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    148 Visitor Messages

    1. View Conversation
      I have read a lot of your posts on shared dreaming and am wondering if it is possible to invade a nonlucid nonconsenting person's dream. If so, how difficult would it be?
    2. View Conversation
      Omg Baking Nomad. I love ur humour.

      I don't think I am able to convey to you how much I appreciate you hanging around. Ur role in this forum. And importantly, your activity in the past few days. All your activity here is epic and is appreciated. The older stuff is still classic and what I can't describe what your sentience extravagance does to my dreaming soul. ur the sole reason I actually had a LD this week. And feel like a kid again reading this forum 5 years ago.

      So thanks dude, stay in touch. (if you have an email or something that I can contact you outside of DV in case this place disappears)
    3. I am not bald any longer, that's an old picture. I am just using it because it amuses me. My hair is about an inch and a half long right now.
      I changed my name to Baking Nomad because I am really into baking right now, and it reminds me to incuBAKE my dreams. heheh
    4. View Conversation
      Hay WakingNomad

      I noticed how your new username, bakingNomad, brings your username almost to the top of the "daily board".

      If you change your username to awakingNomad you will appear at the top of the dailly log-in board.
    5. View Conversation
      Hey, R U BakingNoMad because WakingNoMad has gone B B Bald (???)
    6. View Conversation
      Cheers to that.
    7. View Conversation
      Hey WakingNomad, good to see you! What's keeping you busy these days?
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    9. View Conversation
      Hey Nomad, have you looked into something like Dragon speech recognition software?

      "Individuals with accessibility issues, from carpal tunnel and RSI to learning disabilities, face unique challenges when it comes to using a computer. The keyboard and mouse become barriers to productivity, not to mention a cause of pain and frustration. Stop typing and put your voice to work to create and edit documents, send email and more."

      Glad to hear you're feeling better, that's great news!
      I hope other areas of life have been fulfilling for you.
    10. Hi everyone. I've had severe pain in my forearms, and been unable to type. Finally feeling a little better.
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    LUCID URTH Dream: An Orc's Tale part 2

    by Baking Nomad on 10-21-2015 at 05:52 PM
    The days went by as I nursed Snowmaiden back to health. I told her my name is Snakefist. We call each other Snow and Snake for short. She is able to walk and move about, and is recovering well. She seems unconcerned about Stonefist's inevitable arrival. She is sitting by the river on the bank, watching the fish swim.
    "He is coming. He is an excellent tracker. He will be alone, armed with a great stone hammer, and a sling."
    "I will kill him," I say simply.
    "Good," she responds.
    A bird alights on my shoulder and whispers in my ear.
    "He approaches on the gnolls," I tell Snow.
    "Aye, mine chieftain, I will join you, for I must have my revenge."
    I mount my horse, and my hawk, Sunfire, rides on my shoulder. Snow rides in front of me. She feels so familiar to me somehow. I feel a strong sense of deja vu.
    I see a large lone orc wielding a stone hammer coming over the hills. At sight of Snow riding with me, he roars in rage, and challenges me to dismount. I do, and simply wait for his charge. Snow somehow disappears, but I am too focused on my enemy to notice.
    As he approaches, he screams, "You have stolen my slave!" Right before he gets within striking distance, I morph into a great ox. He tried to backpedal, but it's too late, and his momentum carries him into my waiting horns. I toss him high overhead, and he lands behind with a loud thud.
    As he stands, I can tell his ankle is broken. I morph into a giant cave bear, and charge him. He readies his hammer, but is attacked by my hawk, Sunfire, who divebombs him, and yanks his head back by the hair. He tries to hit my friend with his weapon, but instead hammers himself in the head leaving himself dazed. I laugh at this as I charge. Suddenly a shadow drops from a lone tree behind him, and a blade flashes in the sun. The blade quickly decapitates Stonefist, and I charge into a headless body.

    "I didn't know you are a Ninja."

    "I didn't know you are a Shaman."

    "Why couldn't you kill him earlier?"

    "I had been starved by my father for refusing to eat the cubes. So, I was already very weak when I was sold on the stock market. Never a slave again."

    I nod. I summon scavenger beasts to eat the carcass, then we mount my horse and ride back to my cabin. We wash after the battle, and sit on my wooden and hay cushion couch in front of my fireplace.

    We drink some mead, and smoke some green herb. "Thank you, Snake. You saved my life."
    I turn to her.


    "You will be my mate forever. Our love is strong." I look into her eyes, and kiss her. We consummate our savage orc love in my cabin under a full moon. I sleep a deep sleep, and dream of a strange life where I am a human in a world with no orcs and no magic. How strange. I awake to a strange scraping sound on the outside of my cabin. I grab my stone dagger, and move toward my door. I peer outside, and see it's a large buck scraping his antlers on my cabin.
    "Oakleaf!" I recognize my old friend, and call him by name. He walks to me, and licks my face. Snow walks sleepily out, and is amused by our interaction. Oakleaf looks toward the woods, and a lovely doe and fawn appear. I tell Snow to fetch some seeds and grains I have for feed for many animals, and we feed them out of our hands. Oakleaf is an amazing huge deer, large enough for a full grown orc to ride.
    Oakleaf, and his mate, Willow, kneel down and beckon us to mount them. We do, and let them lead. We ride with their little fawn to a high hill and watch the sun rise. Life is grand.
    "I have never met an orc like you, my love," Snow whispers.
    "Nor I you, Snow."
    "Are there others like us?"
    lucid , memorable

    non-lucid fragments

    by Baking Nomad on 10-21-2015 at 05:23 PM
    [I]in a house[/I]

    I am in a house, looking for a bathroom. Every time I find a toilet, there is some naked person sitting on it. Why don't they close the door? This happens three times. gross.

    [I]on a boat[/I]

    I am working on a large sailboat in port. One of my co-workers is complaining about the challenge of doing laundry at sea. It's my old co-worker JB, with his big Texan accent.

    "...and then your boots get [I]funky![/I]"

    LUCID URTH Dream: An Orc's Tale

    by Baking Nomad on 10-20-2015 at 02:11 PM
    I am working in my garden on the edge of a forest near some plains and rolling hills right next to a river. I am a large orc with dark green skin. I am digging a trench with a pickaxe. "Pumpkins, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, and orcroots," I am saying to myself, planning out my sowing.
    I stand up and stretch. The sun shows me it is now mid-morning. I take a deep breath. The pine smells lovely out here, like freedom, like peace, like solitude. I do feel lonely, though I prefer the company of the wild beasts to the company of my own kin.
    I have a flashback to the smell I hate: the smell of burning flesh. I involuntarily recall a hellish memory of childhood, after a victorious battle against the Elves, many were brought back to our city as prisoners. They had been stripped of their clothes and beaten clubs and whipped. They forced the Elves into large hanging cages, then lit large fires under them, burning them to death.
    After they all died, they removed the dead bodies, butchered them, then cut the pieces into small cubes which they dried and preserved with salt and sugar. I did not see the butchering or the preservation process, though I did unknowingly eat the elf-flesh as a child, as the elf-flesh cubes are given to all orc children as soon as we get our first teeth in. I remember the screams of the Elves as their hair would catch fire.
    I shudder. I need more sun. I feel chill. I mount my horse, a large brown and white mare, and I ride out of the forest to the green rolling hills. I ride up one of the smaller hills, and rest on the slope in the sun.
    I hear a rustling in the lone tree behind me, and a female orc falls out on to the ground. I am startled, especially because orcs generally dislike climbing. She looks weak and tries to stand, then says, "I was running..." then faints. I run to her and catch her. I give her a sip of pomegranate juice from my canteen, then, I put her on my horse, and we ride back to my cabin. She fades in and out of consciousness, murmuring about running.
    We get back, and I take her in, and lay her down on my bed, then I heat up some medicinal tea. I give her some water, and she sits up, and opens her eyes.
    She has green skin with light green spots. Her eyes are yellow, and her hair is brown. She says, "Thank you, stranger, I am running from an orc that wants to kill me, for I refused to marry him after he bought me on the stock market. He has been pursuing me for three months. I have about a two week lead in front of him, yet he still comes relentlessly. His name is Stonefist."
    I nod.
    "May I have some more juice, friend? I am hungry, yet I cannot eat for my stomach is too small from being in survival mode."
    I give her more juice, then begin chopping vegetables for soup.
    "What are you doing, sir?"
    "I am making you vegetable soup."
    "Just vegetables?"
    "I eat no flesh. Not that of elves or beasts."
    "Stonefist eats the flesh of orcs."
    "What a vile orc."
    "So, this is why you're here? You're a heretic, like me."
    "I've been called such." I put the vegetables into a big pot of hot water, then stoke my fire.
    "You're a kind orc. I trust you." She smiles, and goes back to sleep.
    I return to working in the garden.
    Over the next several days, I learn her name is Snowmaiden, and she begins to recover from thirst and hunger. She tells me Stonefist will arrive soon, alone, as he is a proud orc. Her father sold her to the stock market after she refused to eat the flesh of an elf he killed in battle. Stonefist bought her, and took her home, then she ran away, and has been running since.
    I generally hate my own race, almost as much as I hate Elves, so I will have no problem killing the vile bastard on sight.

    Assasinating The Vampyre Priest

    by Baking Nomad on 10-19-2015 at 06:03 AM
    I rise up out of bed, floating in the air, and land standing on the floor. I am in my Lucid City apartment.
    I stride to my computer terminal.
    "Big Joey, give me the first Assassin quest."
    "Assassinate a target of your choice, big guy."
    I nod silently.
    WinterFae stirs in the bed.
    "Can I come with you, sweetie?"
    "I've got to do this quest alone. I have ultra-mega spells and guardians from multiple dimensions protecting you while I'm gone, my love."
    She nods with her eyes closed, and goes back to sleep.
    I lie down on the floor, and astral project, searching for a certain most vile energy signature. I lock on to a golden thread mixed with tiny balls of dark energy within. The thread twist and squirms. This is the thread of a child molesting Catholic Priest in Urth York.
    I open my eyes, and open a portal to Urth York City, and step through. I am on the streets of Urth York City. There are many strange races milling about, as in Lucid City. There is a certain church I am going to. Today is Sunday, and Soulkyst the Vampyre is going to church. I can smell the evil priest, I can smell his blood. He is about two miles away from me now.
    I walk the streets until I get there. Every now and again I get an odd look for most Vampyres do not walk among mortals. I find a large cathedral, and enter. Some of my Vampyre kin have feared entering churches, and I laughed and told them both the god and the devil are lies.
    I sit down before the service is about to start. I listen to the boring choir, and a priest enters the stage to give a sermon. There he is, my target. A disgusting fat bastard, he has shaved his fangs to flatten them, though I can tell he is of my race. He happens to make eye contact with me, and I nod and grin at him. He suddenly begins to sweat and wipe his brow.
    I can see his pustules on his horrid face pulsating with his increase heart rate. His heart, which will soon be silenced.
    I go up for Communion, and when he hands me the goblet, I look up at him, and shoot a dark energy tracker, the size of a dime out of my third eye, and it hits him in the side of his face. He swats at it like a fly, then it burrows into his flesh and disappears. He coughs, then continues the ceremony. After the service is over. I go to a hotel next door, and get a posh room fitting of an immortal.
    From the hotel room, I astral project to find the priest. He is now changing into his street clothes, and he goes to a local pub. I also change my clothes to look like an American cowboy, and I apply make-up to my skin to make me look Human.
    I go down to the street, and follow the astral thread. It leads me into a basement dive called, "The Underground." It's a typical sleazy urban dive. I go to the bar and order a drink, then take it, and sit down in a corner. The priest comes out of the bathroom, zipping up his pants. He sits at the bar. The bartender apparently knows this regular.
    "Ey, Father Johnny boy, what'll it be?"
    "That's Johnny to you, pal! Can't I just be a regular Joe Urth Yorker for once?"
    "Okay, pally. You want your lil alcoholic coffee and milky-poo?"
    "That's Gorilla Juice, to you."
    "Okay, Johnny boy, here's your coffee brandy, and here's your milk."
    The priest mixes his own drinks, then guzzles it down. He calls someone on his phone.
    "Okay, good. Are the little ones ready? Okay. Great. This will be a lovely ceremony after that fucking bullshit I had to deal with today with all those stupid bitches not wanting to fuck me. Okay, yes, sir. I have the money and everything."
    I see the priest go down a long hallway, then disappear into a hidden door. After I hear his footsteps get further away, I use my dark energy and pull it out of the door, then phase through to the other side.
    I see him in semidarkness ahead, then he turns a corner. I silently follow.
    The scene before me is horrifying. The hall opens up to a large vaulted chamber, similar to a Catholic Cathedral. On the stage is a stone altar, with an image of Baphomet above it. There are Vampyres donning red and black robes readying to do a sacrificial ceremony. They are chanting and murmuring about blood.
    On the altar are two children, a boy and girl, bound, gagged, and stripped of their clothes, absolute terror on their faces. I summon 8 dark energy throwing knives, and I place them between my fingers. I hurl them at the other Vampyres, each one hitting a target. I have aroused their wrath. I summon lightning from the electrical wires overhead, and they shriek as they spark and burn with electrocution. They fall over, every one writhing on the floor, a charred living mess of burnt flesh. I grab a wooden table, and break a leg off, then I walk to each Vampyre, and slam the table leg into their vile chest.
    I hear my dagger, Blood, speaking to me. "Blood! Me! I want!"
    I withdraw Blood, and whip the dagger, elongating it into a sword. I decapitate every single Vampyre, including the priest. Blood screams and gurgles with delight as he drinks all the blood he touches.
    I wipe my blade, then I free the children. I take off my cowboy duster and wrap them in it. They are not afraid of me.
    I use my finger, and shooting a stream of fire on to the floor, I burn these words amongst the bodies. "KILLUMINATI."
    I open a portal to Lucid City, and step through.

    Lucid Urth: Soulkyst the Vampyre, Assassin Quest

    by Baking Nomad on 10-19-2015 at 12:49 AM
    "Alright, big guy," says the Artificial Intelligence hologram, Big Joey. "You gotta turn on your murderous intent radar, and telepathically find a Master Assassin, and follow them to the Assassin's Guild.
    WinterFae, my wife, is a little pink Fairie on my shoulder. "Me too, I want to be a Black Mage Assassin!"
    She beckons me outside, then makes rocks fall from the sky, summons a sphere of fire around her, then shoots ice daggers in all directions. She pulls in dark energy, and fires a bolt at me, which I absorb.
    She alights on my shoulder. "To the Assassin's Guild!"
    My HUD comes up with a radar with a yellow dot. The Master Assassin. I go through my apartment, and exit into the hallway. I take an elevator to the street below. I am in a kind of Neo-Honolulu in 2120.
    There are bright lights, and electromagnetic cars zooming past. I see all kinds of races of people. There is a gnome that stands out to me. A male gnome, he looks to be about 400 years old. He is leaning against a lamp post smoking a cigarette. He is wearing brown robes. I feel his murderous Assassin energy. He glances casually at me, and walks away.
    WinterFae and I follow him around a corner, through some city blocks, then he descends down a flight of stairs in the ground. I follow. He goes through a door and closes it behind him.
    I stand in front of the door. I telepathically broadcast my murderous energy. I hear someone say in my head, "Art thou of murderous intent?"
    "Yes," I answer, "I intend to kill mine enemies."
    "I intend to kill my enemies!" WinterFae says.
    The door opens on its own. I walk down a long hall lit by torches into a large room with a crude stage. There is a small assembly gathered of about 50 people.
    The gnome paces back and forth on the stage slowly. "Welcome to the Assassin's Guild. You are all wannabe killers. You want to kill someone for some reason, and this is why you are here. You are now all Apprentices, then you will move up to Journeys, then Masters if you can. Your first quest to prove your loyalty will be to assassinate a target of your choice. We will provide you with whatever training you feel you need before you begin your first quest.
    If you would like training, exit into the Training Yard. Our Training Yard is underground under a large dome with a projector that can create images of the sky or flat ceilings. Do not be misled. Nothing is True, Anything is Possible."
    I see Redfox in the group about ten feet away. She is a red energy Vampyre with long straight red hair, and red and yellow eyes. She turns to me.
    I hear her telepathically since we are both Vampyres. "You, you look familiar... Hm... are you?"
    "Nomad, yet in this form, I am Soulkyst. This little Fairie is my wife, WinterFae."
    WinterFae curtsies. Redfox and I focus on each others' third eye, in the Vampyre greeting, and I learn of her tormented past, similar to mine. She wants to kill Evils, like me.
    "Let us go to the Practice Yard, and there we may spar, and test our spells and combat skills."
    "I'd like that," Redfox says.