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    reading, watching movies and TV shows, hanging out with friends, snowboarding
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    All our best men are laughed at in this nightmare land -- Jack Kerouac


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    Recent Entries

    Chased by a Dictator

    by DocHoliday on 12-04-2012 at 08:53 PM

    I am in some kind of fort sneaking across ropes to get from ledge to ledge. I cut them down after I cross so no one can follow me
    I come across all these people in this cove area on a bridge spanning the gap. I instinctively know they are bad so I cut the rope and they fall into the water below. The ones not on the bridge start to chase me. I run through a landscape that looks like something out of Aladdin. I come to a spiral staircase and slide down the rail to get away from the angry mob. For some reason I know the one shouting at me is an evil dictator. I meet a girl at the bottom of the stairwell who just smiles and gives me a shiny old school key. I don't know if this is the same girl that always helps me with my conjuring or not because I was in a hurry. I use the key to open a door that leads into an old arcade. I shove one machine against the door after I lock it so no one can follow me inside. I know somehow this is the headquarters fo the resistance. Whatever the fuck that means. I wake up.

    2nd Dream
    I am vaguely lucid. Things are not very clear. I try to use telekinesis on a pillow to freak out a lady that is irritating me. I started floating instead which still did the trick. I was then able to toss the pillow through a window with telekinesis, but that wasn't what I was aiming for. Very weird.


    by DocHoliday on 12-04-2012 at 08:47 PM

    My brother is laying out by a pool in a storm. I have to go save him. A snake is about to bite him. I go to pick him up and the snake bits me on the throat. Son of a bitch. Wake

    My cousin invites a bunch of Amish people to his thanksgiving dinner. I am super drunk and cussing at everyone. The Amish are not thrilled.
    My two buddies Robby and Quentin get into a fight because somehow they are mortal enemies. I break it up.

    Stopped a robbery at a gas station. Everyone was speaking a different language than me. For some reason I think I was supposed to be in Brazil.

    I dive into a lake and can't find the surface. I realize I am dreaming and start breathing. I breath underwater and swim down. There is some sort of under water fort. I sneak around through it but don't see any crazy creatures. I go back outside on the castle walls and see an army of mermaid like fish people assembled outside the gates to the castle. I use some kind of force push with my voice and the are all sent head over heels out of my line of sight.
    lucid , dream fragment

    Bizarre Christmas Party

    by DocHoliday on 12-04-2012 at 08:40 PM

    1st Dream
    It is christmas at my grandparents house. Things are going pretty normal. I am lucid but not making anything really crazy happen because I am having a good time. I haven't got to spend Christmas with my whole huge family in a long time so it was fun to do. We are in my grandparents basement playing games. My cousin shows up late and wants to spread some christmas cheer. I'm down for that so we all go out caroling in the neighborhood although the only song we sing is Jingle Bell Rock. We do this for a while then head back to the house. It is snowing as we get back. My cousin says he wants to spread more Christmas cheer and I ask him how he wants to do that. He shows me sculptures of the heads of our family members who have died in the past 10 year. He wants to presenent them to the whole family. I luckily persuade him this is a terrible idea and we just rejoin the party.

    Later on everyone at the party starts giving me shit for no reason. I have lost lucidity at this point. I get really pissed at everyone because if this. For some reason now my buddy Kyle is there and he has a stolen weed plant he says he got from the neighbors yard. My mom does not approve. Everyone lines up to take a christmas picture and for some reason we decide the best way would be for everyone to do headstands. There were almost 40 of us there. I wish I had that picture for real.
    lucid , non-lucid

    Bunch of Randoms

    by DocHoliday on 12-04-2012 at 08:32 PM

    1st Dream
    I start off with a false awakening. My brother (who I do not live with) is in my room shaking me. At first I can't understand what he is saying. My parents burst into the room and start yelling at him for not doing his homework. Typical. I start to go through my old routine and actually wake up.

    2nd Dream
    I am in a garage and I become lucid. I decide I would really like to drive some sort of really fast car. I open the garage door and there is some crazy looking sports car sitting in the driveway. I get in and start to drive. When I get up a little bit of speed I think to myself, "there's no way you are gonna make that turn at this speed" and I didn't. Crash and burn. Damn self conscious

    3rd Dream
    I am at my grandparents house in their front yard and I am already lucid when the dream begins. I decide to try some summoning but cant manage to reach into my own pockets and pull out a pistol as I had hoped. I don't know why I always try to summon weapons. I guess summoning a lollipop or something seems a little underwhelming. Anyway I can't do it, but there is a girl DC that has been standing in the yard with me the whole time. She smiles at me and hands me a pistol. I shoot at mailboxes and then a deer. The deer turns to look at me, has the head of a girl, hisses, and runs away down the street. Fuckin weird. Next we go inside and my grandparents have a litter of puppies. I start petting them and naming them. They felt so real with heartbeats and all. Very vivid lucid. I wake up.

    4th Dream
    I am at SAMs club following a girl DC who is leading me through the aisles. She loses me and I decide to fly up to the ceiling to look for her. For some reason I can't do it and the dream starts to fade. I kneel down and touch the floor to try to maintain the dream. The floor changes into this fancy mosaic tile with amazing texture. I float off the floor and I am no longer in SAMs. I have no idea where I was anymore. The entire ground as far as the eye could see was covered in these multicolored mosaic tile pictures. I just floated along looking at them and it was incredible.

    5th Dream
    Short Lucid
    I become lucid in a strange building, kinda like a furniture store or something. I decide to try to walk up walls again to see if I can get better at it. I walk up the wall easily this time, but my perception of gravity changes to where the wall has become the source of gravity and everything in the store, including people, crashes to the wall I am standing on, which becomes the new floor. I awake right after that. Kinda cool though.

    Bunch of Randoms

    by DocHoliday on 12-04-2012 at 08:32 PM

    1st Dream
    I start off with a false awakening. My brother (who I do not live with) is in my room shaking me. At first I can't understand what he is saying. My parents burst into the room and start yelling at him for not doing his homework. Typical. I start to go through my old routine and actually wake up.

    2nd Dream
    I am in a garage and I become lucid. I decide I would really like to drive some sort of really fast car. I open the garage door and there is some crazy looking sports car sitting in the driveway. I get in and start to drive. When I get up a little bit of speed I think to myself, "there's no way you are gonna make that turn at this speed" and I didn't. Crash and burn. Damn self conscious

    3rd Dream
    I am at my grandparents house in their front yard and I am already lucid when the dream begins. I decide to try some summoning but cant manage to reach into my own pockets and pull out a pistol as I had hoped. I don't know why I always try to summon weapons. I guess summoning a lollipop or something seems a little underwhelming. Anyway I can't do it, but there is a girl DC that has been standing in the yard with me the whole time. She smiles at me and hands me a pistol. I shoot at mailboxes and then a deer. The deer turns to look at me, has the head of a girl, hisses, and runs away down the street. Fuckin weird. Next we go inside and my grandparents have a litter of puppies. I start petting them and naming them. They felt so real with heartbeats and all. Very vivid lucid. I wake up.

    4th Dream
    I am at SAMs club following a girl DC who is leading me through the aisles. She loses me and I decide to fly up to the ceiling to look for her. For some reason I can't do it and the dream starts to fade. I kneel down and touch the floor to try to maintain the dream. The floor changes into this fancy mosaic tile with amazing texture. I float off the floor and I am no longer in SAMs. I have no idea where I was anymore. The entire ground as far as the eye could see was covered in these multicolored mosaic tile pictures. I just floated along looking at them and it was incredible.

    5th Dream
    Short Lucid
    I become lucid in a strange building, kinda like a furniture store or something. I decide to try to walk up walls again to see if I can get better at it. I walk up the wall easily this time, but my perception of gravity changes to where the wall has become the source of gravity and everything in the store, including people, crashes to the wall I am standing on, which becomes the new floor. I awake right after that. Kinda cool though.