So after what seems like forever, I am ready to get back into lucid dreaming! There are times where I stop doing reality checks and keeping dream journals for what ever reason, and I just don't seem to dream. But now I have been trying to get back into it. I have never had a huge success with lucid dreaming but have had a handful of lucid experiences. After a few days of keeping a dream journal and performing some reality checks I had a glimmer of hope, I have decided to share this in hope that it will spark more lucid moments:
I was present in this walking dead esque post apocalyptic world although instead of zombies there were mosquitoes and other small animals that spread this 'disease' The landscape was similar to my area .. However there where what seemed like hundreds of overgrown gardens behind fences in my house.. Throughout this dream the only people I saw was my mum, dad and some other girl whom I have not seen before.. We climbed over fences looking for these zombie induced people.. They appeared pale with white eyes and small pinprick black pupils somewhere among them.. If they had been bitten by the mosquito's within the hour you could bring them back to humanity by feeding them lettuce.. The zombies weren't typical in the fact that they didn't bite.. They were a little brain dead..
After bringing back the girl who was with us we walked round to the front of a Set of houses by my house.. The whole area was baron and I hadn't seen another person .. After walking up to this particular house I see that it was empty but it had been left exactly the way it was.. I tried to kick the door In but struggled and ended up pushing this conservatory type door although it traveled into the house rather than sliding.. I then walked around it and we were now standing In The house.. My mum had ago at me for trying to kick it in. On our exit I nearly broke a blue vase (there was an identical one next to it), so I shut the door and we left.. We proceeded to move to another house where we found a stockpile of frozen food.. I can particularly remember the ice cream.. I suggested we take it.. My dad said this was a good idea.. My mum seemed very against it.. I then was somehow in a completely different setting outside a block of flats not far from my work or my house.. I was walking through a car park to get to a box that lay on the grass beyond it.. On my approach a women driving a ford k.a pulled into a parking bay, running me over.. I rolled over the car got up and continued ,(giving the driver a dirty look) I've never liked ford ka's anyway..
I reached the box.. In it was a notepad and two pens in which I could write down my dream I just had.. One pen was broken (contained no tip in order to write with) the other worked perfectly fine.. Although my writing appeared very messy although that isn't unusual..
The next thing I no I am floating in front of a mirror in the bathroom of my old house ! I became lucid ! I then assumed the super man position, [is their any other? ]and got my bearings.. Turning excreta while just floating and not going anywhere .. All the time looking at my reflection in the mirror, (which looked normal despite multiple peoples accounts on this forum).. I then Decided to fly through the window and explore.. Previously in lucid's I have had no trouble walking through windows however this time I kind of just hit the window and got stuck between the frames.. Perhaps out of frustration or panick I woke up..
Although I was only lucid for what probably accounts for less than a minute I kind of see it as progress considering i cannot even remember having any dreams only a few nights ago..