About ageofthunder
- LD Count:
- 18
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- i try to begin lucid dream in 2011 and early 2012 but it never worked and i lost interest but over last summer of 2013 my friend got into it and it brought me back in so i tried it but after the summer ended we got consumed by school and had such little sleep we had to give up on it. Then around summer of 2014 we were able to get back on it and I tried different methods like WILD and FILD but none of the "get lucid dreams quick" schemes never quite worked.
I decided to go the good old route of reality checks and dream journals and in a month I would get lucid dreams every weekend. It was great, but during winter break I was away from my DJ and broke habit, and ever since I planned to but never got around to lucid dreaming.
Until now, in 2017. I feel quite depressed, so I hope to seek asylum in lucid dreams. Hopefully I have the discipline to keep going. I had such great success last time.
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View ageofthunder's Dream Journal
ageofthunder on 09-01-2022 at 04:49 PM
Bug Infestation turned Lucid Dream
I was in the kitchen of my home, but it more closely resembled the kitchen of my Grandma's old house. I was by the dogfood container and I was going to feed my dog when I noticed a flat, round glass object on the ground that was completely covered in small bugs, it was either baby spiders or tiny brown ants. I jumped back and went to get bug spray, when I saw across the kitchen, through my open sliding glass door into my room was a lifted up carpet, and tons of baby spiders were crawling about, there were a few baby roaches and even a large grasshopper, too.
I've been having quite a few bug infestation dreams, so I actually made it a dreamsign, so while in awe of the sheer amount of bugs I immediately did a reality check by plugging my nose, and was pleasantly surprised when I still managed to breathe through my plugged nose. I used my lucidity to expel all of the bugs, and then there was a bit of a dream reset or something, I don't know, but I was suddenly on my bed in my room. My room, however, was stripped down to the bare essentials. There was my bed, but of a smaller size and rotated 90 degrees and now perpendicular to the wall with gray-blue covers, and in the corner across from it a small desk with my computer desktop, however where there were once three monitors there was now only one. Also rotated 90 degrees, now facing the wall. I began walking around my room in circles, the walls were a light gray and a soft light illuminated the room. Judging by my room primarily being lit by the light, I assume it was very early morning outside and the sun had not yet risen or completely risen. I was mainly focusing on trying to either add more detail to the setting or imagine a new one entirely, but since it's been a while since I lucid dreamed nothing really happened. I decided I would go flying around, so I flew around in an empty yet well lit void til I eventually lost lucidity.
Invisible car dream
I was at my dad's old house, the one I grew up in. It was night time and I wanted to go out to get a bite to eat, but my car wasn't out there, so I was waiting for my sister or whoever had it to come back. It was night time and the street and part of the yard was well illuminated by a bright, orange street light. There was no porch light however so it was fairly dark, but my brother was on the porch playing online chess. Despite there being a monitor it was still pretty dark. He was in some kind of chess tournament. We talked but I don't remember any dialogue aside from him telling me that he used my car, but he left it in "invisible mode". He told me you could see the reflections of the car. I looked out to the street and I could vaguely make out the top of a large, box-like shape due to the streetlight reflecting off of moisture on it. Apparently my car was now a UPS truck. I can't recall anything else from that dream.
Dad's New Dog
Once again I'm living with my dad at our old house. This time it's early morning. The sun is just rising, it's cool and humid out, and I can still feel the wetness from the dew on the grass. I walked around to the back of the house and saw my dad up on a ladder, and then an american bulldog with brown spots came running up to me. He was huffing heavily but mostly friendly. My dad said he got us a new dog. The dog kept following me very close behind and nudging me with his snout. I then walked back towards the front of the house and now it was completely different. Instead of grass, there was a cobblestone walkway. There was a bit of a roof overhang with pillars holding it up, and the house had an off-white, stone grainy texture and a red clay roof tiles. There was some woman with two kids that I "knew" and I was now worried that the dog might jump on them or even hurt them, so I kind of kept him back while they went inside the house.
Dream Fragments
I remember being on the corner of my dad's old property once again, outside the fence on the dirt road. I was behind a few trees and I remember a truck coming down the road. It was beginning to rain. In fact, it was raining super hard. I think the guy in the truck told me I better try to get inside. I remember floating up to the top of the tree and I think I tried to fly to the inside of the house.
Another fragment had me inside of a house that I didn't recognize. It was pretty comfy though. Lit entirely by natural light from outside, it was a bit dim because of the rain. The furniture was a grayish color. There was a thin but long living room that connected to a dining room and kitchen with a bar. I think I was waiting for someone and I was home alone.
I was in my room waiting for my sister to get back. I think she was bringing chocolate milkshakes.
ageofthunder on 07-01-2017 at 06:07 AM
Last two days have been pretty dry.
Yesterday I only got 5 hours of sleep. This time around all I had was some fragment about fans.
I was in my old room, it was pretty empty but had quite a few stand up fans, and one box fan that had weird LED lights at the top and I remember it had an internet connection and had an ethernet port on it and I was trying to hook up an ethernet cord to it. That's all I recall.
ageofthunder on 06-28-2017 at 06:16 PM
this dream occured somewhere past 10am
its just a few fragments, can't remember much, I know there was a whole lot more to this dream such as driving around town and going to several different houses.
Parts I remember well are mid-dream
I'm at my friends house (except it isnt his house, its some made-up house). Half of the room is covered in this checkerboard carpet (colors being a dark green, a dark red, and a beige color), and the other half is tile. I think that part is a kitchen but I can't remember much. I think there was a baby gate but it wasn't blocking anything off.
When you walk in you begin in the carpeted part of the room, I think there were a few couches, or some kind of furniture we had to walk around. In the back left corner was the 'kitchen' area, and the back right was just empty tile except there was a crate.
We (some girls and I. but I don't remember who exactly though) walked to the crate and there was my friend's puppy, one of the girls grabbed him out of the cage and picked him up. I think he was a black dog, but that's all I remember of it. One of them mentioned how the puppy thinks its name is "puppy" because my friend was having trouble figuring out a name. I say something like "Oh hey kinda like me, I had trouble figuring out a name for my dog". I think someone said my dogs name was Mary (it's maggie), but before I could correct them something happened. (Idk, I forget anything after this)
Later I remember going back to his house and we go through some room I don't remember, then some room with a dirty floor, and then to that same room as before except no tile or kitchen area. As soon as you get in to the right is a TV on top of a tall dresser, some couches, and then in the back is another TV. Some stuff happens I don't remember and I think theyre playing some game. It is implied there are people in another room in the house playing and us in the room (idk who else was with me) were also playing, but I was just watching. We were playing on the back TV, but it had little to no sound, while the other TV in the room played all of the sound and music of the game. It was some wii baseball game I think, except not on a wii. The characters looked like mii's, but a lot more detailed. I remember a shot of the coach who had on a blue shirt and baseball cap but his face was detailed a bit much for a mii but still looked cartoony. His two eyes were smushed together and he had a looong phallic nose, and he had patchy stubble. There were players who were less detailed and looked closer to mii's, but I don't remember them much.
That's all I recall of that fragment. Ik there was more to the dream and I had other dreams, but I don't recall them.
ageofthunder on 11-07-2015 at 06:37 PM
I don't remember dreams for last night but when I fell back asleep this morning I had at least two, maybe three but I'm pretty sure 2/3 are connected, but I don't know how and I don't know the chronology.
I remember having sleep paralysis (at this point I can't even tell if it was real or not). I tried reaching for the fan remote that was on the floor by my bed (my arm was hanging off, and the remote was out of view but I knew it was there somehow). I grabbed it but couldn't do anything else. Then I tried pulling my head up, which didn't work, and then I tried wiggling my feet which only worked slightly. Then I just sat there accepting my defeat and waiting for my mind to drift off back to sleep, but I get bored and a little bit annoyed I can't get more comfortable so I try again and suddenly I'm able to peel myself off the bed.
I get out of bed and look around. It's very dark in my room, but absolutely nothing else is out of place, yet I decide to RC anyway. It works. I decide I'm going to fly around. I fly right through my roof as if it wasn't even there, and I look down at my house and it's like a glitched video game. I can see through the roof and everything around my house on the outside is just pitch black as if it doesn't exist. I can see into all the rooms and I see my dad at his laptop in one. I fly-swim around and drop into another room. It's dark all throughout the house but it's light enough to see things somewhat clearly. I notice a laptop right up against the wall, open, and it's floating in mid air. I ignore it and don't think much of it. I rub my hands together and touch stuff and then I yell dream clarity and everything is pretty clear, I look at the laptop and admire how "HD" everything looks. I began to walk back to my room thinking of what I should do and when I'm about enter my room I feel the dream slipping and I quickly try to think of a way to keep the dream going but I fail.
Another dream I had I was going into Karazhan raid tryouts (in WoW). I was with my friend who was playing, and we go through the entrance, to the right into this huge room with a large disk, almost CD-looking but with a large hole in the middle. It was about the width of the room and it was kind of floating off the ground. In the middle was a giant robot looking thing (looks JUST like this https://www.dandwiki.com/w/images/2/2f/Arcane-golem.jpg). He was the boss we were going to fight. We all hop on the disk and it begans wobbling and spinning around the boss and it's really tough to stay on. I remember looking at a warlock to the left of me, it was an orc female, and I also looked to the right and saw my friend trying to stay on and stab the boss. I think we ended up killing him or something, and getting off the disk and walking back to the first room.
This third dream is connected to one of the last dreams, but I don't remember which. It begins with me falling out of the sky into the water into some minecraft world. I look out and to the right of me is a shore, left is a mountain, and forward is a mountain shaped like a creeper head, with eyes popping out. Suddenly there is a creeper in the water and I begin punching it and I notice it is only a creeper head. It's taking damage from something and it keeps trying to blow up and I deliver the finishing blow. I assumed it was drowning and that's why it was taking so much damage. I then swam to shore. I remember other things happened in that dream, like I flew around and talked to some people in a chat. I also think the dream started before I fell down into the water.
ageofthunder on 08-13-2015 at 12:04 PM
I remember the dream begins me in Katie's house (using people's names for the sake of my own memory) and there were two TVs, one in front facing the couch and one to the side of the couch. The one on the side was being used and it was the larger TV. I remember having false memories of watching that TV while playing on a laptop, and I watched them mess with the larger TV to try and get it to work. I also remember wondering why they don't switch TVs so you wouldn't have to look to the side to watch TV. And there was a nasty part... I remember having several pins (i guess they were more akin to nails) stuck under my skin and I could see them through the holes they made. I remember fishing them out... thaaaat was gross. While I was doing that someone mentioned something about the mongols.
Fast forward and now we're at my aunt wendy's house except it's our house. My dad has someone over in his master bedroom and then they leave. I'm talking to my dad in the living room and we hear something weird coming from his room... it's a voice. My dad goes and looks for something under my bed... with the lights off in my room for some reason so I decide to use the flashlight on my tablet. He finds it but I stay behind a few seconds because I have a REAAALLY hard time turning off the flashlight, I keep accidentally turning it back on. I finally give up and leave. It turns out it is just a bunch of dolls on his ceiling fan (first it was one and then a lot more appeared before me but dream me didn't see this as weird). It was the guy my dad had over who did it and we took them down.
Fast forward again and we're going to this older man's mansion for some reason, it's on a hill. The distinct parts I remember were his sliding glass window and how it had a couch facing looking out of the sliding glass door. Outside there was a bar on patio and there was a pool, this was all at the bottom of the hill. We went in his house at one point... talked... whatever, I think we were doing some job for him? This guy I know named Castro was there, too. We rode in his white car, it was a bit messy on the inside, and had stained seats. I remember driving and seeing the bay near where I live. Later we return on some huge 12-wheel vehicle, and I'm thinking the rich man is going to be upset we're driving this huge thing on his lawn so I jump off but I look back and it just has tiny metal wheels, like one on a little red wagon. We talked to him but I walked off. I was going in the mansion for some reason, but I saw human luna and someone else sitting on that couch through the sliding glass window and for some reason just turned back, lol. I went and sat at the bar down there across from human rarity and I could see the other human versions of the mane 6 in the background. We talked about... something. That's all I remember