• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between dacher2 and Vengeance

    6 Visitor Messages

    1. Yo,
      Well done on the lucid
      Maybe next time you should take some time to stabalize the dream and set goals, but I saw you said you wanted to go wild because it was your first decent length one
      What technique did you use?
    2. I just had an awesome lucid it was really long it didn't end until after I accidentally closed my eyes opened them and was in the real world. so that's completely something that can be easily. YES!!!!! PROGRESS!! read my dream journal to see how it went down.
    3. just remembered 2.5 dreams in one night YEAYUH
    4. Good luck for the DEILD, are you using an alarm, a mantra or do you just wake up? I'm sure you will have luck with DEILD, and if you get it right you can LD easily
    5. I'm trying DEILD tonight. Wish me luck
    6. please be my mentor!
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6