This is incredible. Imagine establishing that link and carrying on a conversation! |
What a trip! |
This is incredible. Imagine establishing that link and carrying on a conversation! |
On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.
--Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed.
--Chinese Proverb
Raised Jdeadevil
Raised and raised by Eligos
Dream Journal
The Fine Print: Unless otherwise stated, the views expressed are MINE.
Thanks. |
Wow, that's really cool, Howie! :yumdumdoodledum: I can't say I've ever done that before! |
Well, once when I gained lucidity I felt the dream scene slipping away so I tried to yell "clarity now," but I felt my real lips moving. Then I woke up. |
Something like that happened to me once, except it wasn't a sentence and I wasn't lucid. I was dreaming and somebody yelled something to me, I forgot what it was, but it was something along the lines of get up. Except when it came into my dream, the word meant something completely different, not even close to what it actually meant. |
Something like this happens to me every once in awhile. I'll fall asleep in my living room and my mother will come in during the mornings and turn the tv and, should I be dreaming, I'll hear whatever it is on TV. But for instance, it was people talking about something. Well that's what my dream would be about, there would be dc's saying the same thing, or just moving their mouths to what I was hearing and acting accordingly. I've often wondered if sound could be used to create dreams, not by lucidity, but by hearing what you want to have a dream about. Or something like that. Anyone else have similar experiences? |
<span style="font-family:Arial">I hate the ending myself,
but it started with an alright scene.</span>
I've done this lots of times. It's pretty cool isn't it? Many times when I'd be napping during the day and I would be flowing from LD to LD I'd be able to have connections in both the real world and the dream world. Meaning I could be in an LD...then open my eyes a little bit...see around my bedroom...and stay in the LD the whole time. Sometimes I'd hear my mom calling me, and I'd get annoyed in my LD. Then she'd come in my room...and I'd mumble..."I'm dreaming" or something like that. I know I've said many other things outloud while I was LDing as well. Like to my roommates in my dorm in college. I used to talk to them when I was LDing. It's all about the gap in between wake and dream. It's pretty awesome. |
When my father wants to wake up from a dream but can't he often asks my mom to in his sleep. He starts murmuring in his sleep, she wakes up, then she wakes him up, he wakes up, thanks her, they both go back to sleep. |
"One word, love: curiosity. You long for freedom. You long to do what you want to do because you want it." ~ Captain Jack Sparrow
Its stories like this that make me afraid to get all out wild in lucid dreams. next ill be screaming in bed and kicking something really hard |
People don't usually move during dreams, they go into sleep paralysis. |
True. But you can teach yourself if you're experienced enough to be able to speak and even move parts of your body. It isn't easy, trying to speak to someone while you're LDing or just in sleep paralysis, but you can force it out. I've even been able to wiggle my finger before one time when I was stuck in sleep paralysis and poked the person I was sleeping with so that he could wake me up and save me from that state. Heh... |
It's not so incredible. I remember a UK TV documentary from around 1980 in which three LDers were taught morse code and then told to strike their knees in a lucid scenario using the code, to try to send messages back to the watching scientists. The sleepers' knees were wired up to a computer and lo and behold, one of them started to twitch his muscles in morse code, which was instantly converted into readable language by the computer. I remember that he was describing the scene that he was perceiving. |
Howe! Dude, how could we hang out all them times over beers, chips and artichoke dip without mention of this similar experience I had?!! |