Nah. |
Alright the topic might be slightly misleading but I tend to think differently. I have been tossing the idea back and forth as to whether or not I want to be cryogenically frozen. I was watching discovery channel the other day and on it there was this man and woman (married) who opted to have themselves, as well as their children and family pet frozen. There are a few companies who offer this particular service, they offer payment plans and everything. It's interesting and the process is less than 100K from some research I've been doing into it. Assuming all of this is legit and the process won't scar you for life after you "come back"...wouldn't it be cool to step out into a futuristic-like world? Say year 3,000 for example? Say you wanted to see year 4, just step right back in and (pre-supposing conditions are favorable) you step out in year 4,000. Granted the world might be overrun and ruled by dictator-like reptilian overlords when you wake up and step out into the new world but that's a risk you'll have to take. |
Last edited by Jeff777; 12-07-2008 at 11:13 PM.
Things are not as they seem
Nah. |
Oh man, I have no idea... |
I would do it and then I would put my earnings in the bank and let it make money for me and wake up a few thousand years later and live off it! |
hmm.. what i never understand is... how do they defrost you? Don't understand how you'd go about warming up a frozen human.. i mean haven't the cells already burst because of being frozen? |
Lugggs and cuddles and hugs for all!!
I read that they dont have the know-how to unfreeze a human while keeping them alive. |
Free DreamJournal Program ~ Thanks Banhurt
Yes, absolutely! I can't think of any rational reason not to if I'm able. |
I would do it to meet B. Rodriguez. |
- Are you an idiot?
- No sir, I'm a dreamer.
No way. Just think about what the environment would be like in year 3000 or 4000 or whatever. |
Lugggs and cuddles and hugs for all!!
If your body is frozen for maybe 500 years, there's a big danger that when you 'wake up', you won't have immunity towards most diseases, thus making a normal infection of influenza deadly. |
Last edited by Marvo; 12-08-2008 at 09:16 AM.
Lost count of how many lucid dreams I've had
Not the same thing as sperm banks, really. Sperm are incredibly resistant to damage and no real structure is formed until after fertilization. Also, for a very long period after fertilization the fetus is full of stem cells, which would easily repair any damage incurred at any point. |
you never know, it could end up like FF7, how the city fell, and nature took it back. |
I think it would be a great idea to have many people cryogenically frozen. |
I would freeze myself for 75-125 years. Any shorter and it would be a waste of time. Any longer and I'd be taking too high of a chance that our species goes nearly extinct or a turn of events(legal or natural) causes the company holding my body to throw it out. |
I live in your philosophy and religion forums.
Hellz ya, I'd do this. Fuck this world, I wanna live in the next. |
Surrender your flesh. We demand it.
- Are you an idiot?
- No sir, I'm a dreamer.
The whole world is based on money, so what better to do than live like a caveman in the wilderness and do mushrooms for a few years and than make some money and put it in the bank and freeze you're self and wake up 30 years later and live off of it? |
No one has made a witty reference to Futurama? |
Doing it right now would be foolish for me, since if I do freeze myself, I won't graduate high school or college. But then again, I could go to 3000 to meet Zoidberg... |
Signature skilled by ClouD
Originally Posted by Oscar
If I had the cash, I'd probably do it. |