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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      12-30-2024, 10:07 AM
      I gave you the names of two books by LaBerge, who invented MILD. A lucid dreaming practitioner should definitely have books by LaBerge in their...
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    • FryingMan's Avatar
      12-28-2024, 06:20 AM
      No, this is not MILD, this is "misinformation MILD." There are several good sources on MILD. "Exploring The World of Lucid Dreaming" and "Lucid...
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    Desperately want to visit my parents

    by BlueKat on 04-23-2015 at 11:43 PM
    I had gotten my hair done because it was New Year's Eve and I was going out with a friend. I walked into the ballroom and saw Betty White and my aunt, Laura (she's 86 and lives in another state) - she's been on my mind b/c I haven't seen her in a couple of years and I'm going to go this summer at the very latest - I went to Laura, hugged her and asked her what she was doing there. Then, I saw Mom, started to cry fairly hard as I was walking to her because I knew I was dreaming b/c I've been RCing with my parents and my sisters. I woke up before I got to her...and was so disappointed b/c I want to see my parents (who have both passed away in the last few years) in my LDs, I tried to lie still and go back into the dream but I moved and couldn't go back to sleep right away. All three ladies were in floor length gowns and all three looked very pretty. In WL, my mother died three Christmases (two days before) ago and she died from cancer and weighed 90 lbs. and was frail and in pain when she died so I have these horrible memories and I can't hardly remember all the good years - I totally enjoyed my parents. So, even if it was for just a short second, she looked beautiful and healthy and I'm grateful to have seen that.
    memorable , lucid , non-lucid

    Plastic Oven for Sale

    by BlueKat on 04-10-2015 at 01:32 AM
    I'm in a house with several young guys in their 20s and 30s - I think they're my cousins. All are good looking and have lots of money. I change into a bathing suit and miss my younger body! My sisters and a couple of nieces are there. Then, I'm driving down the street and I see a big, plastic oven for sale for $17 - I forget who wants one - I think my sister Kathy, so I pull over and go in - it's the same house I was in in the beginning of the dream with the same guys. I tell them I'd like to buy the oven. I didn't bring any money in because I didn't really think they'd make me pay but no one says that so I say I'll go get the money and I'll be right back. I go outside and my white car is down the street. I wonder why it's so far away.

    Going to MIZZOU

    by BlueKat on 04-09-2015 at 02:07 AM
    I'm in a small house trying to get the address for Mizzou (University of Missouri which I have no connection to). I think their colors are red and blue (I just checked - wrong). A guy is telling me about what the penalty points are for drinking, etc. I assure him I won't be getting into any trouble. My sister is there and I need the address. My aunt keeps asking questions. I'm getting impatient thinking now I'll have to drive after dark (which I don't like to do in WL). I finally go into the refrigerator to get the address myself. I keep telling them I need the password (for what?). My sister tells me they wrote it down. My mother is in the kitchen.

    Weeds, snow, MISC. fragments

    by BlueKat on 04-05-2015 at 09:39 PM
    I'm out front pulling weeds and pulling pretty big sticks out of the yard with a rake and there are three long big ones that I pull and then realize it was a tree. I think, "oh well, there's not much of a root system there" and drag it to the curb with the rest of the stuff.

    There was snow in the yard and I was throwing snowballs (one of my cat's name in WL is Snowball) at the kids. There's snow on the ground but I'm not cold. Too bad that didn't make me wonder and go lucid!!

    I'm in an upstairs window watching all of the kids in costume from the play go by. They're going to dinner. I'm alone in my robe. I see one of the girls notice me but I continue to look beyond her. I have a semi-smile on my face and don't want her to feel badly because I'm alone. They all look so pretty. I think it's a lot of Disney characters like Snow White and Cinderella.

    I'm going to a car at the bottom of the hill covered with snow. I take a few steps and then lean back on my heels and ski the rest of the way - it was fun. Now I'm going to tell my husband because I'm proud I could ski.

    There are girls waiting saying the teacher left without them. I ask them what time they were supposed to meet him and they say, "7:10". I look at my watch and it says 7:15 and I think to myself, hmmm five minutes is five minutes.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Hair pulling isn't acceptable!

    by BlueKat on 04-05-2015 at 09:38 PM
    A family is staying with us and I see the father grab and pull the boy's (10 -12 y/o) hair and then the boy grabs the baby's (1 y/o) hair and I say sternly to both of them, "let go!" They do. I tell them that this is unacceptable behavior. I ground one of them and I forget what I do to the other and then I tell them we have to get family counseling for them.