About dmorgan
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- Biography:
- Quiet, reserved, and kind. Deeply passionate, sensitive, and easily hurt. Loving and dedicated to those close to them. Creative, original, and imaginative. Curious and flexible in small matters. Nonconforming.
INFP (introversion, intuition, feeling, perception).
Yup that's me.
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- NewZealand
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- Illinois, United States
- Occupation:
- Graphic Designer
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- Male
- How you found us:
- My brother, morgs
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View dmorgan's Dream Journal
dmorgan on 02-19-2014 at 04:18 PM
I was walking with a group of people outdoors. I think Mum was leading the group, but I'm not too sure. I remember asking where Lake Taupo was, and suddenly it appeared to my right. It was big and it was quite choppy out on the water. This looked nothing like the real Lake Taupo in New Zealand. We walked around it for a while and I looked back to where we had come from. I saw some hills, and it was a clear day.
dmorgan on 06-23-2013 at 03:15 AM
My family and I were staying in a big, old house for some reason. There were other people there that I didn't know, strange kids. One girl walked around holding a big brightly coloured blanket behind her, dragging it on the ground.
That night, I was in the bedroom asleep, face down. I was awoken the sound of something being dropped onto the table next to the bed. I then heard a curious sounding male voice that was very clear, and sounded like it was in my head. He said "you have a delivery from a mysterious dark figure... a familiar old man". Then I turned and saw three tightly wrapped objects in a pile on my side table. They were shaped like dinner rolls. I watched as a tiny white orb like thing left the room out the door way.
I didn't open the wrapped objects in the dream, but there were three of them.
dmorgan on 02-08-2013 at 04:34 PM
I had lots of short dreams, some were clearer than others. This is what I remember clearly.
I was at my local Walmart and saw Nick, a childhood friend but he didn't notice me. He was near the entrance and just looking past me, not directly at me, with a confused kind of look on his face. He also had a wild beard which was strange.
The next part I remember is standing outside a holiday home we used to stay in at a place called Moana in New Zealand. It was a sunny day and I was talking with my family, enjoying the mountains around me. The mountains were slightly different though; there were more of them and the layout was a bit different.
dmorgan on 01-19-2013 at 06:59 PM
I was in an underground facility of some sort with "someone". There was concrete everywhere and it was dark and seemed damp.
I remember walking up a ramp and looking through vertical windows in a very large door and seeing what looked like reactors, glowing green. They had honeycomb patterns and windows on them and in the windows, the green glow was more intense. They looked like half spheres sitting on the floor.
I then remember walking past three or four incubators with babies in them. Alive, but not moving. The incubators were more advanced than a regular hospital one, with lots of lights and gadgets everywhere. One of these babies was huge, I would say four feet long.
After seeing these the dream ended.