Hi everyone, I posted my initial findings on the device on this threat http://www.dreamviews.com/f44/shakti...31/index3.html. I can affirm that the device has an influence on my dreams. 2 times out of the last 4 times I used the device, I had a lucid dream (3 LDs on one night, 1 LD last night) and I also had LDs in between sessions. Here is an extract of my journal:
Feb 21 2011
Had 3 lucid dreams. Used Shakti septal signal again, this time at 00.12. Ate chicken and porridge with muesli at night + 3 spirulina pills. No multi-vitamins. Went to bed late at 00. 52. Slept 11hrs the day before without lucid dreams. Woke up at 5.30 just before wrist alarm went off, then fell back to sleep.
Dreamt I was walking along in the countryside and examining raspberry and black raspberry bushes in nice weather. I arrived at some fine looking bush and then asked myself where I was and became lucid (MILD). I decided to focus on my body to solidify the dream. Everything seemed very real. I looked at the floor and all seemed as in waking life. I closed my dream eyes wishing for water to appear, and when I opened my eyes, it was there. I closed my eyes again, whishing more water and it worked. For some reason I got too excited and lost lucidity.
Later on I was walking up the main street in my hometown. I became lucid spontaneously, probably when I realised where I was. I began shouting “I am lucid dreaming!”, “I am lucid dreaming!”. It was funny because my voice was slightly different than usual, somewhat dry. The dream was pretty solid at this point. It was sunny and warm. I went into a side street to my right. I wanted to fly but did not really take off. I imagined I am Ironman and how it would feel to be in that red suit. I also imagined the helmet and being able to see the controls. That did not work and I remembered that complex mechanics or technology does not tend to work in dreams. Nonetheless, I managed to take off vertically and started to tilt towards my back. I gained some altitude of 30m or so and then I came back. When I landed back in the street, aliens (like form the movie I saw the preceding night) appeared from the right and left side. I extended my hand in Ironman fashion to fend them off and this worked pretty well. Later other people came into the scene and I ended up having a kind of mass brawl. Then I woke up.
Feb 24 2011
Great night. Had one lucid dream. Used Shakti shortly before bed at 23h30. Woke up at 4,5, 6.20 partly due to alarms. Was too lazy to try any techniques but at 6.20 I told myself "there is still a chance to become lucid" before 7.40. and I wished it sincerely and with expectation when I was falling asleep again.
Became lucid close to seven o'clock. It happened spontaneously as I was walking in some kind of school or art gallery place. My conscious awareness increased suddenly as I asked myself if this was a dream and I realised it was one because I did not recognise the place.
I tried hitting the wall in front of me to test it was real and it was pretty solid, like plaster wall. I then walked into another corridor and practiced martial arts exercises (called multiples) and I was able to fully control the action i.e. freeze opponents while defending against another, slow their actions down like in a movie, etc. I was lucid throughout and this exercise was really useful as a training exercise. It helped me spot my mistakes and the training partners were more useful this way than in real life as I was able to mentally control their actions as well as mine.