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    Video Game Related Dreams

    by DisksOnQuasar on 12-12-2024 at 08:16 PM
    Dec 12

    Before getting into the dreams I'll note that I woke up with the intention of doing SSILD, but fell asleep way too fast. I seem to be falling asleep much easier these days, so I should probably increase the time I spend awake during WBTB. The day before I regularly preformed RC's, but they were short ones since I was low on energy.

    💤- Multiple Video Game based dreams. The first I remember was Minecraft. I spawned in a forested area near a tent-like structure. I remember after looking around a bit I tried showing arrows at this alien thing with long limbs. It was tall and orange. After running out of arrows, I hit it until it died. Just the the spaceship thing it was on started to chase me. It looked like a golden blocky head with a turkey on top that controlled the direction of it. Once I was far enough from it that it couldn’t detect me, I walked around and marveled about how good the updates were since I’d last played. A structure I remember being in awe at was a giant igloo. I also thought that I felt much more immersed in this game than I normally did (probably since I was literally in the game). I eventually ended up going to a pirate ship and that’s where my memory ends.

    💤 - I was walking around a carnival trying different stalls. Remember a dark purple colour that I believe was the colour of most of the stands and tents.

    💤 - Another dream I remember was much more dungeon like. I remember going into different rooms through different passages in this giant maze-like building. At one point I ended up in this pond area that was closed off from the rest of the room with walls, and almost lost all my health because of a monster I almost couldn’t kill.

    After that, I went through another passage to this dark room with multiple strange structures and objects in it. The first took up maybe a sixth of the room and was against a corner. It was a structure with two levels. The first was built up of two walls and a staircase that led to the second floor but nothing else. The second floor was open to the rest of the room, and had what looked like a tiny town on the railing surround the floor.

    The next structure I looked at I don't remember well, but I walked up a ramp and slid something into place that made a big cube next to me start glowing.

    The cube was a head or two taller than me and equally as wide. There was a doorway with jagged sides that allowed access into the inside of the cube. The whole thing glowed purpled, and two blue lines stood out on the outside of the cube. Upon closer inspection they looked line the beginning to lines in the app 'Flow Free', with a circle marking that start. I then noticed that the entire outside and inside were made of squares with line on them, and that I had to rotate these pieces so they continued the light blue lines until they reached their end point. At some point these switched form rotating pieces to puzzle pieces I could take apart and put back on.

    Around this time I also head the voice of a mocking little girl. It filled be with a sense of unease, and upon searching for the sound I found it came from a black cat. I watched as it spoke to me, and a part of me knew it wasn't actually a cat.

    When I solved a separate puzzle inside the cube, the little town that sat on the balcony began to glow, and I knew form a clue I saw earlier (I believe it was a picture of the same town that had one house with the lights on) that the next part of this puzzle room lay there. I unfortunately didn't get to continue, since I woke up by this point.

    One last detail I found interesting was that everything in the room was a darkened gold colour, until it was activated as a puzzle and began to glow. the only exception to this was the purple and light blue of the cube.