seem like they not interested in guys till they're in their 40s or 50s because they want to just focus on their career.
And i also hear many people are not even marrying and not even having relationships. And then i also hear Men and Women just competing with eachother and Men and Women hate eachother.
Anyways, overall, it doesn't sound like the Love/Dating world is healthy nowadays.
The only people that i see heavily dating and having kids are Immigrants. Often i see immigrant women with lot of kids. And i dont' see much of that with Americans, except for the Rich Americans. But usually on average much less than the amount of kids immigrants have.
ANyways, what's your take on all of this?