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WILD + DEILD (nap)
I was in a break from sleep and I felt that I was close to SP. I tried to clear my mind for like 20 seconds and then imagined the sliding sensations. I soon felt my body sliding horizontally along the bed. I slid off and was laying on my back on the pile of stuff next to my bed.
I opened my eyes and was in my room. I decided to try and create a new scene. I didn't want to close my eyes so I tried to imagine a scene and didn't pay attention to what I was actually seeing. I thought it would be cool to pilot a helicopter so I visualized a cockpit. I start to see a small tv set with 4 player split screen on it was a heli pilot game (1st person view). It is getting closer and closer and I am trying to eventually enter the game. I start to control the bottom right screen but I can never actually pull it out of the game.
I decide to not go on the game route. I imagine standing next to a helicopter and a scene develops where a bunch of pilots are listening to a briefing before a mission. There is a big map and the head military guy is talking about the plan. The map isn't of anything I recognize. He mentions one area and suddenly speaks in french. He says we don't have a word for that place in English and its going to be intense. I lose the dream before the mission starts.
Again, I am stunned at how accurately my brain can recreate the sensation of petting my old dogs even though I haven't seen them in years. It really feels like that have been living on during the dream. RIP
I awoke briefly in my bed and thought to try and DEILD (there is a chance this was a false-DEILD also). I started to feel strange sensations fairly quickly. Like a general sinking or drifting of my body. I waited for this to fade and pick up again before I attempted standing up.
I was able to stand and open my eyes pretty easily to a stable dream. I walked out side and I was in the Chicago house. I went through the back door and around to the front gate. I saw Cassie outside and she was excited to see me. I pet her for a minute and then let her our the gate with me. She ran along side me and we saw another dog out front. It looked like some hairy white dog that was laying in the grass. My first instinct was the grab Cassie (like we were on a walk in real life) but I let her go realizing it was a dream.
She runs up to the dog, sniffs for a minute, and leaves. I go up and it looks like a golden retriever with half of its hair white and the other half light golden. I touched her and it felt just like Maggie. I knew it was her. She looked somewhat older with her white hair, but it wasn't the normal old-dog look. She looked more majestic. After playing with her for a bit I took Cassie down the road. I had a sudden urge to ride a bike so I looked forward and pretended to feel the sensations of a bicycle. I ran as if I were using pedals. It wasn't working too well and then I saw someone riding a green bike that had 2 small wheels. I decided that would be easier so I grabbed that bike and rode around with Cassie for a bit.
I had a FA and tried to DEILD again. Someone was in the room with me in my dream and it was disrupting my DEILD attempts. I soon wake up for real.
Notes: This was a fairly long dream but I only remember bits. The first dream is unrelated to the lucid one.
Ben, a few other people, and I were loaded onto a school bus and taken to a crazy obstacle course survival place. There were a few options of destinations and one of the most dangerous was chosen for us...the lava world. It had a giant mountain that needed to be scaled. The second the bus stopped we bolted off. I cant recall the first few obstacles but eventually we hit the side of the mountain that needed climbing. It was made of some viscous white foam and I had to struggle not to drown, let alone make upward progress. Eventually I made it to the top and I had to go down this giant ramp. I ended up being launched hundreds of feet and missing my target. After some gaps of memory we made it back to the buses.
The next dream I was sitting in a room with IG, SD, and a few other garage people. I was hanging on some bed and then eventually went on the computer to look something up. SD shared the seat with me and we started to hold each other a little bit. I kissed her on the cheek and she got more into it. Eventually she was sitting behind me and reached around to undo my fly. I put the breaks on because IG was there also and another garage person saw this and helped to separate us.
I left and went into the hallway. I saw two absolutely gorgeous girls and I became lucid. They were two blonde 10's. We had some fun for a little bit and the group came out of the room and started going somewhere. I decided to join them. We started to get attacked by some group of people. I used hand to hand combat to fight them off. After around 3 people I tried to get wolverine claws. I couldn't get them to appear and people kept coming. I would try in the brief moments between enemies. I could pretend I had them and swipe at enemies as if I did. However, I always had to resort to real punches after a bit. It sort of worked once and I had 3 thin black blades spreading outward from between my fingers, but it wasn't very satisfying. I tried to fly over them a few times also, but the roof was low and I could never maintain the correct height to fly over them.
I guided out group to hide in a giant closet. It was pitch black and I was about to ambush a few enemies from there. The group went on and I stopped for a bit. I tried to help my control and repeated the phrase, "I do not exist in a place that does not exist." I decided to try and meditate for a bit. But I was scared to close my eyes. I did it eyes open, but I was in a crowed hallway so it was difficult. I started to walk forward again and I lost the dream.
I was standing on a mini ski slope at night. There were 2 steep but small jumps that spread across the whole run. It looked more like a trough between two sharp bumps. I decide to practice my spins so I jog up a few dozen feet and I find some banana skis. I start sliding right before the jumps and try a 180. I end up completing a 360. I was surprised how easy it was. I go again and land a 180.
I decide to try it with a snowboard so I go looking for boots. I go inside a building where I see a man around 28 years old talking with someone else in the hallway. I slip into the room to my right and it is a gym. I see some boots on the ground, and I know they are his. They have giant laces and I get halfway through putting them on when he walks in. He comments on my using his boots so I take them off.
He then takes me back to where I am supposed to be. I am no longer "me" anymore. I am a young kid around 13 years old. I decide to start being an asshole. (The first thing I did, I forgot.) I then follow the man into another room. There is a guy behind a counter serving snacks. There is a warming light and a metal tray holding a bunch of seeds or some small snack. I grab like 6 and put them in my mouth. I pretend like I don't like them and spit them ferociously back into the tray. That way, they would have the most spread and be the hardest to pick out.
I finally get taken into a classroom. I sit down and the teacher asks for a volunteer for something. No one responds. The guy who brought me here offers me up because I "got out of ____ by ____" (I don't remember)
The dream skips and I become lucid. I decide to go look for some girls. I walk into a room and there is a wedding going on. There are around 60 people here. I make eye contact with two girls and nod at them. They get up silently and follow me across the hall. I start kissing one and insert. After a little bit I look back and she has a really short buzz cut. She is now a dude. I go over the other chick. We make out for awhile but she isn't super hot. I decide I can do better so I go back to the wedding.
I nod at a smoking hot girl. She comes out with me and we start kissing. She wants to put a bag over her head and kiss through it. After the last transforming girl I am pretty skeptical. I ask, "Are you like a vampire or something?" She said no, but did admit to something (I forgot) that led me to go fishing back at the wedding again.
I go back again and something interferes again. I lose the dream.
I am back in the room. I decide the only move left is to go for the bride. I was still being an asshole anyway. I can't just nod the bride away from her wedding so I approach the front. I say that there is an emergency and she has to come outside. I finally get a look at her. She is asian and pretty cute, although not the type of person I usually go for in dreams. Just then the priest says, "If anyone objects , now is the time to speak." I feel like I should have waited for that moment. The bride is reluctant to go with me. I urge her saying it is an emergency. She follows me to my room across the hall. I go in for the kiss. The moment out lips touch, she bites down hard. She then pulls back and yells, "are you kidding me!?" and she slaps me. My lip is really hurting from the bite. I kind of feel like I deserve it. She storms out into the hall where she sees one of her friends approaching her. The friend offers to help. The bride says she is fine but someone will have to call the police.
DILD into DEILD chain (at least 1 false-DEILD)
A few friends and I were running from a killer through some high school. He was a stout Mexican guy. At first we were just running from him and he was just walking after us (classic movie fashion). After trying to trick him around a few corners we got stuck in a small room with him. After finally getting a good look at him, we see him pull out a briefcase of syringes. I throw something at him. I take a piece of cardboard and held it up to him so I could punch him. There were syringes everywhere so I was scared of punching without any protection. We run off again. Eventually I run out of tricks and he is approaching. I finally realize it is a dream and force myself to wake up as he gets close.
I am back in this high school. I go around looking for some girls. I find a few and would fool around with them for a bit. Then as I got close or bored I would move on. After awhile of playing the field I see MaSc. She has a bunch of kids that look identical to her. I go up to her and try to make a move as I lose the dream.
I start the dream laying on a metal table. I roll to my side and feel it to stabilize the dream. It was smooth but didn't feel like metal; it seemed more like ceramic. I decide to try and use some powers this time, as I had my fill of women already. I look at the ceiling and it has those square soft tiles connected by a thin piece of metal in a grid. I use telekinesis and break down 4 of the squares. The underlying metal piece is a lot bigger than real life. I pantomime with my hand and bring it down too. I knew there was other stuff in the ceiling so I stand back and bring it down. A waterfall of material comes down and leaves a huge pile of debris below the hole. I walk under it and look up. There is only the outermost layer of reinforced steel left. I didn't want to be under it so I stand back and try to break it. I imagine the sound of heavy breaking and even make some noises with my mouth. But I can't actually hear me doing any damage. I have to climb through.
I go under the hold and look up. It is still dark; no light is getting through. I super jump into it and look for something to grab. The wall is super flat. As I claw for something I eventually catch a tiny protrusion. It is almost nail thin and nail sharp. I can only hold on with my index finger, but that is all I need. I find a few more and work my way through the top.
I come out into a courtyard. I don't really have any plans but I see a pretty girl standing alone over to my right. I think one more girl can't hurt and go over. She is beautiful up close. She didn't say anything but had piercing eyes and dark hair. I think that because I had to work so hard for her, she would have to be something special. And boy was she. This was the first time I have had sex in a dream that will feel 10 time better than anything in real life (so it may get a bit graphic). Her lips and pussy were both the softest things I have ever felt. And very wet. Her lips (mouth, you perv) were somewhat small width-wise but very full. I only got around 4 thrusts before I was about to finish. I stopped there so I didn't risk any accidents. I just looked at her and lost the dream.
I return to the high school and go looking for her. I go up a ladder and see a girl standing alone against a guard-rail. I go up to her and say, "it's you, isn't it?" She looked a little different but had that same piercing gaze. She didn't respond. I got in close and lost the dream.