I haven't posted on DV in quiet a long time, but last night's dreams really stirred me up. I stopped trying to Lucid Dream two years ago (due to it giving me insomnia), but I continue to have them atleast once or twice a week without trying. (DILDS) Last night I snapped into lucidity when one of my really good friends Heather got beat up real bad and her face got slammed into a car door. I remember the door was closed and half her face was showing, I screamed NOO! And opened the door, she then fell into my arms. Half her face was bruised and bleeding terribly. I remember seeing the "life" drain out of her wide open eyes as she was drawn across my arms while I was on my knees. When she was gone, I laid her on the ground and noticed she was missing an arm and a leg. I said "This can't be... wait a second...", "Butterfly Effect.... This is a Dream!". And so just like that this terrible dream turns into a LD. I was in no mood to exercise my lucidity so I forced myself awake. (I get that alot if I turn a bad dream into a LD, the mood and "gloom" of the dream carries over, unless I dream transition.)

My last dream this morning was me carrying my other injured friend Stef for what seemed like miles through snow, eventually green hills, and then into a town. I had to wait in a line to get to where I was going while she was in my arms. I remember keep having to go down narrow passageways and doorways and struggling to keep my strength. I eventually got to where I was going and before I even sat her down I looked over and the "Life" was out of her eyes already. I screamed, again. But this time I woke up.

So, two different people dying in my arms in the same night. These dreams were very vivid, and I remember them rather clearly from waking up during the REM cycle. I've read death can mean birth, it can symbolize letting someone down or it can represent the absense of an individual in your life.

What do you guys think?