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08-29-2024, 05:06 PM
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View BrittanyJordan's Dream Journal
BrittanyJordan on 05-31-2014 at 04:30 AM
my mother is getting married in three weeks, not a good excuse to let this be put on the back burner but here are a couple dreams I did remember to write down:
5/10 My old house christmas decorations Shane Basil garage door 4
5/12 I was housesitting 3 dogs at E and G's. E asked me to take a home-brew kit to Craig. Walked to his house and he was baby-sitting 2 kids, they were taking pictures to use as blackmail for his wife.There was a screened in dark porch that isn't there in waking life. Something came over me and I kissed him. We went out onto the porch and I came then melted into a new scene of a white car racing around the lake 2 valets were talking about being able to get on a boat that summer and how E was rich. Rich did something to the car,he wasn't happy with them. At Kroghs Shane was by the line and everything was pretty normal, too many people in the kitchen, but even the bar looked the same. Aunt A was there with Aunt M eating a brownie sundae , I was eating a chix fiesta or something. Undercooked? Melted into spreading a blanket between Rich and E. Craig had done all this work on the outside of the house, walking on the mulch, dirt flowers between two yards, it was beautiful. I covered Rich's driveway in a blanket, was trying to get the cars on top of the blanket and it got messed up.
5/18 There was a huge beach enclosed with giant rocks, Steve was there looking for someone. I was in the water and kept getting pulled over to the rocks. On the other side there were underwater caves. They were searching for someone at the bottom, a very long way down, every time I swam there was never anyone there. Thought I saw two bodies in the flashlights glow. We found an old man. We all put our goggles on and I told him he was missing out on life. I told him to look underwater and there were these beautiful fish of all different colors, orange, purple. Plankton-like. He took us further and further into the cave and there was a family, a hidden air pocket in the cave and it transformed into a house. At first I was scared but then I kept saying we have to keep this in the family, this little cave house. In case there is an apocalypse? I was standing in front of a window that was looking out at a street from a sewer angle. I went outside and the others went out to the water, ( a beach scene appeared) there was a mailbox and it contained neighbors mail, it was Charlie U's a boy I grew up with in the shape of a bear. Picked it up and brought it to the house and the mail became Zanders mail a Mothers Day card for his mom. Very long. I started reading it.
My old street some guy with a hammer that I think was beating someones face in. mom nick allie, dad. Mom and me in the bath. I feel like a little kid, she's washing me with some facial scrub, my hair felt really weird. We all fall asleep in my parents old bed . dad comes home late from work and falls asleep with us. I'm on the boardwalk by the lake and the waves are huge and crashing up on the side. Some kind of school we all walk outside and its really dark. Lightning something goes up in the air, like a big telephone horizontally
Keith and I are drinking coffee together out of white mugs. We switch mugs by accident and I don't tell him. Melts into some kind of apocalyptic survival adventure..large open staircase?
BrittanyJordan on 05-09-2014 at 04:35 AM
In a cafeteria sitting at the lunch tables senior year with Jackie and Danielle, it doesn't look like our school its different. We were talking about burgers/cheese and how the burger bun would just end up tasting like cheese…Kaitlyn M was sitting to my left. Someone does something to piss the teacher off and they get hauled away. The teacher tries to catch us as well but we hide behind a pole as she walks up the stairs.
I was with Lee at first but he turned into Shane and we had gone to a museum, in the dream it was our special place. When we got our tickets they were recording us and we were excited because we would be able to keep the tape and it would be a nice memory, I remember he was wearing a tie, blue. I don't think anyone else was in the building and we saw turtles and for some reason I know I have dreamt about those turtles before... and termites..or something.
At Shanes apartment and watching him change into a blue checkered shirt and knowing that I was mad at him in waking life but I remember thinking, this is a dream. No reason to be angry. Jeff was there.
I was in a room doing yoga with women and I took off my top and had a red sports bra on underneath. I was doing a headstand, the room was very small.
BrittanyJordan on 05-08-2014 at 04:16 AM
My dream recall was terrible this morning, I had a terrible night trying to get to bed. Finally tried to drift off around 5 in the morning :/
I'm on the street I live but it's been transformed into an outdoor restaurant of some kind. I meet Keith at the restaurant and sit across a small square table with a white tablecloth and red napkins. We talk for awhile and I make fun of the fact that he sits here every night and eats alone while waiting for his new girlfriend. Keith turns into Shane and fades to black.
I'm with Michelle and we are talking about being healthy and getting in shape, she is cooking spinach and I put on a podcast and show her a website that I presume has to do with working out and I remember a picture of an athlete graphic in orange and white.
Something about my mom's upcoming wedding.
Sometimes my dreams reflect my everyday, ordinary life and it all just seems so normal that I have no chance of becoming lucid. Does anyone else have this happen? Most of the time I do have the crazy cinematic type dreams but getting lost in the plot is so easy to do and autopilot kicks right in.
BrittanyJordan on 05-07-2014 at 06:51 AM
I had another nightmare about Elliot on Sunday night. I was babysitting him with one of my bar customers, Denny, (who in waking life is an insufferable human being and he was no different in the dream world) Denny was working on something in the grass and Elliot was asleep on a blanket (He is 2 now but in the dream he was just a baby again) I go over to help Denny with whatever annoying request he has and Elliot wakes up and crawls over to a very small stream, more like what happens when you leave a hose running on the lawn and the water starts to pool and run, and stuck his little head right in the water. I ran to pick him up out of the water but he had already rapidly bloated up and turned into what looked like a very strange imitation of a baby. Once I realized that he was dead I shutdown whenever anyone in the dream tried to talk to me. I kept thinking, this is a dream, this has to be a dream, this cannot be happening (and it was, thank goodness) but it all felt so real. I remember seeing a photo of Julian, Sydney and Elliot all together and happy.
This dream tainted my whole day with an undertone of dread.
BrittanyJordan on 05-07-2014 at 06:43 AM
This is a collection of all the dreams I've had from October of last year to the present that were written down on random scraps of paper..from now on I'm going to be much more diligent with keeping a detailed account of my experiences. These are very fragmented…I am mostly just an observer but occasionally pull information from my waking life into the dreams.
I had a bloody nose, coagulated, my ex boyfriend Shane, guns, we were robbed. Over time we gained weight. I wanted to get kid of the guns?
Taking a train to Russia with a group of people I am familiar with in the dream, we almost get kicked off. Green/Yellow tickets. Arrive at station, all of us Americans on one train, we are suspicious (celebrating?) Vladimir Putin greets us and a friend shakes his hand. My friends baby starts to cry, we try to find a sippy cup. We end up at a vending machine and I wipe dust off of it. (Painting? Mirror?)
I am in a huge building overlooking a city scape. There are giant windows that let you feel as though you are floating on a cloud. We do yoga in a large open room. It is stunning.
Oct. 15th
There was a brother and sister, the sister died from a knife or gunshot wound. I remember feeling scared.
*Nap* Dreamt I was in my apartment and Shane came home from work (put something in the microwave?) Everything looked and felt completely normal. Did not feel/act like a dream. I felt happy and safe.
Oct. 16th
I had a dream I was playing soccer in a huge stadium? store? My middle school stairs led us to the turf. We were cops and all having a good time. Phil Perrano was drinking a jack and coke and Ally F was trying to buy a large chocolate milk, bigger than her. Started the game and it turned into just a scrimmage (outside) against some people and a dog. In the dream I kicked the ball out and had to toss it back in but a branch fell in the way. The dog scored a goal and started pissing in the goalies spot.
Oct. 18th
Scott Paul, long road, drainage ditch, percocet, jail, police, Scott was in the cop car. In the beginning a bunch of us were arrested and I hid percocet in the drainage ditch. I was let out along with another girl and we were having a conversation about how it was unfair that Scott was still in jail when he didn't do anything and that his being black had something to do with it.
Reunion with people I've never but knew intimately well in the dream world. Hugs all around, I felt blissfully happy.
Oct. 19th
Long dream. Kroghs uniform, blue car, window with a white sheet with patterns, pins? Old street, Glenn Rd. Dreamt of jumping in a rocket-like vehicle and almost fell out, was hanging onto the edge as we ascended over my old neighborhood. Flew to somewhere across the ocean.
Oct. 20th
My dad's wife was pregnant. I drove the boys to school, young.
There was the sea and two dead bodies, underwater I could breathe. Morbid feelings or indifference?
Dad, dog, death, grandpa Jim, wheelchair, train. Week goes by to the next Monday: Old bag, Kroghs, all-nighter, the moon. Open back door to work and there is a cooler in place of the bus station filled with tropicana OJ. Karen Cip is there, Shane and Michelle.
Later in the dream there is a woman with a stroller in the plaza and when I looked back at her again she looked like a piece of film in a movie that was skipping (felt scared) It was very "The Ring" girl-esque. I remember walking through the parking lot of kroghs and wondering about how bright the moon was, there were people in the street and a car on the hill outside Casa Mia.
In a bar or diner type place, wood? Keith was sitting at the counter eating lasagna and Joe Rogan was with people talking about a dream/living plant house that lasted millions of years, something about DNA. I was sitting alone at a table and distinctly remember the taste of the coffee the bartender had given me. I had put too much sugar in it and thought "wow, thats really sweet" before remembering that I hadn't stirred it.
Michelle and I were comparing tattoos, Keith, wood teepee structure/branches warped wood.
I 'woke up' and had a vivid recollection of writing my dreams down but nothing was there upon actually waking…Kroghs, Jamie Rubino, outside, a plane.
Oct. 24th
Had some scarier than normal WILDS while drifting off…Dreamt of a hospital with zombies/ people killing each other? People were jumping off what looked like railing in a mall but it was outside and there was a building and sidewalk across the way. Then I was transported to a beach with what looked like a rundown city sitting in the sands.
Oct. 30th
There was a lake/ pond that was very dirty and I was talking to boy explaining to him that I used to swim in it when I was young but it had deteriorated over the years. We were lying under the trees.
Talking to my sister about buying a house together and showing her an old note from T. Mccormack
Shower, Kathy, Keith?
Nov. 3rd
I was in my apartment getting ready for bed. I took three benadryl and was looking around. I remember thinking 'I love this place, I don't want to move.' It looked much different than my waking apartment. There was a high ceiling and stairs like in the old cabin and a large grandfather clock, big windows and a bookshelf as well as a kitchen and a TV, which I don't own. I looked in the mirror and under my eyeball (literally when rolling my eye into the back of my head I could 'see' a collection of blood forming at the base. All of a sudden it started bleeding, there was blood everywhere, i could smell and taste the metallic wet and warm liquid rushing out of my body. I ran outside while calling my Mother who didn't answer to my neighbor James and his roommate called out for him.
Feb. 2nd
I was at the field in front of the Mohawk Ave school, I suppose I was lost. I saw workers by the fence and stopped to talk. I was too nice. Was transported to Joans living room and raped by two men. I remember thinking, these sort of dreams are a good way to practice self defense, when Im dreaming, when its not real.
Feb. 4th
I took New Mood and Melatonin and had the longest movie like dream Ive had in awhile. It started in a hotel by the ocean. A lot happened here but my recall is scratchy. Transported to a house. There was a man who looked like Don Draper and he was splashing his head with water and brushing his teeth. I watched him become trapped in the house, bathroom. There was a large window into the bathroom with a shadow behind it like in scary movies. He began transforming into a woman (the ghost of the woman who previously lived in the house?) I then became a part of the dream, on a boat with my sister and we were swimming underwater. I met a boy and became enamored but he changed, he was not who I thought he was. I examined my teeth.
*The rest have no dates but they were within the last 5 months*
Walking on the boardwalk, peeling the skin off a tomato, T. Mccormack in a hotdog eating contest, I went to go watch.
Dogsitting and driving around the lake, summer time. Walking through 5 houses that are all connected to get to Poitin. Neil Cowburns houses kitchen is huge and the ceilings very high, there is a picture of him and his children, all very brightly lit with large windows, there was a child making breakfast and I caught and stopped myself from lighting a cigarette. Rounded a corner and found myself in a large circular room with windows that had a very aquatic, sailing feeling to it. Like being on a ship. Overlooking the lake, there was a wide spiral staircase. There was a note from my client, I was late when I arrived @ 4 they had asked me to be there @ 2, 4 and 9 that day. It was a Saturday. I drove down a steep driveway and another woman driving cut me off. I started to drive around the lake, which was much higher up than normal then had to turn back because I had forgotten POitin on her runner.
Was with my Mother and StepFather on a family road trip and we came to a town. How did we get here? I know this place. Ive dreamt of this place before. In a square with vendors and Mom was showing me a pretty dress she thought I should get.
I was in a dark room on my computer watching porn and the entire family was in the house. Keith was asked to clear the sidewalk of the snow, the whole town was out. I stayed in bed masturbating.
The Glenn, darker, covered in water/lake
Louis CK was eating a granola bar and taking about being 40 and living in the city. Nom Nom.
Was in a wooded area where my house was being fumigated. I went down the dirt road to another house and there was a cute boy, I asked him to fuck me and had an incredibly intense orgasm hands up being pressed against the wall.
Shoulder deep in a hot tub at Harmony Beach.
I was renting the cabin on Lake Lenape and Shane picked me up for a date but Andy was also on his way over. I discreetly texted him that we would have to raincheck. Shane and I were talking about the heat in the stairway that didn't exist in the real world, the stairs were like my Ammas when I was 3 but wider and with a heater running up along the side. Shane was complaining that my phone was locked and he couldn't get into it.
*Long dream* Ryan, Mom, Allie, Nick and I all went on a long hike. We came across a weird duck, it was like a spider and had 4 legs. one of the legs wrapped around my arm and wouldn't let go, Ryan tried to help me get it off.
I was the Mall Security. My cousin Margaret and Uncle Scott, I started telling him 'fuck you' as I jumped on an escalator and tried to leave, I started drinking out of a water fountain and looked up into a windows reflection and saw another guard who told me to get away from the situation.
In Newton with my mom, she was walking to a resort type place. I lost her, strayed away when I heard people singing and I joined them. The street was on a hill and there was a white car parked where everyone sat outside on the pavement, they kept trying to get me to sing alone but I couldn't remember the tune. Gave me a small scrap of paper with Susan Tedeschi lyrics on it. It felt so good to sing. It started raining and I gave everyone hugs and went to find my mother.
I was with my brother and my family on a beach. We were waiting for something when the lake started to ripple and out of it rose a giant alien like aircraft, it was brass colored. Nick put our cellphones in plastic bags. It was taking us to a rail station under the water. It felt like I had had this dream before?