so I was so tired from work, I took a three hour nap. I wake up around 11pm, and go back to sleep at. . 11:30 pm. My eyes were still so heavy and my body too tired to even bother doing anything but going back to sleep.

But apparently the three hour nap was enough to rest my mind. So, it wasn't long before I had an unintentional WILD. The sleep paralysis settled in quickly as I was drifting in my thoughts. The vibrations felt like I was zooming or spiraling downwards through a tunnel, with a mixture of electrical pulses from toe to head.

When I became conscious of what was happening I tried to stay calm by telling myself to just keep flying through the HI landscape and ignore the zooming feeling.

But then the HI became fuzzy and disappeared, along with the sensations. I open my eyes and think, damn, so close! I wasn't tired anymore, and I rolled over in bed trying to fall back asleep again. When, my pet cobra hid under the sheets. He was scared of the fire benders Those fire benders, so inconsiderate!

So I keep the cobra snug under my pillow safe from the fire benders. I go back to sleep wishing the WILD had worked. >_>;

I was so close I missed it