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Hidden words!! Ooooooo how mysterious
Tsunami and a Solar Eclipse:
I became lucid while outside with ~Dreamer~. We were on a grassy area. The ground and the houses were covered in a light layer of snow. As I was taking in the beauty of my surroundings, I noticed a city off in the distance that was about to be crushed by a giant, ~500 foot tall wave.
I smiled at the wave while focusing on a warm, loving feeling in my chest. The wave gently receded. ~Dreamer~ was feeling a bit mischievous and she decided to block the sun out with a black circle. I imagined the circle disappearing and chunks of it exploded with bursts of fiery sparks, a bit at a time until the circle was gone. The circle immediately regenerated though. The dream faded as a disembodied old lady’s voice was saying something about the black circle weakening.
Floating City!:
I was part of a small mathematics research team and I was talking with one of my colleagues about music. I was also feeling quite sleepy and lying down on the couch when he said to me, “That’s weird that you don’t like classical music, most of the people that I meet in our field love classical music.” I responded, “Of course I love classical music!” I closed my eyes as I recited the names of various composers that I liked, “Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Brahms, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Debussy, Haydn, Stravinsky…I enjoy playing some of Chopin’s music the most…” I drifted off while focusing on maintaining awareness, I was trying to WILD for some reason. I heard a loud voice speaking to me and I knew that I must be in a dream. I opened my eyes and ~Dreamer~ was there. She had a gentle smile as she gazed at me quite lovingly. I smiled at her as I moved toward the window. We were on the third floor of a university building. I floated through the window/wall to get outside while expecting to see a plane nearby.
I saw a tiny airplane flying towards me with a strange, miniature alien-like creature inside. I jumped on the plane and threw him out of there.
I then stretched the plane out with my hands until it was a comfortable size. I also added better steering and a dial that I had hoped would make me fly faster. I turned it and it made snow start to fall all around me. A mist also began to rise from the ground. I was now in my childhood neighbourhood. I noticed a medium-sized bonsai tree in front of me that was slowly floating upwards. It was emitting this beautiful, soft, warm-coloured light. I added another button to the plane that I was sure would make me go faster if I pushed it. Sure enough, the plane really took off the second I pushed on it. I tried to imagine going through a time breach as I flew upward through a heavy set of clouds.
When I finally came out the other side, I was awestruck by a magnificent, floating city that was basked in warm light. It looked very much like the city from bioshock:infinite.
These carts on floating tracks kept going past me and I had to keep dodging them by doing flips and barrel rolls with the plane. I got too excited and woke up.--> DEILD
Creepy Dog:
I slowly opened my eyes and I was back at the starting point from the previous dream. I saw three people sitting on a couch in front of me, where ~Dreamer~ was before. I jumped up, bent my knees slightly, got a crazed look in my eyes, then pointed at a lady at the far end of the couch while shouting, “ABRACADABRA!!!!”
She immediately picked up an invisible round object with her hands and, in a very deliberate and mechanical fashion, placed it on the lap of the person next to her. That guy did the same, moving the invisible object to the lap of the person next to him. The last person threw the invisible object at me. I felt a gust of air as something moved past me (they missed). Before I had time to react, I felt ~Dreamer~’s arms wrap around me from behind. I turned around, smiled happily, and grabbed her hand, leading her outside. I remembered that I wanted to play fetch with a doggy, this part is pretty hazy. I yelled out, "Fetch!" Hoping a dog would appear. I saw a golden retriever running towards me with what I think was a….dismembered human skeleton foot, complete with a boot. I threw it off into the distance, expecting them to bring me something cooler.
The dog ran off and I don’t think I ever saw them again. I saw a giant airplane ahead of me down the street and I turned to ~Dreamer~ as we were running towards it and I said, “Let’s get to the plane!” She said to me, “I’m too much in a torrent for this right now!” Haha
What I took that as meaning though, was that she was waking up. I tried to ignore it but I woke up a few seconds later.![]()
Flying Saucer Attempt #1:
WILD in bed (a couple days ago). I started in what was supposed to be my house, but there was a massage parlor with a lot of scantily clad young ladies waiting to be massaged. I ignored them and walked downstairs so that I could get outside. There were about 7-10 doors that I had to open, all lined up, quite obnoxious! I was worried that more were going to appear but luckily I didn't have to open too many. My front yard was what looked like a car junk yard. I walked around looking for a UFO and found one on a grassy hill that was overlooking a highway. It was a pretty tiny flying saucer, it kind of reminded me of the Rick & Morty one. I hopped inside and adjusted the seat, then made a glass bubble cover my head. I pressed a button and told it where I wanted to go and it started to fly at hyper speed. Then I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep.
Giant Jenkees and Lemon Tea:
WILD in bed (last night). I slowly got out of bed and waited to open my eyes until I was pretty comfortable with how deep I was into the dream. I remembered that I wanted to do some tasks tonight! I strolled out of the bedroom and saw Jenkees in the kitchen. He is normally a pretty tall guy (~6'7 I think), but in this dream he was more like a 8' tall giant treant.
(I know, the image isn't perfect, Jenkees is actually quite skinny, but I thought it was funnyWe have very narrow halls and that's often how I feel when Jenkees is walking down the hall in the opposite direction and at the same time as me!)
He was holding a bowl of cereal and walking down the hall. I asked him, "Hey, Jenkees? What does my DV avatar represent?" He responded, "What is your DV avatar again?" I told him, "You know, it's like...a bunch of leaves on a tree!" He ignored my question and started talking about poo as he walked past me and into the shower with his cereal. lol weird.
In the dream I thought to myself, "NAILED IT!"haha that's okay, I did that task again later in the night.
I moseyed on over to the kitchen, very relaxed, and tried to summon a cup of tea. Instead of a cup, I ended up getting what appeared to be a pitcher of hot water. I guess my unconscious didn't want me to be too lazy. I searched through the cupboard and found some green tea leaves and threw them in the pitcher. I tasted the tea, it tasted like sugary, lemon flavoured green tea, yum! I drank it down really quickly as I was starting to get a bit stressed about rushing to do tasks and then I had a mini-awakening and got back into another dream pretty quickly.
Flying Car:
I got out of bed again and walked outside to find a car to fly!
I found what appeared to be a car frame with no inner mechanical stuff, but it did still have wheels. I first tried to make the tires fly off, but they didn't even budge. So I tore the frame away from the wheels instead, leaving merely a car frame with bare axles. I jumped inside and made it start flying, but it still made a mysterious engine noise. I was talking with ~Dreamer~ about the car noise thing the other day - neither of us usually hear an engine noise when we are making cars fly and we thought that was a weird detail for that task. But that car frame was sure sputtering along.
I didn't fly anywhere cool with the car, I was actually struggling a bit to get any elevation but I still thought it was fun! I did a few flips in the air before waking up and writing down the dreams.
A Task of the Month:
I struggled a bit to get back to sleep and spent maybe an hour trying to sleep again. I eventually found myself in the middle of a parking lot, in the middle of the night, with the fading intention to go get a haircut. Haha dreams are weird.
I was lucid but I still decided to walk into the hair salon because I figured...I was already there...so why not! And I was hoping that there would be some people in there so that I could retry a task of the month. I went inside to find a completely empty room with gray walls and a white floor. There were three people in the room - a blonde lady behind a counter, a dark haired man sitting at the counter, and a little brown haired girl sitting next to the man. I asked them all, are any of you able to represent my unconscious mind? I felt a strong, loving aura coming from the little girl. I knew that she was the right DC to ask. I asked her the question - What does my DV avatar represent? She told me, "It represents hunting, dreams and excitement! Lucid dream hunter!" I looked outside and was about to ask one of the people to come to the road with me so that I could escort them when I woke up slightly. I waited to slip back into dreams.
Flying Saucer Success!:
I started in my room again and I heard a voice that was accompanied by a written message. The message suggested that I should do the crossing road task last. The voice said I should believe in myself because I can definitely do the alien ones! I felt really happy about that and, even though I was still a bit uncertain, I wanted to try the space flying saucer one again!
I walked outside and there was a really bright light in front of the house. A plump british woman in victorian garb and her two red-haired children shoved me out of the way as she made her way into my house with groceries. I love when random stuff like that happens.
Unfortunately, she turned off the light and it was very dark outside again. I tried to make the sun rise and a few streaks of orange and red light spilled over the horizon before quickly disappearing. I thought to myself, "Oh well, I can do this!!!"
I ran down the street, hoping to find a flying saucer when, in the middle of a cul-de-sac, it dawned on me, there was probably one above me right then. O_O
I started to slowly float upwards. I looked up and there was an enormous UFO above me, seriously, ENORMOUS, it looked like the mothership from independence day.
I was suddenly inside, there were dark, metallic corridors all around me. I stood by a window and started controlling the UFO. I made it fly super fast into space, through an asteroidfield, and then past numerous stars. It finally stopped at an orangish-yellow star with many gigantic rocks orbiting the star in a spiral pattern. There was a green-brown planet hidden among the rocks and I sent the flying saucer to land on it.
I was outside, my hands and face lying on brown soil, with green vegetation and strange looking plants all around me. I surveyed my surroundings, hoping to find an alien to talk to. A man that looked very human popped his head up from behind a mound. I had the feeling that he was either a farmer or a vagabond. He walked up to me. He appeared to have stumps for feet, but upon closer inspection I saw that he just walked on the tips of his toes, and he only had four toes on each foot as well! I said to him, "I come in peace! Please teach me yours ways!" He started pawing at some plants with his toes while he said in a strange accent that I could only describe as mix between accents from Louisiana and India, "Iron your food...iron your food is good it mix fats. It's CURRY!" I laughed really loudly, I don't know why but I thought that what he had just said was the most hilarious thing that I had heard in a dream in ages. I was scared that I would wake ~Dreamer~ up and I intentionally woke myself up. I was relieved to find that my body was still paralyzed and I hadn't actually burst out laughing and woken her up. Phew!![]()
Stress dream in a hospital
I was in the lobby with my mom and we were waiting to be called in for some back problems that I was having, but I had lost my paperwork and I was searching frantically to find it. There were also potentially awkward encounters all over the place that I was constantly dodging - People from my high school and university that I did not particularly want to run into. I was also trying to collect all of these 1$ and 2$ australian coins. They were all over the place! I don’t know what that was about but by the end of the dream I had a hefty collection and I was trying to carry as many of the coins as I could in my hands and shirt while leaving a shiny trail in my wake.
After what felt like an hour of this madness, my mom got called over by a nurse and the nurse lady got upset at me because I didn’t have the paperwork and she was going to kick me out of the hospital. I started to cry and she felt bad and changed her mind. I was confused about what that dream was about when I woke up, but then I remembered that my mom is going into surgery for her back later today and I think that’s what it was probably related to.
Bryan Cranston is a Red Dolphin
I was acting out a movie scene with Jim Carrey and Brad Pitt; Jim Carrey was supposed to be an evil clownlike character, similar to his role as the riddler, and Brad Pitt was a super tough and manly cowboy. We acted out the following scene a few times before I became lucid:
It was a clear starry night, around midnight, and we were walking along a boardwalk. Brad Pitt slowly walked towards the water and raised his hands at his sides, face up. A cheeseburger tied to a balloon floated up from each hand and then gently landed in front of me and Jim. We picked them up and started eating while negotiating some kind of deal. I think I was supposed to represent good, Jim was evil, and Brad was a neutral arbiter. Anyways, the scene would end with Jim Carrey betraying us and trying to murder us with an impressive arsenal of various obscure and sometimes comical weapons.
On the final take, Brad gave me two cheeseburgers and Jim only one, then Jim broke character and was showing off all his cool weapons, one of which was an old-school crossbow. I started telling Jim that there was no point in having such a weapon because it would take way too long to load. Brad picked it up, intending to show me just how wrong I was. He loaded it and fired towards the moon. The arrow came down and almost hit someone that was swimming. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Brad had kind of a crazy look in his eyes. He grabbed me by the shirt and threw us both into the water. He changed into Bryan Cranston and started talking to me about breathing underwater. I thought to myself, “Breathing underwater is fun in dreams…..Breathing underwater is pretty cool….Breathing underwater is fun...in dreams!”
I tried to change Bryan Cranston into a dolphin and his skin started bubbling and his body turned red, then he grew fins and turned into a sort of bubbly-skinned red dolphin. I jumped on top of him as the Bryan dolphin sped towards the bottom of the ocean.
We swam by a colossal, ancient, white sea creature and my Bryan dolphin friend swam into their mouth. Pearly white teeth closed behind us and a golden light erupted from the cracks in the creature’s teeth. We swam out of their mouth and suddenly the red Bryan dolphin had turned into a killer whale. I didn’t remember that they were still considered a dolphin until I woke up but I rolled with it because crazy shit was happening and I liked it.
I rode the orca to Atlantis and saw a friendly looking mermaid. I wanted to ask her questions but as she approached me, her hair puffed out, her teeth turned into fangs, and her eyes turned red. She lunged at me and started furiously gnawing at my arm. After several quick bites I threw her off me. Many more mermaids burst from the sand with puffs of black sand. I Heard a voice that suggested I should come back in another season when they’re less hungry.
I moved time forward about 6 months and they were all nice and friendly again. I noticed that all of the muscle bound mermen were avoiding the ladies and so I asked them why they weren’t hanging out with any of the women. They told me that the guys all thought the girls were crazy and after asking around a bit I found out that all the mermen were very gay. I wanted to go talk to the mermaid ladies but I was a bit nervous since our last encounter was a bit scary, but I went over to one of them anyways. She looked uncomfortable and I asked her if she was gay like the guys were. She said, “YES! Yes. Gay. That’s it.” But I think that she just thought I wanted to have sex with her and she didn’t want to be bothered by me.
I guess she had already met Fryingman and woblybil.![]()
Dream 1:
I was at a party that was being held at an underground restaurant. I’m not sure what was initially being celebrated, but several of my old childhood friends were there, as well as a few family members. Upon entering the restaurant, I was immediately greeted by an overly enthusiastic Tom Cruise Waiter. I started to realize it was a dream at this point. He showed me to my table then threw down a big plate filled with fries. MMMmm I was really excited and I started to just devour them. Each time they would disappear, some waiters would immediately give me another plate. I kept eating until I started to genuinely get tired of eating fries, which is weird for me since I love them. I looked around and saw that there were some people that had fried chicken sandwiches. I asked the waiters for one of those but they flat out refused to give me one! They brought me this delicious cake-like desert. I had to remind myself that all dream food is animal and cruelty free, then I started dig into the cake with my bare hands. I felt like a ravenous animal.
I looked around while eating and it was apparently my birthday party now, and I was the king of these lands. There were also a lot of teen girls dancing in a circle in the center of the room while flashing their boobs.
The party eventually started to die down, guests started to leave, and I was getting bored with eating dream food, so I jumped on top of a table and rode it out of the room as though it were a hoverboard while yelling, “I’m king bitch, I’m king!!!”
I had to fly through a tiny hole in the ground in order to get to the surface, it made me feel a bit claustrophobic but it wasn’t too bad.
When I got above ground I appeared in a beautiful, lush, vivid green field with trees that were covered in so many leaves that I couldn’t even see a speck of bark. I tried to teleport Rick & Morty style by pointing an invisible portal gun at a hedged bush. A transparent green and purple blob shot out of the gun and made a transparent green and purple portal. It was pretty tiny so I tried to run into it head first, but instead of going through a portal I ended up smashing my face into a solid hedge that felt like it was made out of bricks. I rarely feel pain in my lucid dreams but running into that brick bush gave me an awful, splitting headache.
I lost vision and appeared in a new field. There was tall, golden wheat grass all around me and a few oak trees off in the distance. I flew around to try to find a group of people to unleash my wind upon. I found a small encampment of criminals after exploring for a few minutes. I landed in the middle of them and then I almost immediately saw a group of maybe 20 little 10 year old kids marching towards me in a line. They surrounded me in a circle and I began trying to fart. One of them kept punching me in the stomach and pushing me around while the others cheered.
The fart wasn’t happening and I felt like maybe I was going to shit my dream pants instead. So I imagined hearing and feeling a fart instead of trying to force one out, then immediately a massive noise erupted from my butt. The kids froze and became dead silent while they stared at me in absolute horror.
I opened my mouth and said, “It was Meeeeee!!!” but another kid said it at the exact same time. Then the rest of the kids joined in and said that it was them while they laughed hysterically. They started pushing me around, punching me, and throwing rocks at me. Not exactly the reaction I was expecting.![]()
I ran away and then got down on all fours and tried to turn into a dragon. I could feel my back sprout wings and I could feel claws grow from my hands but then I woke up.
Dream 2:
Short lucid dream fragment – I was asking Dreamer to transform me into a dragon. A violent transformation started to happen and parts of my body were bubbling and randomly growing very large or very tiny. I started to grow claws and to get scaly but I woke up pretty quickly.
Dream 3:
I was in a simulator with Dreamer. This simulator was supposed to be a previous memory that belonged to someone from my old high school’s football team. I don’t know what kind of strange technology we were using to explore this memory but I was fascinated at how powerful it was.
The memory, however, was quite sad in content. There were a few cheerleaders that had gotten very drunk with a couple of football players and their coaches. The girls were all stark naked. I admired the details of the simulation and felt my way around the room, amazed at the realism of the experiences.
I found one of my old, male best friends sitting on the floor, submissive, and sucking on an unknown person’s dick that was poking through a wall.
The coaches started to get aggressive, and against the girls’ wishes. They started to walk up behind the girls and rub their dicks against their bums and between their legs. The cheerleaders would push them away, but the coaches would just come back and they started to penetrate the girls. They took them into other rooms and had sex with them.
We could explore the memory and witness things but we couldn’t interact with or influence the memory.
I was showing Dreamer and a couple other DCs that we weren’t actually using our real bodies either by doing a nose plug RC. I suddenly realized that this wasn’t a simulation, but that I was actually dreaming. The simulation started to end and everything began to get dark. I repeated to myself, “I am lucid, I am lucid, I am lucid…” over and over again until the dream re-formed because I was afraid of having a FA and losing lucidity.
I appeared on a gorgeous, white beach. I remembered that I wanted to try some tasks and that I wanted to try to use a mirror to transform. I walked around, looking for a mirror. I saw an old, sand-covered, full-length mirror with a golden-brown, wooden frame. I walked up to it and looked at my reflection. I then imagined my body becoming globe-like and I slowly transformed into a floating, purple planet. I was amazed at how well that worked, so I tried to turn into a dragon after that. While still looking in the mirror, I imagined my body turning into a dragon. I turned green and grew a long tail and wings and looked like a beautiful green dragon! I woke up into a FA before I got to do anything cool.
Dreamer was sitting up in bed next to me typing something on her laptop. I began to write my dreams down, and then I remembered that this is a prime time for losing lucidity. I did a reality check and then I knew! O_O
I stared lovingly at Dreamer and she stared back at me with her adorable green eyes. I ripped off her clothes and her eyes suddenly grew dark, she looked quite grumpy! I tried to focus on the feeling of her personality and her energy, and then I tried to infuse it with the dream character, but it would only work for a second at a time. So I left the grumpy DC alone, closed my eyes, and imagined feeling her presence with me until the dream ended.
I thought I had woken up and that I had been trying to fall back asleep for quite some time. I eventually did a reality check to make sure I wasn’t still dreaming, but I was.
I got out of bed and appeared in a white tiled bathroom. I stared in the mirror and imagined a Rick & Morty portal gun appearing in my hands. Just such a gun grew in my hand from a small point! I pointed it at a wall and pulled the trigger. What came out was the most vivid and non-transparent green blob yet! I was super excited and happy about just how well the Rick & Morty teleportation method had worked this time, but I woke up before I could go through the portal.
Night #12:
My recall has been awful this last week; I don’t remember becoming lucid for any of these lucid fragments, so I’ll only count them as one DILD.
I was in some strange room and I remembered that I wanted to transform into a dragon. I got down on all fours and felt wings grow from my back and I felt a tail grow from my bum. I imagined myself being green and scaly until I was a pretty little dragon. I took off flying.
I was running down a street at night and I started to run super-fast, until my legs left the ground and I started to float. I remember seeing streetlamps lighting up my path. I summoned Zeus’ lightning bolt in my hands and threw it off into the distance.
I was in a dark room made of wood and I was trying to summon fire in my hands. I snapped my fingers and a small flame appeared on my thumb. I made it grow and then started throwing fireballs and unleashing a steady stream of flames all around me.
I was hanging out with an alien that was wearing tacky early 90’s clothing. I remember that he had green skin and that he was holding an iPhone. I started to control his actions with my mind.
Night #13:
DILD #1:
I was at a supermarket with Dreamer, just looking around. I became lucid when a fish bit my arm, but I made sure that it didn’t hurt at all. I then summoned peas for some reason.
DILD #2:
This one was later in the night. I was fishing with my mom on a tropical beach. There were fish that were hanging out right near the shore and I basically just stuck my hook into the water for half a second and pulled out a huge fish. I tried to think about what I was supposed to do next, and I figured that I was supposed to cook it and eat it. I felt awful just thinking about that.
I stared at the fish flopping around on the ground with a hook in its stomach. I became lucid and made the fish vanish in a puff of smoke. I then summoned peas, beans, carrots, and some other vegetables in my hands for making vegetable soup instead.
Really weird how similar the dreams were with the fish and the peas.
Night #14:
I did SSILD then chanted a mantra about remembering dreams before falling asleep, I think it helped a lot with my recall.
WILD #1:
I had been trying to WILD for ages and I finally started to drift off the sleep. Dreamer had gotten up a few minutes earlier and was coming back into the room. The sound woke me up enough to hold onto my awareness while my body fell back asleep almost immediately. I could hear Dreamer asking me a question about dreams.
I did an epiglottis block RC, then a nose plug. I talked to the Dreamer DC for a minute, telling her how naughty she was for trying to trick me into thinking I was still awake. I slowly got out of bed then wandered down the hall towards the front door. I phased through the door but then it opened of its own accord after I had moved through it. I felt like I couldn’t see, as though I was wearing blindfolds. I imagined that I actually was wearing blindfolds and I reached to my face to try to take them off, wouldn’t work. Everything was very dark but I could tell it was sunny outside. I closed my eyes and teleported, hoping that would fix it.
I ended up in a garage with workout equipment. The floor was made of cement and it was very cold on my bare feet. I walked over to an exercise machine and suddenly my vision got locked into place. I began flying and flailing my body around, but my vision wouldn’t change. I tried to relax because I knew that panicking wouldn’t help. I summoned a staff in my hands, but both the staff and my hands were transparent. I waved the staff around, it looked like it was made out of air or water.
The scene that I was stuck looking at slowly changed into being my bedside table and I could feel my eyes open. I closed them but I could feel my waking life body already.
WILD #2:
I had been trying to fall back asleep for about 10-20 minutes, when I heard Dreamer’s voice again. She was talking about the conversation we had before (in my other WILD). I was onto her tricks this time and I said to her, “You’re not going to fool me, I know that you’re not really Dreamer, speak again sweet angel!”
She started talking more. I did an epiglottis block, then a nose plug RC. I got up and out of bed then ran out the back door this time. It was night time and I could see the moon in the sky. I tried to take off flying but I only got up a little way in the air before I started floating back down. I tried jumping up to make myself fly, wouldn’t work. I went back inside where I saw my dad about to use the toilet. Dreamer was there too, sitting in the kitchen. I woke up.
WILD #3:
The dream started in the bedroom, and I did some RCs to make sure I was in the dream. I got out of bed again and walked into the kitchen. I saw my dad in the toilet, butt naked while peeing. I poked his cheek (not the one on his face). Then walked back into the kitchen where I saw Dreamer. I waved my hand in her face and said, “You’re coming to the bedroom with me, right Dreamer?”
She turned around and started walking towards the bedroom. I followed her. I altered my body slightly and then hung out with Dreamer for awhile before waking up.
WILD #4:
I did a nose plug, then got up and walked through the wall but I kind of got stuck on it and had to wriggle my body through. It was sunny outside. I tried to think of any tasks that I wanted to do, but I woke up.
I was hanging out with Dreamer outside my parents’ house. It was a cold day and there was snow everywhere. She turned into my sister and insisted that she be allowed to drive this car. I became lucid and got into the passenger seat, then teleported to the driver seat, swapping with my sister. There were a couple other dream characters that were hanging out in the back. There was also no roof on this car!
I started driving and then immediately took off flying in the car. The windshield was covered in snow, so I turned on the windshield wipers and they worked! The snow was promptly removed and I could see. I started to fly super-fast across the landscape, but telephone poles/wires appeared all over the place. I tried to navigate through them but they were everywhere. Eventually one got caught on my neck, but I made sure that my body couldn’t be hurt. I then phased through it and it went right through me and the rest of the car. I started focusing on making them disappear until there were only one or two, but I couldn’t get rid of them all completely, so I decided to just land the car. It was sunny outside now. An old man came up to us and started asking us questions about how we were able to fly a car. I woke up.