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    Recent Entries

    September 5-6

    by cluelesspug on 09-06-2010 at 08:55 PM
    1. I was inside a large dark tower. I was in this dream with one of my friends. We got to the top of the tower once, and saw a bunch of people acting out a scene from Final Fantasy. Then we got knocked back down to the bottom of the tower. My friend insisted that we get back to the top, as he is quite obsessed with Final Fantasy games. We tried, but we never got back to the top.

    2. I was in a desert in a ruin area. I dipped my hand in the sand, and when I pulled it out all of the sand on my hand looked shiny.

    3. I was in my dad's driveway. There was a baby pug, and mix between a siamese cat and a pug (to me it looked like a mix between a Persian and a Pug, but that's not what I said it was in my dream). It had huge blue eyes and it was fluffy, but every other feature was that of a pug. I was rubbing the Siamese/Persian/Pug's belly, then I stopped after a few minutes. I went to pet the baby pug, but then the Siamese/Persian/Pug attacked it and they started biting each other.

    Randomly Recalled Dreams Part 1

    by cluelesspug on 09-06-2010 at 05:55 AM
    These are just dreams of mine that have been recalled without me ever recording them. Sometimes I simply have a dream, forget it, then remember it 2-10 days later. So here's a few of them that I have recalled recently.

    1. I was parachuting (I was actually sitting on a small swing seat with a parachute attached to it) with some friends over a huge grassy field with a mountain a little bit ahead of me. I passed the mountain and saw a huge grassy field and a river. On the other side of the river was a campground. I landed at the campground where an old woman had set up her tent.

    2. I was at a city in the clouds. Everything was...odd. There was a homeless guy that tried to kill me too. At one point in this dream, I got into some pimp's house (his whole house was purple and futuristic looking) and stole his spaceship.

    3. I was swimming around the entrance to Atlantis Airport (yes, the underwater city Atlantis, except it wasn't underwater). My dad was going away for a little bit, so I was told to swim around to the entrace to the city/airport and go up to the food court and get some food.

    4. I was on a roller coaster with one of my friends. We got on and rode it around one time. When we got off we noticed another lane had opened up. This lane dipped into acid during the ride.

    August 27-September 5

    by cluelesspug on 09-05-2010 at 08:08 PM
    I got sick for three days (27-28, 28-29, 29-30 were not recorded because of this. I didn't remember my dreams anyway.)

    I had a massive test in my AP Biology class. (30-31, 31-1, 1-2, 2-3. Didn't try to induce lucid dreaming or try to have any kind of dream recall.)

    So... 3-4: I remember I was in a desert running away from someone. I hid behind a rock as a car drove by on the road. Not much else.

    4-5: Back to dream recall, and dang did it work.

    1. I was at a school (it didn't look exactly like mine, but it had some similarities). I was going to my class, then I remembered that I had forgotten my books. I was going to go to my locker to get them, but I didn't remember the number to the locker. I asked around to see if people knew where my locker was, and they told me to go and check with the attendance office. I did, and they gave me my locker number, but then I forgot the combination for the lock. :/

    2. I was at a grocery store and me and my dad were throwing silverware at eachother. We started out throwing spoons and forks, but then one of the forks that I threw hit my dad with the sharp end of it. He got mad and started throwing things at me really hard. I hid behind one of the display set up in the store for cover. He threw a few spoons and they missed, but one of them clipped my leg. I thought that I was pretty well covered, but then he threw a knife and it hit right in the dead center of my back. I felt this strange sensation of pain, and then I walked over to my dad and asked him to remove the knife from my back.

    3. I was at an game store (electronics, board games, and toys). I was looking at some old game systems that they had, while my grandmother was looking at a rubber chicken. I saw this snake thing on one of the shelves that said "Expands to 10x its size once a month." That sounds a little strange to me....

    4. I was in a cavern filled with water. I went underwater to see what was there and I was attacked by a giant crocodile thing. It charged at me and it shot me through one of the walls of the cave. This led to another underwater room (I could breathe underwater at this time). The crocodile burst through the hole that it put in the wall and charged at me again. I tried to shoot an energy ball out of my hand at it, but it didn't even phase it. It rushed at me and pushed me into a huge room filled with water. There was a giant iceberg at one end of the room, and I could see a giant white octopus frozen in the ice. I knew that this was an evil octopus, but to kill it, I had to find its eye at the bottom of the chamber (underwater). I swam down (I couldn't breath for some reason) underwater to find his eye. I found it, but then he told me that if I gave him his eye, I could recieve all the knowledge in the world. I was tempted, but my friends told me to destroy the eye. I sqeezed it as hard as I could until it popped everywhere. I was then teleported to another area. it was pitch-black. I was standing in a small creek that lead into a large river, which led into the ocean. On both side of me were small rocky overhangs, where my friends were standing. I was holding the eye in my hand again, and I popped it again. They explained to me that the juice from the eyeball was contagious, and anything that I touched for the next two hours would be contaminated. I took a water bottle from one of my friends and drank out of it as a joke...they didn't like that. I took the infection as a joke, but then I found out that it was deadly, and I was afraid to touch anything. Soon, military helicpoters began hovering over. They shined spotlight down in the small crevice I was in. I hid under one of the rocky overhangs until the chopper passed. After it was gone, I got on top of one of the rocks, and looked ahead of me to see the shadowy figure of someone ontop of the roof of my elementary school. The shadow of the man disappeared and he appeared beside me. He was offering me a huge box of uncut gems in exchange for some of the knowledge that the eyeball gave me when I crushed it. (even though I didn't think it gave me any) I turned his offer down. I turned to one of my friends and said "How does every f***ing person in the f***ing world know about me and that f***ing eyeball!?" After this, there was a bright light coming from behind me. I looked ahead and saw about 10 freaky mutated things. To put into perspective how effin freaky they were, they were like a cross between a Centaur (Fallout 3), a Necromorph (Dead Space), and a Dementor (Harry Potter). I started screaming like crazy, and all of my friends wondered why I was screaming. I was the only one that could see them. At first I thought that the eyeball juice had made me hullucinate, but then my friends started freaking out too. What was scary as s*** about this dream is that it all felt very real, not to mention it was pitch-black the whole time. It would have made a great horror movie.

    Updated 09-06-2010 at 09:11 PM by cluelesspug


    August 27-28

    by cluelesspug on 08-29-2010 at 01:12 AM
    1. I don't remember too much about the dream. It was a dark dream though. I was in this castle. I remember something about me having to electricute dragons.

    I rembered sooo much of this dream as soon as I woke up! Now I don't remember anything. I never had the chance to record them in any way.

    August 26-27

    by cluelesspug on 08-28-2010 at 04:59 AM
    1. I was in some sort of swamp area with my dad in his boat.

    2. I was asleep on the couch when Katy Perry was performing on NBC news. In my dream, I was at my computer and my sister was playing this song on the computer. I said, "Turn that crap off!" then I woke up, only to hear that the song was still playing. I must have sub-consciously heard the song while I was half-sleeping or something.