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      Hi there cynical! Had any lucid dreams lately? I'm having trouble remembering so that's my current goal! Good luck!
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      Snakes are pretty cool. But I was actually impressed with the amount that you and Sandman knew about snakes.

      It's pretty cool to see when people have a discerning eye.
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    Random Segements from Random Dreams

    by Cynical on 01-19-2012 at 03:26 PM
    Last night:

    There's a house in front of my school. I only remember looking at it once while waiting on the bus. My dream captured that house image perfectly. because this morning, it looked exactly the same as the one in my dreams.

    Anyway, I was in schoo, doing whatever. I can't be sure if this was the entire dream up until the point, but in any case, as I left school, my mother was at the entrance. She told me we were moving into the house across the street from the school. I look to the left of the house, and there's a giant brown lake. The sky is pitch black at 3 PM. I think I see steam coming from the lake. She tells me we're suddenly in Canada. I scream.

    Two nights ago:

    All I remember is being on a sofa bed, and a giant snowstorm is outside. A giant face is suddenly in my window, staring at my sleeping body. I wake up.

    The Mission

    by Cynical on 01-04-2012 at 08:05 PM
    Janurary 4, 2011

    I lost my iPod Touch, which means that I will rarely put my dreams up here, but I'll still make attempts for those of you who read this stuff for whatever reason.

    As with most of my dreams, I can't remember how it started. There were a bunch of images being shown. An extremely dark icy landscape. A murder. A boat. A nuke. All of these appeared in the dream I had the night before as well, but they all played a part in this dream. As if there was a connection.

    I won't post my last dream, but there were a shitload of nukes being launched in it, and me and a few friends survived by laying face down so that we wouldn't die. (Go dream logic.)

    This dream was part two of that, which I find strange since the last pair of dreams I had were horrific nightmares.

    Back to the dream in question. I remember my Scoutmaster was on his deathbed, telling me his final wish was for me to kill someone. This person was hidden in a cave in Antarctica. So, I grabbed my living friends and we headed to this strange dock, and it was crowded there. I saw my parents, who didn't recognize me. They just shrugged and jumped into the ocean.

    As we approached the tunnel into the cave, it started to snow. Brianna said that was good, because the snow would light up the night sky. It didn't. By some odd coincidence, there was a fire pit to the left of the cave, on a ledge. We figured that by lighting it, the entire area wouldn't be dark anymore, and so we'd light it on the way out.

    I don't know exactly what happened next, but all of my friends were dead, and I was just laughing.

    Homicide of a Town

    by Cynical on 12-22-2011 at 06:01 PM
    December 21, 2011

    There was a weird video game thing where I had to escape from a town full of murderous people.*

    It all started when I went to a restaurant with my family. The waitress smacked me in the back of the head with a metal pan, and I woke up in a hospital. The nurse was beautiful, and we talked for around 20 minutes. She told me she was going to have to perform some exams on me. Being me, I assumed she was being flirty. So I agreed.*

    ** I remember I was doing a bridge when, upside down, I saw her approaching with a fucking katana. *She swung in slow motion, and I sprung to my feet in a split second, while my hand was grasping her weapon. She flew down in front of me, and I realized she was naked. Restraining urges, I held the sword over her body firmly, then something came over me.*

    **I performed the "Torture of One Thousand Pieces", where I slowly cut off her flesh, one piece at a time, until she would tell me who she was, who sent her after me and why she did it. After there was a pile of skin bigger than her, (not sure how it happened) she wouldn't budge. All of her nerve endings were exposed, so I simply stabbed those repeatedly. She was starting to piss me off, so I swung the sword across her head, like a golf putt. Her decapitated head was crying.*

    **I leaped out of the window, which happened to belong to the seventh floor. My sword was raised in front of me, pointing at the ground so that I could have it absorb the shock. After my safe landing, I surveyed the area, and I decided to head to the police station, twirling my katana in my hand.*

    **When someone is greeted with gunshots, they don't take it well. I was no exception. Thankfully my reflexes were beyond godly for some reason. (I kept spinning the katana around in a circle really fast) They looked at me, then at each other. They threw their guns at me, which was kind of stupid. Their aim was pretty awful, and now the officers were gunless and they had nowhere to run.*

    *I threw my sword at one officer, impaling his head on the wall. The other guy could only watch in horror as his buddy's headless corpse knocked him over. *I asked the man why they were attacking me, and they asked me what I would do if someone walked in on me with a big sword in their hands. I shrugged and sliced his heart open.*

    **The townspeople barged into the police station, with their own swords. They all seemed like they wanted me dead. I charged at the leader, wrestling the sword out of his hand, giving me two blades. At the moment, the thought that maybe I could wield four blades crossed my mind, so I threw both swords at the idiots charging me. One got a free castration, the other just got stabbed in the stomach. I walked over to them and picked up my swords and theirs. *

    **After I found a comfortable way to wield two katanas in each hand, I went to town on the mob. (Hurr get it?)*

    I woke up, wishing it was longer.*

    Lesser Dreams

    by Cynical on 12-22-2011 at 05:59 PM
    December 12, 2011

    I wish I could remember more of my dream.*

    All I know is that I was on some weird quest and my family kept antagonizing me.*

    There was a part where we were on a base in the ocean. Some guys were fishing, and we heard someone yell "Holy Shit!"*

    We ran outside, and saw a giant splash. I can't remember what the thing was, even though everyone kept repeating the name. It was either a pokemon or another fictional creature.*

    December 17, 2011

    Wasn't much of an interesting dream.*

    I have trouble remembering the first half. There was a giant mountain surrounded by a lake.*
    Before the lake part, I remember being at gamestop with Barry. There were two games we were buying. The first was some cartoon wrestling game, and the second was the Sims. I played the Sims game first, and everyone in it sounded like Beavis and Butthead. I think all the babies kept dying.*

    The wrestling game I played second, and it was awful.*

    The second part was pretty freaky, however. We were in the scout meeting place, for a food pickup thing. *It was extremely bright for some reason. Suddenly the whole scene morphed, and the meeting room was 10 times bigger. It was also very dim. I was sitting across from Kevin, and there was a glass door. (As in you could see everything through it.). Some weird thing kept peering out from a corner behind the door. It had a tuxedo on, but its head seemed to be a piece of string. Kevin wouldn't look behind him.*

    I woke up after that door opened.

    *December 20, 2011

    There's not much from this dream.*

    The very end of it was pretty weird. Basically, there were ten roller coasters...more like ferris wheels. Me and a friend (can't remember who this was) were waiting in line with a girl, about 12. There were only five cars, and they were all occupied.*

    (This dream was set up like plants Vs. Zombies. If you haven't played it, I strongly recommend you do.)

    I was trying to figure out why we were even here, at a pointless ride. When we got to the top, the girl vanished. And then my alarm clock woke me up with some weird chanting song.*

    Out on Town?

    by Cynical on 12-22-2011 at 05:57 PM
    December 9, 2011

    My dream was fun, I suppose.*

    I was in a hotel room with my parents. They were drinking alcohol. I decided to go out on town, but as soon as I walked out the door, who would be in the opposite room but Kevin and his dad? I decided to head on in and hang out with Kevin.*

    But before I walked out, I decided to go on Facebook. I got a friend request from the kid who was a complete jackass to me when i was younger, even coming very close to choking me. Of course, I said yes. Then, there was a knock on the door. He was at the door already. We had a very long discussion about something and we became friends.*

    Then he had a heart attack.*

    (I've had one or two dreams where this kid and I became best friends.)

    Kevin, his dad and I were cruising around town in a limo. I can't remember anything that we did, but it was an amazing night. I got back in at 2 AM. My parents were playing a game with some random old lady, and they told me to go to bed.*

    The next day, Kevin and I decided to go check out a house that was said to be abandoned. It was pure white. As we opened the door, we could hear party noises.*

    Inside, everything was dark brown. Bugs were everywhere. The last thing I remember is Kevin walking out of the bathroom covered in hornets saying, "Don't go in there."

    The second dream was another Skyrim dream.*

    I was with two people, a girl and boy. They were twins, and the girl was pretty cute. We were traveling along the snowy plains when a GIANT green dragon appeared in the middle of the sky.*

    It was called a "Hunting Elder Dragon", and this thing was about the size of a blue whale. We took refuge in an open car.*

    We just sat there in the car, wondering if we could take it down. I decided I should call in my own dragon soon, but first we should attempt to kill it. We all kept shooting fireballs at it. I think its health was almost depleted when it grew back all the way. The twins ran out and promptly got eaten. I stepped out and looked around.*

    There were dozens of dragons flying in circles, like hawks. I figured it was a good time to call my dragon in. Oddly enough, the Hunting Elder Dragon seemed to be gone. I had a feeling that maybe it had split into all of these dragons, gliding around above an icy wasteland.*

    My dragon flew in and started biting apart all the others. After about 20, my dragon transformed into a Hunting Elder Dragon, and I woke up.*