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View Caiocontieri's Dream Journal
Caiocontieri on 12-31-2016 at 12:36 AM
bed @ 00:00
natural WBTB @ 4:40
Non-lucid Dream 1:
I was at a new apartment me and a long time friend (Johnny) bought and we were just moving in, It was a true dream (ba dum tsss) ap, there were 2 rooms, each with it's own bathroom, and the kitches was so small and gorgeous it had me in complete joy just looking at it. After looking around, I went off on my own exploring the surrounding area on the terrace and it looked like the building had just been built. I look outside and there were two youtubers: Filthy frank and iDubbbz. They apparently also were invited to our new apartment greeting pizza buffet we had going. I remember having to deal with an annoying wasp that was desperately trying to sting me, and after a few tries I managed to get it killed (a couple dozen of shoe smashes later). Also there was this random DC girl that I didn't invite to the party and was pissed off about it, she wanted to take a whole garlic pizza once I decided to kick her out, and as expected she didn't respond well, which made me slap her across the face with the back of my hand.. and theeeeen
I then woke up to my natural WBTB cycle and didn't bother staying up for long. I went straight back into the same dream and..
Non-lucid Dream 2:
This time the front door had Johnny's mother ringing the bell way too loudly. I went there to say greet her and she was there because of her concern about my well being, because apparently I had a cold and almost at the same time I've heard this I went from a my normal voice to a flu/cold voice. At the time I was completely soaked in warm water that she noticed once she touched my arm, and so she asked about it and at the time I had a justification that I don't quite remember but made total sense to me (?). We decided then to walk along the giant walls that surrounded the apartment complex, and at the peak of the highest level of the ground we could actually see what was behind once face of this giant wall (trump much?):It reminded me of another dream I had some days ago, there were stages to some kind of hunger games type of thing.
Back again the dream ended and I woke up to the sound of my father turning off the alarms of my house and decided to try Naiya's Simple MILD tech. (let's say it went dandy.)
I had my intentions and started to picture this last dream I just had, I made sure to really think the details thoroughly and to remember to RC + stabilize once I was in.
My recall is somewhat shitty about this event but I will try to describe it as best as possible.
Lucid Dream 1:
There I was at the same exact dream I just had, looking along the sides of the big walls, I remember looking at the DC (Johnny's mother) and saying I was dreaming and that her dialogue didn't quite matter to me any longer, I looked at my hands to RC and there it was, I had 11 fingers which had me like:"OH SHIT, OH SHIT, OH SHIT, OH SHIT!"
I decided to take off in flight and as I was rising up the gray skies started to become a mesmerizing light blue with different touches of orange just like in a sunset. And then as I got excited it all just went black.
Next thing I know I'm at my workplace and my father and another unknown DC were talking. I'm always respectful towards others, specially if they are finishing off something they are saying, so once they were done I was saying to myself:"WTF am I even listening to you both? I'm still in a dream.". And the dream started to fade away.
I then woke up and didn't quite know if it was a dream or only my visualization on Naiya's technique, but now i'm certain it was a dream. The thing that tripped me out so much is that it was way too weird to feel myself laying in bed breathing and have 2 perceptual bodies. But I gotta say i'm way too happy to be right on track to having LDs
Caiocontieri on 12-27-2016 at 03:35 PM
Went to bed around 11:40 PM and am used to waking at 8:30 AM with the alarm clock (although usually I naturally wake up before that)
Non-lucid dream 1:
I was walking with both my parents and a male DC I've never seen before inside a abandoned construction site of a Shopping Mall. I've never felt a stronger feeling of 'dejavu' in a dream, and later I remembered already having a dream at that exact same spot. It didn't have any finished floor, it was merely sand, and in it there were some medium sized wholes that looked like a bunch of spheres were impacted because they were thrown from a distance (although there weren't any spheres). I remember me and the male DC were comparing each and every whole we found asking about it's existence but still not being able to identify a reason.
At the end of this long walk there was some kind of alien restaurant, although I didn't actually see it. I was only seeing the items they sold in front of my face, just like some movie edit, and one of the plates they were serving was the "Bacon and Eggs from Outter Space". It basically was what the name said, some normal looking fried eggs and bacon with some form of transparent gelatinous substance underneath.
*(this could be some sort of dream incubation because a few days earlier I was listening to the DV Podcast on YouTube, and Ophelia Blue [aka Lisa] was talking about how she tried to see past a mirror and it was the same form of gelatin in the plate of my dream)
Non-lucid Dream 2:
I was in this house that I knew it was mine although I've never seen it in my entire life. I felt some kind of agony for having this sensation of being stuck in there, and I decided to go to the balcony.
Down at the backyard there was a swimming pool, which was quite big for the yard itself, and I remember talking to some sort of inexistent/invisible being that said I should jump towards the pool. I was afraid I'd get hurt and decided not to, when out of nowhere my dog Bambina just came out of the house and jumped into the pool, as if she was inviting me to jump also. I ended up jumping, still afraid as sh*&, and didn't get hurt. So I played with my dog inside the pool for quite a bit, when I've heard a voice calling my name and I woke up!
Regarding my Dream Recall recently:
My recall has been kind of weird, I woke up today and didn't remember a thing from my dreams. Went downstairs to eat breakfast, got back up, brushed up my teeth, sat down my desk AND THEN started having my dream recalls.
Usually (back in the day) I wake up fresh with all my dreams in mind and then they start to fade away, I'm just not sure why my recall got backwards today.
Caiocontieri on 03-09-2013 at 04:04 PM
Everything starts out with a road trip with lots of girls to the beach. When we got to the hotel a dude just oppened a door and so i decided to follow him,there was a waterslide to the pool (a detail is that we were at the 12 floor,so it was high as fuark),i did manage to get alive in the pool somehow.
When i got to the pool i was like:"Fuck yea! that was awesome. might just do it again.". so i was heading toward the stairs (dafuk. get to the 12 floor by the stairs),and i quite got lost and was sundely in a random appartament.
There were some random people ive never saw in the appartament,for some weird ass reason i was talking in english (my dreams normally are in portuguese).Then after that i found a friend of mine Luisa and she told that was her dads appartament,she was getting me to meet her grand parent who was a funny guy btw.
When i said i had to go and that i didnt know where is the freaking door to get out she took me to the front door and when i was leaving my grandpa just showed up infront of me with a pack of condoms that had a picture of Duke Nukem in them (WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?).
Without saying a word he transformed into Aslan from Narnia chronicles,when i thought to myself that it was weird i woke up!
Caiocontieri on 03-09-2013 at 03:50 PM
I was in a sort of building that had a labyrinth,i remember that there were lots of people in the getting inside and so i got there too. When i got inside they were diving us into mini groups and so i saw a whole bunch of people from my old primary school.
After we got through the freaking maze trying to kill us 6 we finally got into something that looked alot like a grocery store,for some weird reason i was going for a bunch of chicken covered in honey.
Then when i got out of there i went into a store of cloth.There was a friend of mine that i havent seen in about 4 years now and so he was selling cloth.
My mother just got inside the store about 10 secs after me shouting at me and saying that i couldnt work in that store cause i dont have any experiences with the market.
In all these weird occasions i didnt ask myself if anything was wrong,woke up feeling dumb.
Caiocontieri on 03-09-2013 at 03:42 PM
So basicaly in my last period of REM,before the dream even start,i was day dreaming and while that i told to myself that i was dreaming.
After that i fell asleep without my awareness but every time i toldmyself in the dream that i was dreaming i got to my bed (FA).
I was not in full controll but every once in a while i thought to myself:"Why the heck am i worried about this? i'm freaking dreaming dude!".
I've got a feeling that the more i practice,the more i become close to taming my awareness during dreams and consequently becoming lucid. I'd call a good day at the DW. (dream world)