• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Baron Samedi and saltyseedog

    14 Visitor Messages

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    1. get better soon frand
    2. everyone is crazy
    3. welcome to the future
    4. I remember us being on a beach. and ummmmmmmm. its pretty vague. I woke up with this feeling we shared a bunch of dreams.
    5. Moon King. Moon queen. I can feel you when I look at the moon at night. No joke.
    6. HI!!!
    7. I had a dream last night at the moon but at the moment all I can remember is standing in the healing glen looking at the futuristic city with hover cars driving over it......

      Also like all the dreams I share with you are freakin hard to remember. I'm going to fix that
    8. I'm not mad. Just disappointed.
    9. Well do you want me to post them? Don't be mad at me ahhhhh
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
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