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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Oct 2007
      Big Village, North America

      The History of Communication

      The History of Communication
      no speak
      not know
      other man
      but then man developt language skils and made them in to wurking riteing.
      Not everry persun cud reed and rite, but all peeple cud speek.
      Everry man understood his naybors
      and everry man cummunikated with others, suksesfully.
      And man invented the dictionary, so that there would be standard spellings of words
      though the spelling made little sense.
      But man created public education, and most could learn to read and write
      and two people across an ocean could communicate without crossing that ocean.
      There were translators, who could turn one language into another and everyone could communicate with everyone else.
      But there always was a certain class of men, who wanted to be different.
      Surely, they thought, they were greater than the others;
      that they were naturally better in intelligence and ability to understand.
      The aristocracy created a separate language,
      one only they could speak,
      one only they could understand;
      no one could pose as an aristocrat.
      Nay, the aristocrats did not perish, they transmutated
      into the modern elite sect, the elitist.
      Abashed are those who utter vulgarities,
      proletarian linguistics,
      that which any ignoramus could verbalize.
      All recepted their obtuseness,
      Charlatans deployed their elegiac dialectics
      though misappropriating the lexicon
      and naught perceived their abdication.
      Hominid essayed to demarcate itself from hominid.
      It reaped the fruitage of its slogging
      as the patricians canorous, mellifluous vernacular metamorphosed
      into enigmatic and unfathomable verbalizations vociferating their pre-eminence.
      Nought of the braggadocios discerned that they were tantamount to aphasiacs,
      nought comprehended that the intendment of language is elucidation,
      it is to swimmingly relate labyrinthine, multifarious abstractions.
      The Alpha and Omega of utterance is cryptic obscurity.
      We have peregrinated from guileless cacophony to sophisticated caterwauling.
      In the finalization of verbalization
      hominids fabricate guttoral and glottal utterances.
      Yet nought of the hominids coalesced the utterances
      of their compatriot hominids into coherent cognisance.
      Nought comprehended the cognisant ruminations of the omnifarious hominids.
      The harder it is for you to understand, the better it will be when you finally get it.

    2. #2
      56 QwinsepiaSquared's Avatar
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      Sep 2006
      Holy use of big words, Batman!
      "It was a dream! Can you control what you dream about, Hermione?" -HP7
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