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    1. thanks!
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      Welcome back!
    3. last night I did 3 reality checks, and each proved I wasn't dreaming and then I realized this couldn't be real life it was too good to be true. Then I started seeing a bunch of weird stuff flashing before my eyes and woke up.
    4. last night as soon as I was dreaming I realized it but couldn't do any thing. I was sitting somewhere with some wierd liquid running down my leg. I kept telling my self I was dreaming but couldn't get myself to stay lucid I eventually lost lucidity, and went on not knowing I was dreaming.
    5. this time I did a DEILD and woke up as soon as I realized that I was dreaming twice.
    6. I'm actually not sure I don't remember the technique I used but it was probably dild, which is completely random or WILD, or DILD. If it was any of these it was by accident. which is still pretty cool! because I did wake up twice at least before my alarm clock went off. Oh and I said my mantra.
    7. View Conversation
      Well done on the lucid
      Maybe next time you should take some time to stabalize the dream and set goals, but I saw you said you wanted to go wild because it was your first decent length one
      What technique did you use?
    8. in the process of watching inception, will probably start or finish on friday or saturday.
      um it's like what june20 something. I'm not gonna finish watching it.
    9. View Conversation
      Good luck for the DEILD, are you using an alarm, a mantra or do you just wake up? I'm sure you will have luck with DEILD, and if you get it right you can LD easily
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    invisible cheat master

    by dacher2 on 09-07-2011 at 10:53 PM
    dream 1:I was taking a test and the kid who was a bout two feet away from me says that he had an invisible friend giving him all the answers. I didn't believe him. Until the friend made himself visible to me and told me some answers. Thats all I remember.
    dream 2: There was a serial killer delivering books to my school. He was smoking a cigarette and talking to me and some other kids. They started aggravating him but because of special pills he didn't do anything to them. But he sometimes didn't take his pills and would kille people. I don't remember how he did it or how many times he killed in the dream.

    summoning FAIL!

    by dacher2 on 09-05-2011 at 04:25 PM
    dream 1:I was in my house and became lucid, and then stabilized. I started walking around, and decided to leave the house as soon as I did, I tried to fly, but got a high jump. which is progress for me. Then I tried summoning like an earth bender from that old show avatar. Then I tried summoning by using a tecchnique I saw on dreamviews and yelled out what I wanted, no success. Then I "woke up" in my front yard and thought I'd been sleep walking. Then I saw teachers in the next yard over. I hid from them and did an rc, and became lucid and started to attempt flying and summoning again. No success. Then I "woke up" again inside my house in the living room. I did an rc became lucid and woke up. I did an rc again and I was really awake this time.
    dream 2: I was in a real game of zombies but I was a pokemon. The dream ended and I woke up when I died.
    That was really good for one night. But my control still needs work.:lol:

    15th lucid.

    by dacher2 on 09-04-2011 at 07:23 PM
    1st dream: there was this guy who came to our class and started teaching us about condoms. The entire time me and some other kids were making jokes about it. He dropped a few condoms and we took a few. when we were walking out the door to go to our next class I did an RC by checking my fingers they were pretty normal, I went lucid anyways and started making out with the closest pretty girl. Then went on to the next class. There a girl complained her computer was not working and I said " Who cares if it isn't working THIS IS A DREAM!" I then picked up the computer and was about to throw it on the ground and break it when the teacher came in and said " No it's not a dream these computers just aren't working." I then did a reality check and my hands still looked pretty normal. This made me think that I might not be dreaming and to see if I was or not I closed my eyes and tried to wake up. I did.It was a stupid idea I realized when I woke up. I tried to fly a few times but couldn't and tried flipping a switch to turn gravity off didn't work. I was just grateful I could move in this one though.
    BTW: could anyone help me out I'm lazy when It comes to writing in my journal as soon as I wake up I could use some hints on getting myself out of bed, and sometimes when my alarm clock goes off I just don't bother with the journal right next to it even though I have plenty of time in the mornings before school to write in it,10-20 minutes usually. any help?

    lucid, zero control

    by dacher2 on 08-28-2011 at 08:38 PM
    1st dream: I was In my backyard and music started to play in the country club near the subdivision I live in. The kids around me started to dance. I didn't. The band was wearing face paint and started playing the wrong songs. thats all I remember frrom it.
    2nd dream lucid: The school bus was stuck at the the school until like 10 o'clock for some reason. When I got on it I started thinking about lucid dreaming and reality checks. Then I said "I oughta do one of those right now!" I went lucid and decided to try to get to dremviews academy, and made the bus start flying. But couldn't move my limbs, and could barely keep my eyes open. So I decided to move one limb at a time. It was hard. I got frustrated and closed my eyes. When I opened them I was awake and tried to fall back asleep into the dream ( a technique I've actually started to get good at) but was unsuccesful this time.

    Alot To Say...

    by dacher2 on 08-24-2011 at 09:37 PM
    first off I've come back after breaking my dry spell. I had two lucids last night. Both DILD. I 'll tell you all about it.
    1st dream. I was in what looked like a room somewhere in my school. The walls were pink, yet almost red. There were necromorphs coming in from the cieling. (necromorphs are a type of zombie from a game called dead space) I was using guns from call of duty to kill them. After about 6 kills I somehow ended up in my house and the teacher in the room had turned into my mother. Everyone was starting to go to sleep which upset me because it was not safe to go to sleep in a zombie infested area. don't remember anything after that.

    2nd dream: I was going to school on a unicycle or a icycle and I almost hit the front of this red car. once we both stoppped the underage driver got out and gave me a high five and walked off. I continued to school. There I realized that I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be in the 5th or 6th grade, (I'm in the 8th) so I left after a while. Then I went to a middle school. where I saw Alot of familiar faces and then thos one girl came up to me and starting saying provocative things like I could have her way with her if I wanted to. I decided to put my hand on her hip and she took it off and said she was kidding. Then I don't know how, but I ended up in the krusty krab and went lucid. There was a pile of gold I jumped into it and tried to use my powers by lifting a cell phone without touching it. It took me a few tries. Then I realized I ha little control here. Then I went to Where Mr. krabs house used to be and did a reality check to make sure I was still dreaming. There were two giant flys on the remnants of his house. One was dead and the other was trying to fix it, and was spraying webs. eventually I woke up.

    dream3: once I woke up it was 2 minutes before my alarm clock went off, I tried going back to sleep but the clock went off before that. I went to the bathroom and when I looked in the mirror I looked wierd and so did the other stuff in the mirror and I became lucid. The first thing I did was jump ouy of the nearest window to fly but landed on my head. But there fore some reason was the strange addition to my house with a couch in it that I landed on. Once I landed on the couch I reality checked and stabilized the dream by rubbing my hands and then the dream got less fuzzy. But I got that feeling I always do when I'm falling in a dream. It's a painful yet ticklish feeling in my stomach that scared me and for the first time I didn't wake up when I felt it. I tired again to jump out of the window and fly and failed again.

    I know there was more to this lucid because it lasted at least 3 minutes but I can't remember more because I've been slacking when It comes to writing in my journal lately.

    I had no control in these lucids any advice would be cool.

    Updated 08-24-2011 at 09:44 PM by dacher2
