A'hoy hoy,
Lately I have been attempting to become lucid within false awakenings and have only succeeded a select few times.. It's a very interesting setting to become lucid within.
The kind of false awakenings I mean, however, are when you "wake up" in a dream, but you are still dreaming (instead of actually waking up and thinking you are dreaming).
I, of course, always falsely wake up in my room and have been able to become lucid in this state lately. This is interesting because the false awakening is not a dream-manifestation of dream-thoughts; it is just your reality in the dream world.
When I first did this, select things were different: psychology books replaced with business and computers, posters were different, my "111" symbol is gone, I am wearing jewellry, etc. Many little things slightly different to, essentially, make a different "me".
When I tried leaving my room, though, I just entered darkness and woke up soon after.
This makes me wonder what the lucid false awakening was.. It felt different, more "real" than dreams. Some might theorise it is astral travelling at it's finest.. and that I entered another realm.. what do you think? Should I elaborate..?
Hope I have been enlightening.