Now I have been having really good dreams ever since I ask'd the CF forum to pray for me and been taking l-lysin, Now last night in my dream I was in this van with like three chicks. Okay they get out and so do I and I go back into the van to turn off the air. For some reason the car just startes moving like someone was driving it. It crashes into a couple cars and I'm like oh crap. So some how after that I ended up at a theme park/mall. And I see this black guy that I knew but didn't know if that makes since. I'm carrying a laptop and a bookbag and my nano. So I go outside to look for the van to go homw and the black guy came out and said. Do I have to teach you what faith is? And he went into the sky and thats when my lucid dream started. I knew again that I was going supersonic speeds flying and I was like this is what heaven is going to be like when I get there. The rush and everything just passing me. Oh it was great. I havn't had one like that in a long time. I started to lose my feel to fly and fell to the ground. But I knew I was dreaming. I ended up and this wooden bridge like street that had power polls that where broken. And I said. This doesn't look good. and then I find myself in a dream I had a few months ago. Kinda going thru the same events and man, well I just wanted to share that with you. I know it's nothing like my past ones but still a good dream to me.