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    Thread: Do any of you Men actually have Hot Sexy Girlfriends(10s) or you have average/below average?

    1. #1
      Member Achievements:
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      Lightbulb Do any of you Men actually have Hot Sexy Girlfriends(10s) or you have average/below average?

      Do any of you Men have hot sexy girlfriend who was your ideal girl since before having her as a GF?
      Like many men dream of having hot sexy girls like the ones in Magazines or prn or whatever. Did you end up with such girls, or did you end up settling for average or below average girls, cause you knew you couldn't reach that dream?

      I myself want a ht sxy girlfriend but it's never gonna happen and i know this for fact. Those women are just not interested in me ever.

    2. #2
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      Probably because women tend to veer away from shallow scumbags.

    3. #3
      Member sefalik's Avatar
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      TBH I don't really find your typical magazine-photo-ladies to be very attractive. If you buy into what the media says is "sexy," then no; you probably will never find a girl to match, seeing as even the celebrities in those magazines don't actually look like that in person (I mean, they do, but those photographs are angled and edited to extremes sometimes). I find the a woman in normal clothes and no makeup more attractive than 99% of magazine photos. So if you want to go by a numerical rating, I don't think I could give any woman a 10 from appearance alone, for the same reason that nobody is going to rate and book or an album 10/10 without reading or listening to it.

      BUT anyway, I'm single. So, I rate my hand 6/10.

    4. #4
      Fais Ce Que Tu Voudras Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dianeva View Post
      Probably because women tend to veer away from shallow scumbags.
      You won this thread.

      It doesn't show OP's age, but I am assuming very young. If you go for women based solely on looks be sure to have a really high paying job. Not because those women cost a lot of money but because I see a future where you will have a lot of alimony and child support payments. Everyone alive will die, and a large portion of those people will die of age-related issues. If you go solely based on outward appearances, you will decrease the amount of time you can spend with a person.

      I'm very, very attracted to my wife physically, and others compliment her and me as well, but while her outward appearances drew my attention, her personality is what kept me around.
      Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.

    5. #5
      Consciousness Itself Universal Mind's Avatar
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      These days, I have my right hand, which I get along with way better than my ex-girlfriends. If you want hot women, there are things you can do. You can go to a strip club with money, you can get rich and lure in a gold digger, you can find a hot woman who is a control freak and be her bitch, or you can play in a rock band (even if it sucks). You can also go to bars and hit on drunk women until one of them gives the mating signal back. Just don't take advantage of a woman who is too drunk, and don't drive if you have been drinking. If you try to pick up a woman at a bar, smile a lot and tell tall tales about yourself while acting like you care what she has to say.

      That's reality.
      tommo likes this.
      You are dreaming right now.

    6. #6
      D.V. Editor-in-Chief Original Poster's Avatar
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      I only date super models. But the anorexic kind, not the bulimic kind, it's cheaper.

      Everything works out in the end, sometimes even badly.

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