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    9 Visitor Messages

    1. Happy Birthday!!
    2. And here I am again... working on getting my sleep schedule back in proper order so I can start LDing again!
    3. I went back to defaults because I didn't like how hard to see the tabs were, but I got too lazy to change all the colors to the light mode version of the theme. So we're back to default
    4. Custom colors for my profile :-)

      I based it off the "Gruvbox" theme, which I always use in my code editor. However, I can't change the colors for the tab text, making it have a very bad contrast. In fact, a quick browser devtools inspection reveals to me that my set color is actually commented out and replaced with this ugly blue.
      Hopefully, this can be fixed... But I won't change the colors, because I like the dark.
    5. Here's another post on my profile. Not much to say, it's just a decent night I suppose. I have managed to recall a dream every day since I made that forum post about coming back, so it's going well. (Well I mean, I couldn't remember 1 day but 6/7 ain't bad right?)

      Ok bye.
    6. Happy Birthday!
    7. Ah I didn't see the settings page thank you
    8. How do I set signatures, avatars, and profile pictures?

      You can set and change your signature, avatar, and profile picture in the User Control Panel.

      For signatures, click on 'Edit Signature' under the 'Settings and Options' area of the navigation bar within the User CP.

      To select an existing or upload a new avatar, click on 'Edit Avatar'.

      To upload a profile picture, click on 'Edit Profile Picture' in the 'Your Profile' section.

      If you have anymore issues you a can just PM me and I can see what I can do.
    9. help how do i change my profile picture??? lol
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
    About AtomicChocolate

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    Date of Birth
    January 24
    About AtomicChocolate
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    Hi, I'm James. I think lucid dreaming is a lot of fun and I would like to do it more often in more depth! I'm working on making it a habit.

    My primary interest with lucid dreaming is about shapeshifting.

    https://realja.me is my website! I write blog posts and stuff on there about all sorts of topics.
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    View AtomicChocolate's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Nights 3/4

    by AtomicChocolate on 03-06-2023 at 06:27 AM
    These are my first 2 nights of the competition!! I started a bit late.

    Night 3:
    Full non-lucid dream:
    Me and my close family (dad, siblings) are at a small, dingy looking restaurant called "Meyers". I recognize it as being related to the grocery store Fred Meyer, just without the Fred part. Across the street is a Dunkin Donuts, and that makes me notice this place is also a "donuts restaurant. There are seats and tables lining the walls, so my family sits down at one of them. I look around, and notice glass windows in each of the tables containing some donuts. I keep looking for a table to sit at. Each of them has a price labelled on them. I settle on a "45" table.
    (What's interesting to me about this dream was that I haven't been to Fred Meyers in years; they had them in the state I used to live in, but not in FL.)

    Non-lucid fragment 1: Something is following me, but not like in a bad or weird way. It's not a person, it's some sort of usable, helpful item, following me like in some video games (such as the Toppins in the recent indie game "Pizza Tower", which I've been playing recently.)
    Non-lucid fragment 2: Something relating to the "strongest part of my body", which according to the dream is my head currently resting on my pillow.

    Night 4:
    Non-lucid fragment: Something relating to my sister.

    Winter Competition 12/7/22

    by AtomicChocolate on 12-19-2022 at 07:08 PM
    This dream felt like I was watching a movie. Of course, because it was a dream, it pretty much felt like I was watching it through VR, like I was a ghost or something. Anyways:

    The "movie" takes place in medieval times and followed a guy. He was big, and a bit dim, but motivated and kindhearted. He kept trying to deliver a very important and powerful item to someone in power that would be used to save the day, but this person was actually evil! They kept avoiding taking it because they know it would be used to stop their plans.

    Eventually, he spontaneously decides to get on a horse and quickly travel to their new house, still being built, to see if they're home. He finds that they aren't there, so he decides to look around the place. He doesn't find much, until he looks under the floorboards. He slowly lifts a board out to get a crack at what's below, and he finds a hidden basement! He looks shocked, and is ready to go in.

    He puts the floorboard back where it was, but it spins in place, like the signposts in Sonic games. As it spins, each rotation causes the area shown beneath it to be something brand new, caused by magic. It finally stops spinning, and it ends up on a restaurant.

    He takes out the floorboards, and jumps into the room. It appears to be a sort of Italian restaurant, with brick walls, warm yellow lighting, and red and white checkered tablecloths.

    After just a moment, a waiter, a female anthropomorphic frog, walked up to his table, and asked what he wanted. He decided to try an order he knows no restaurant is able to serve him: "I'll have deviled eggs with pepperoni and a side of cornbread."

    Shortly after, she came back with the order exactly. He was shocked, and it tasted amazing too!


    That was kinda a random dream, but it was fun to watch unfold!

    Winter Competition 12/4/22 (2nd dream)

    by AtomicChocolate on 12-18-2022 at 11:40 PM
    I was walking through some sort of large place with tables that people were sitting down at. A convention hall for clubs and hobbies, or a lunchroom, perhaps. I was asked by the people of a certain table I passed by to do the "Crystal Eye" Test, or something like that, I forgot. (It had "Test" at the end of it, for sure).

    I responded with "No, I do lucid dreaming, thanks."

    They had dumbfounded looks on their faces, and I just continued walking away.


    So, I think this is related to concepts like reality shifting and astral projection, which I don't believe in. But also, dang! I literally mentioned lucid dreaming in a dream, and nothing came out of it!

    Winter Competition 12/4/22

    by AtomicChocolate on 12-18-2022 at 11:35 PM
    I walked into a classroom (like this was my goal, to be there for the next period of school), and it was a Science test about the "San Francisco version of modeling positions". I tried to figure it out quickly before the test started by looking at the notes of someone who was sitting next to me, but I couldn't figure it out. I then tried copying their notes, but it seemed nonsensical to me.

    Also whatever this is, that I recorded in the dream journal entry right after: "Left or right = convert to a specific 4 letter word I forgot, add a longer specific word I also forgot that makes it 15 letters. 15 x (i)686 (for left) or 15 x (x)64 (for right) multiplies to a big number you need to do it."

    So, this dream was kinda a bunch of nonsense, which is odd. I did take a science test the day before though. By the way, i686 and x64 are computer hardware architectures. Maybe this is all related to when I don't study for tests and can't fully figure out what some vocab terms mean. They're just nonsense to me.

    Winter Competition 12/1/22

    by AtomicChocolate on 12-03-2022 at 05:38 AM
    Night #1 (slept at night on the 1st but woke up on the 2nd, can't edit the title)

    Non-Lucid Dream: I'm in a small bookstore, my family is waiting for me outside. It is nighttime, and we are in Seattle. I look through the books on the shelves, but nothing is interesting to me. The employee behind the desk asks me if I'm gonna choose a book already, which pressures me to find one. However, there's nothing I really want to get. I keep looking, and I come across a basket of free, fresh bread rolls above a shelf. For some reason, I feel guilty about not choosing a book, because they made these rolls and I should compensate them for it! Maybe there's something in the Young Adult section, I think? I haven't checked that one yet. I look through the shelves to find the shelf with that genre, but I can't find it.

    I noticed that this dream is about being unable to pick a book at a bookstore. This has actually happened to me numerous times when I go to the bookstore! Also, the guy getting mad at me for looking too long was straight out of a post I read online before sleeping about that happening to someone, which is interesting to me.

    All in all, I'm happy I was already able to have something for my dream journal after a multiple month long dry streak. Hopefully we can keep this pace up for the rest of the competition!

    Updated 12-03-2022 at 06:45 PM by AtomicChocolate
