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    1. View Conversation
      I had a LD last night! I haven't been posting on this site in a while, I've been lazy. But so far, I've had 4 LDs!
    2. View Conversation
      2nd lucid dream last night! whoo! It was a weird one though.
      Any luck with you?
    3. View Conversation
      I am still definitely interested in LDing! It was just a bit of an unexpected start... and yeah, my dream was vivid, but there was no extra clarity that came with lucidity. But, after thinking about it for a bit, I am even more excited about LDing now that I know 100% that I can do it! I am also very happy that I made my first LD happen! I mean, it would be cool to be really overwhelmed with super-happy emotions, but if I were to go back to that LD, I probably wouldn't change anything. It was a good dream, and I should of enjoyed it much more than I did.
    4. View Conversation
      Okay! Thanks for the heads up!
    5. View Conversation
      Hi! Thanks haha and I love randomness, so yay!
    6. View Conversation
      Sorry for not posting in my DJ for a while. I had a busy morning. But don't fret! They are now up, and they are some pretty cool dreams (IMO). yippee!
    7. View Conversation
      I really don't know why my messages post twice...
    8. View Conversation
      No lucid last night...
      But that's ok! I'll keep trying! !
    9. View Conversation
      No lucid last night...
      But that's ok! I'll keep trying! !
    10. View Conversation
      Haha! I've got a ton. Of course, there's FLIGHT, and all the cliche stuff, but I also have things like "shrink down to the atomic level," "travel through a mirror portal," "Direct the construction of my own private palace," etc. There's also some Ideas about asking my subconscious. Stuff like "What makes me happy?" "What am I most afraid of?" "Make me feel pure ecstasy!" and "Take me on a crazy adventure!" I can't wait! I had no lucid dreams last night (duh, it was my first night!) But I'll be patient!

      How about you? What are your lucid dream plans?
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    About CNGB

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    About CNGB
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    Aloha guys! CNGB here. You can either call me Anastasia or Brandi--it doesn't matter which. :)

    I'm in the twelfth grade and I've known about lucid dreaming for about five years. Pitiful that I only have twenty of them under my wing! If I can just take a nap or two. . . .

    To put it simply I'm a girl who has a lot of things she loves, a few things she hates, and not enough time to quit freaking out about it.

    Oh, and I wish I lived in the Gryffindor tower. Pottermore will just have to do. AurorLumos7724.

    You can follow me on Twitter, too: @DisturbedCNGB
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    History, Victorian era, Medieval era, Japan, Linguistics, Writing, Education
    Lazing about.
    How you found us:
    I was looking up "dream interpretation" on Google when I was in the seventh grade, and this was one of the links. This was the first site that I learned about lucid dreaming.


    ~ until the very end


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    Recent Entries

    Mean Tim

    by CNGB on 06-06-2015 at 03:55 AM
    We were all in Dalton and Tim's bedroom, but I remember that it was very altered in the dream. Tim was being very mean to Dalton, for no good reason; he was so mean that Dalton was starting to cry. It was beginning to make me angry, because Dalton hadn't done anything to deserve that kind of mistreatment, and I was mentally preparing to lash back at Tim.

    Reality: Dalton and Tim were fighting last night over money, and in fact it was kinda/sorta the other way around.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Two Moons

    by CNGB on 11-01-2014 at 04:09 PM
    I took a nap after waking up from the previous dreams, and this is what transpired:

    I was playing a Harry Potter themed video game and had to collect a lot of food along the way for health. Professor Snape needed me for an examination, and then once I was done there I had to go to Professor Lupin's for the same reason.

    Then the dream changes and I was Against the Moon's Remus Lupin, in a trailer park that surely isn't the one I live in. The afternoon was very bright, and the Sun was just starting to set. I'm standing in a gazebo doing something or another, and then when I turned around I seen two Moons.

    I was surprised. Surely to God I was dreaming??? That was off. We don't have two Moons. And yet, I didn't do anything. I stood still, perfectly still, and continued to watch. Was I dreaming? Was I really dreaming? I didn't think I was, but there were two Moons!

    I was waiting for something to happen, and then something did. The second Moon turned into something else, and then something else again, and it kept moving in the sky and zooming around until finally it landed in one of the trailer's yards.

    It was an artistic development--not really a second Moon--and I was definitely not dreaming.

    Later on Sirius and James came, and we were all skipping down the road. Eventually we stayed in my room and my parents went out to get the pictures of all the different things from the sky that I had seen. There were actually a lot I hadn't (as I wasn't even looking in that direction for a good bit), but all of them were less than impressive when compared to when they were in the sky.

    Blackened Days

    by CNGB on 11-01-2014 at 03:47 PM
    DF: Dreamed that I had been raped twice, and Script didn't actually rape me, he sexually assaulted me. Ivory was friends with the two rapists on Facebook and she kept telling me all about their funny statuses, and I told her I didn't want to hear about them. She acted like I had hurt her feelings and I thought about telling her I didn't want to be friends with her anymore, but I didn't want to be told that I was just over-reacting, so I didn't.

    DF: My dad needed to be bailed out and so we were traveling from bonds place to bonds place, but so much money was needed that no one was willing to work with us. Daddy wasn't in jail, he was with us, so I'm not sure why he needed it.

    Main dream: Mama and Daddy keep arguing and I finally tell Mama that it would be best if she was to go. Though Daddy complains she does, and I stare out the window and watch her leave. The inside car light was on and I could see that she was struggling to not cry.

    I was worried because I was all alone with my dad. I have many fears about being alone with him, and they all came to the surface after she left.

    It's a weekend in the dream, but I have math homework that is due Monday. I keep putting it off in favor of playing this MyCandyLove-related game, which was almost the same except it was Death Note themed. I was able to play as my Candy, but I could repeat any episode as many times as I liked so that I could talk to whichever guy I preferred. My favorite seemed to be Light, and my second-favorite was L. I also kept trying to seduce one dude. . . .

    Then later on I was talking to a group of people in a dark room and one woman said something like, "Your parents really broke your heart, didn't they?" I agreed.

    At school I'm taking Death Note Discussions III--apparently I'm a junior. I greatly enjoy this class and can't wait for the following year.

    Then it's Monday, and I had yet to do my homework. When I was coming out of my room and was about to leave the trailer my dad caught me and asked if he could hardcore ground me by listening to "Iron Man" by Heavy Metal (pretty sure it's by Black Sabbath in real life XD) that afternoon. I told him I didn't care and he said he likes the song and he used to study to it.

    It's very overcast outside, but blacker than usual.

    When I get on the bus I'm only just above 14% on my phone and don't want to waste my charge.

    Camp Time Fun / Let's Race

    by CNGB on 10-31-2014 at 05:34 PM
    Dreams on October 29.

    First dream: I'm a part of a Christian camp and I'm in a cabin. My councilor (or at least the one who teaches me from the little book we get) is a young, black dude, probably in his late teens, who was very friendly. He sort of reminded me of a hippy. I had a giant magnifying glass and he wanted to see.

    But before that the heads of my cabin were putting us all in the little areas in the camp we needed to go to.

    Afterwards, one girl in my cabin said she got to talk to one of the pageant leaders.

    Second dream
    : I showed Ivory Coke songs and she liked them. I was talking to her--I think out loud--while I was walking to a convenient store. I seen her behind the glass door and she was looking pretty; I remember that her hair was straight. We were talking a bit and at some point she pulled the door open so I could come inside (I would have pulled it open anyway, but I don't think I wanted to--I think I wanted our interaction to be more poetic). Two Hispanics come up behind me and I offer to let them come through, but they move on to the next door and the mother said, "That's how you deal with people like that," referring to me.

    Then Mama, Daddy and I are in a car. Mama's knee is messed up and Daddy is angry. He has a sharp, plastic stick he uses to strike her with when he thinks we're about to crash. He sits in the middle of the front seats so he can be ??? something, I don't know. Though I am in the back, I am the one braking.

    We go speeding down the road, but I keep applying pressure on the brakes. Mama says that this way of driving is good, because it keeps her from going too fast because she is angry (mostly with Daddy, probably).

    Cars do come out and they are everywhere. It becomes difficult to dodge them and we wreck.

    We're back in the beginning, as if it's a video game. I suggest we do it again, and my parents seem as though their tension goes out and they are happy. This time when we get in I'm in the passenger's seat, though still the brake.

    (We drive in rural areas.)

    Dream Fragments

    by CNGB on 10-29-2014 at 01:04 AM
    Before going to sleep last night I had a very strong feeling that if I wanted to remember my dream and possibly even be lucid, I needed to wake up at two o'clock. I set two alarms: for two and for five.

    I'm not sure if I was lucid from ten to two, but here's all I could remember:

    It was nighttime, and someone had killed a unicorn--a supernatural being. They were drinking its blood.

    So clearly from October's TofM.

    I had another dream fragment, but I don't remember it now. Here's what I wrote at two in the morning (so sorry, this is gonna be . . . weird):
    "My father is a jerk and we're all at Ucon's Quick Stop and he's yelling and blah and Mama's having a bit of a meltdown.

    "[A boy from school] was there and he said, 'If someone called you a bad word, what would you do?' "
    non-lucid , dream fragment